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Naughty piglet looking for clan

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11 years ago
I'm looking for a clan to join.

My expectations:
1] At least 3 active experienced players (1800+ ELO, timezone GMT+1 EU)
2] HIGHLY COOPERATIVE! That means players use voice communication often (mumble, teamspeak, skype...) and they actually understand that this is a team game
3] Four legs optional

/ or /

I'm looking for experienced and active english speaking players to form a new clan. Unconditional team cooperation, preferably with voice, microphone is a must be.

PM me
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11 years ago
We can try find you a spot in Mean clan if you want:D...but we use tons of labels instead of speaking program.Will you agree?...you have me and Saabir+ Klon if he comes back with constant playing
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11 years ago
Well, thats a tempting offer. If you or some of you could get a microphone, that would be great.
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well pirates are not active nor organized, and we dont mumble. so i cant offer you anything more (than you might have a YOLO). but we are trustworthy!

be on guard of the evil reds if you join them!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Was it not Liberty that promised Empire a load of stuff in return for some planets and took the planets without giving Empire anything?
+0 / -0
There we go.

No. (answer valid for the last 3 (or 4?) rounds of PW, since im am around).
We consequently fight Empire/Saktoth with no hidden hate or promises. I thought that was common knowledge. Go out and beat your intel guys because they lie.

we had some minor unhandyness last PW round, but see for yourself: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/3286 . reminds me, why did i stop hating vulte ? ;)

this is so offtopic.
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11 years ago
mojjj planet wars is OVER.....so we start fresh now...new politics...new relations:D.So dont worry if you join the reds:)), we are meannnnnnnnnnnnnn.
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11 years ago
hating people in advance saves time. ;)

B-B-But i suggest you do not reinforce any already powerful clanstacks in a faction. try your luck in empire or ascended (and/or find active people to join you there if needed).
+0 / -0

11 years ago
no buts:P...just action
+0 / -0
Should you decide that Mean Machines are not for you, there's always Mumble Clan. We're relatively small and of 4 1800+ elo players only 2 are active, at most, but that might change anytime.

I'm not sure how cooperative we are. My goal when creating the clan was to advertise the mumble server and to offer interested players cooperation far beyond the current average, but there's no rule yet as to how competitive and organized members have to be.

That said, I really suggest Mean Machine gives voice communication a serious try. When done right it's much more efficient than markers and chat, simply because voice chat does not clutter the UI and allows team members to provide information without taking away apm (eg to type, to zoom to a location, or click on markers). Don't be afraid of bad pronunciation, if people don't understand you they'll let you know. You can always stop.
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11 years ago
I agree, mumble boosts team performance greatly. 1+1 =3
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11 years ago
Everytime I join mumble its empty or 1-2 afk ppl inside.
Once I saw Licho inside but I got scared and left.
+0 / -0
you could join the trolls!

we are all in the top 10 of spring players, and we have epic coop skills, and we are trolls (mandatory requirement)

well i guess we arent a clan per se... were more like a groop of like minded individuals with a mutual understanding that we want to lose by dieing in great balls of fire
+0 / -0
11 years ago
you could join the trolls!

in order to join the trolls you must become a troll, think like a troll, act like a troll, troll like a troll
and find creative uses for newtons xD
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