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Sunrise Episode 4C - A Link to the Past

By MYrankAdminHistidine
Ada engages in a deadly race with the Valhallans to find the modern-day lost city, the Central Consciousness.

Players: 1
Map: Iceland_v1
Game:Zero-K v1.4.10.2
Created:11 years ago
Changed: 8 years ago (revision 203)
Played: 409 times
Rated: 7 times
Rating: Your vote:
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11 years ago
A reminder: For those interested in the story, please use the campaign interface :)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Why are multiple missions available at once in the campaign interface? Can they be played in any order without breaking the story?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
There are two mini-campaigns that are simply tutorials, and one branching incidence where you decide whether you want to fight machines or chickens.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
central consciousness... where i have hear that before...
+0 / -0
Not a very easy mission, quite fit for the sixth level :)

Now, go up to eleven.

There could still be some sounds during the intro, it always gives such a weird feel with the total silence.

Also, i only realized i had a dgun on third attempt, because otherwise message disappeared before i saw it (even while being in such an annoying place). Maybe there could be some other way to convey similar information, in the campaign interface, not ingame?
+0 / -0
11 years ago

Most V attacks were tanked by invulnerable artefact. Some that managed to move around it were tanked by razor protected by the free shield and promtly dgunned. I planned to terra a wall around the razor in case shit hits the fan but it wasn't even needed.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
but it wasn't even needed.

... or allowed. Terraforming is a locked tech in this one.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I could use it for some reason.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Just checked, and it's enabled 0_O

I could swear it wasn't before when i wanted to terraform a bridge to take mex on island. And, really, it shouldn't be.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I disable terraform on all my missions as a matter of principle. Guess I forgot to do it this time, heh.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Also, i still hold these opinions about commander:
- should be cremcomm, because cremcomm is not used, but is amazing.
- should be the cremcomm, which has an obvious cabin intended for a piloted mech.
- should not be armcom, because armcom is arm.
- upgrades should be either a consistent linear progression, or it should somehow be explained, why in one mission i can rez, and in next i have a dgun, but can't rez 0_0
- ideal case would be some campaign-specific comm upgrade sheet, but that's kinda hard to ask.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Why disable terraform? It's such a great but underused tool.

We should have a mission that relies on and explains how to use it.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
because it's not the mission that teaches terraforming, and because CAI has no idea how to deal with it.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I am really struggling with this one, any tips?
I never have enough spam to counter the wave of snipers.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Proper way: kill enemy constructors and metal extractors that they will be building, and make your own instead. This way they won't have that many snipers in the first place.

Cheap way: just build a lot of razor kisses to absorb sniper shots and distract other enemies while stingers mow down anything that comes close.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Proper way: kill enemy constructors and metal extractors that they will be building, and make your own instead. This way they won't have that many snipers in the first place.

Won't actually work; the snipers (all the enemy cloakbot units, really) are given for free. (They do cut down on the number of hovers, though.) Also, quite annoyingly, I've pretty much never succeeded in running them down with Bandits like you'd expect.

Area shield does slow them down quite a bit though, and each can only kill one unit every 15 seconds at the fastest, so if you have enough stuff it won't matter. You only need to hold out for about ten minutes total, after all.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I do remember running the bastards down, though. What really plagued me were the hammers, because there were too many and too often to do a succesful sortie each time.
+0 / -0
The mission's name discovered to carry yet another meaning:

Cremcom links to the past by using an ancient artefact that is the Armcom wreck.

Another issue is that despite Ada's death I could successfully complete the mission. Emperor Conrad would be proud of his late auxiliary; MORAL VICTORY!
+0 / -0
10 years ago
This mission is very easy on 0.5 speed.

Your allied income means you can start building a fusion ASAP, then go expand as your ally gets attacked to maintain the eco advantage.

I set my first fac to assist itself with two convicts and repeat bandits on patrol to the area on the right side of the artifact; this is where your ally has the fewest defenses, and where the enemy will attack from the most. Constant skirmishing by your sacrficial bandit spam stops enemy encroachment.
The spam train of bandits will auto-capture the artifact as they walk through the capture zone.

After expanding, i set my second fac to assist itself with two convicts and spam alternating Rogues and Vandals to patrol the same area as the bandit spam. The Rogues deal with maces and warriors, the Vandals deal with the gunship spam.

Keep Ada's Commander away from the civilian base, for that will trigger the enemy to bombard the artifact, then swarm the artifact with all of their units at once.
+0 / -0
yeah can't say I'm too happy with this mission. You start out in a corner contained by warriors and zeus which WILL kill all your units or your commander if you don't bait them and dgun, and then your enemy gets hovers and planes and gunships and you can't even build freaking racketeers to fight the penetrator spam? no thanks I quit.

edit: well that was freaking difficult. Bandit/rogue/aspis spam seems to be the only thing that keeps ally alive long enough that it can be helpful. In which case it takes all the mexes so you can't really build very much except maybe some porc next to the artefact.
+0 / -0
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