I was no complaining about loosing and I am always trying to help many times with moderate success (when I don't get killed myself :P). I am just saying that people could probably learn better if they are guided properly and have time, not if they need to read 1 message written by someone who is doing a lot of other things. Yes, you can try to explain, yes, you can help them, but in the end, the smaller the map the faster they loose and they do not get why...

Kyubey: You give yourself as an example, but how many players gave up spring because they did not know how to play it and got frustrated by being killed fast? Given the numbers of players is rather constant but I have always seen beginners, I can imagine, that the retention ratio is rather small. Next thing you will tell me is that the "unlocks" system is bad because a newbie can not make a bantha...
In my view the biggest problems with tutorials (imposed or not) is the fact that anyhow they are not many available and somebody has to make them.