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[Suggestion] AFK/Leaver/Lagger Rating

9 posts, 1387 views
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11 years ago
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?

A feature where all players will get an afk/leaver rating. And if the rating gets too high they will be temporarily prevented from playing games. (I don't see why spectating would be dissallowed) With a friendly message similar to Dota or LoL that says to fix their connection/PC

Basically if this doesn't make sense, Im just thinking of how Dota or LoL deals with leavers/afk

What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
- Make playing zerok more enjoyable and compliment the balance/elo system
What Zero-K design goal helps it fulfill?
- An enjoyable game experience

Google Code Feature Request Link:

Google code issue number: 1952
+1 / -1
11 years ago
Sometimes, when a game goes past 30 min the combination of units+grids(shieldd and E)+terra I have to leave because I am effectively lagged out even on maps where I usually have no problems

I try to play smaller games/maps but it is often not possible, how would this feature take this into account?

Also, will it affect joining 1v1, FFA and trololo games ?
+3 / -0
11 years ago
Nah, i think the community is too small to implement such an automatic system. I think the community is so small that administrators can manage it. Just report players who leave a lot of times and after few reports from few people i think they will consider banning him anyways.
+1 / -1

11 years ago
i have family, so the priorities are clear. im away for some minutes for fixing late night emergencies and come back afterwards. i cannot change this. in this case, the afk-handling is advantageous. but the team suffers ofc. this would help the team, but punish me. sounds fair.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
You guys are right, I suppose it really comes down to how serious you want to take the game when you play it. maybe this is too early to be practical . If the game becomes more competitive perhaps it would be more relevant.

Thanks for the constructive feed back guys.
+5 / -0
+1 for liberally accepting negative feedback.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
This is not DoTA, if all my allies quit I can keep playing and my chance of winning actually goes up.

Consolidating the metal into one person who can focus their army if they are competent enough can increase the chance of winning, leaving/dropping is not a big deal in ZK.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
Yeah Ill just make sure I get a player who can handle all that metal and power all at once in every game I play Saktoth :)
+0 / -0
In a standard game most players over 1800 or so can do this.

Unless we only pushing high elo players for leaving if there are no higher elo players to take their stuff....

It's not even all elo though, if you cannot handle the more % metal income you need to start playing more comet catcher or such. There will come a time due to a superfusion or whatever that you will get a huge spike in metal, you must know how to use your nanos and manage multiple factories when this happens.
+0 / -0