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Why is my play abysmal?

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11 years ago
I used to play at top20 level and was the #10 with over 1900 1v1 elo at one point. Since then I appear to have become worse and worse and my win rate has continuously fallen. I feel like I am playing even worse than I did a few months ago when I had 1650 elo. In my recent battles I felt like I was winning or at least not losing but then I suddenly lose. The games I am specifically talking about are:
Often I don't expand enough but I don't think that is the problem that is killing me. Am I not using the units that unbalance fights in my favor like ticks and roaches? Am I not raiding enough? I think the problem is in my unit composition mainly, but I am not sure.
+0 / -0
the higher you rise, the deeper you fall.

i can feel with you, i was team elo at rank 9 for quite some time, not just a 1day spike - but fell in the last weeks under rank 30 which i consider a quite big loss.

maybe its time to change the style to play, my current one seems to have hit a limit. seems the community has learned about skuttles (meaning the average lolsized team players)


still having fun though, wtf is that elo thing and who cares?
+0 / -0
* lights the cigar *

Maybe it's that you keep asking questions that you then answer yourself, instead of actually doing much about implementing the answers.

Maybe all you need is to do that CCR macro challenge to remind you of what things are really important.

That is the challenge.

1) You start on CCR, or on "catcher 2" (if you want it darker and edgier)
2) With a junior commander.
3) Against 3 CAI.
4) You only use the following mobile units: Mason, Dart, Scorcher, Slasher, Leveler, Ravager, Crasher.
5) You are allowed to use all buildings in the Econ tab.
6) You are forbidden to build any units from the Defense tab.
7) The only unit you are allowed to build from Special tab is basic radar.
8) Defeat that 3 times in a row. That is the mission.

If you fail, you probably just let your macro get too rusty, and your APM too slow. Try again. That is the way.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I feel like it's mostly still macro. You get these occasional games where you macro quite well, but most of the times it seems to be the main thing holding you back.

Secondly, you haven't been using gunship switches enough imo. That used to always be a scary thing when playing against you. Maybe you should bring that back?
+1 / -0
I feel like I am playing even worse than I did a few months ago when I had 1650 elo.

There's your reason.

+13 / -0

11 years ago
Right, having a scary logotype next to your nickname shouldn't be excuse to relax!
+0 / -0

11 years ago

FIranksprang won the thread.
+3 / -0
By a few months I meant more like 5 months. When I joined GBC I was playing near my best with about 1875 1v1 elo.
+0 / -0
Ugh, that actually makes the FIranksprang hypothesis even more sound.
+2 / -0
don't know if you have actually become worse
but in fact there are now active players in 1v1 who are pretty good and were not present 5 months ago (sleeping/busy/notZKborn)
i used to be in top10 back then, and now I am struggling not to get out of top20

So in my case, i'd say it's a mix of having become worse and these "new" players. Maybe it's the same than your case.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
seems quite normal to me to have streaks like that. i think thats mostly psychological, the more it bothers you that you play bad the less fun you have and the worse you gonna play.
+4 / -0
"Be careful of what you are whishing for"

Everybody wants a larger community. OK, but then as ESrankElTorero said, you get more competition and got pushed out of the top 10/20 and so on ^^
+1 / -0
11 years ago
the more it bothers you that you play bad the less fun you have and the worse you gonna play.

Play like shit (silly rushes and stuff) till you get down enough in the ladder not to give a shit.
+2 / -0
"The remedy to warlok day is warlok play".

Like countering firewalkers with roaches.

And winning while doing so.
+5 / -0

11 years ago
In my recent battles I felt like I was winning or at least not losing but then I suddenly lose.

FEAR the feeling that is a "lack of fear". Never assume you are winning, or even doing well. Assume that your opponent is always a step ahead, with nasty tricks up his sleeve. This keeps you sharp, prepared for unexpected attacks. And it keeps you thinking of ways to keep expanding, keep harassing, and keep trying to pull ahead.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I feel your pain sponge, I've fallen off the top 50 because of my poor play. I got to the top 20 at one point, although that was only like for a week until I went back to like 25 or so.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Hmm, your losing streak started when you became an admin, right? Have you adjusted to game changes yet? Maybe you still play exactly the same way as back then. Are you focusing too much on perfecting a certain buildorder instead of adapting to the current map/situation as much as possible?

EErankAdminAnarchid, beating 3 CAIs on CCR with Slasherspam is not that big of a challenge.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I hit this same hump when I stopped playing regular and got rusty.. it dosn't take much degredation to break your mechanics and force you to apply actual thought to the basic processes when the best players dont even think about it
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I tried the CCR macro challenge and I am pretty sure it isn't possible. You are against 3 times your start metal, your enemy can have 3 different factories, 3 different start positions for more metal with no defenses, no Ecell, and no tech switches. The CAIs FORCE you to defend or you will have your expansion wiped out. You cant contain them at the start because they are everywhere and have 3x your resources. Constant raiding doesn't work because the bots don't fear it at all. They will just do the same to you but they can do it better because you have the no defenses handicap.
+1 / -0
Well, my playstyle always was inferior. But my tactics is defence with units. Much skirmishers, and much raiders. Why? Because it defends greatly aganist raids. You got raided on position with your 3 skirm and 5 raider? Well, you may lose 2 raiders at best, and you kill 4 to 5 raiders. Reclaim. Rinse and repeat with more units untill assaultspam comes to map. At this point i mostly got outecoed and die. Why? Cuz i do not expand. That is my main sin.
And ATM i seek an option to make a tutorial vid for newbs that explains Classes of units. NullAI does not work cuz it is NullAI, and CAI can be bit of problem :)
+0 / -0
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