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New players training/smurf reduction

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11 years ago
I have seen many new players lacking basic knowledge of the game (economy, unit types, etc.). There are also people that make new accounts and unbalance games.

Would it be a good idea to impose that in order to play on (official server) team games you should pass some "tutorial" missions? This should not apply to private games, or chicken or 1v1, so new players can still "play directly" if they want. If the tutorial missions take like 1-2 hours to finish (10 minutes per factory and it would take even more ;) ) , this would seriously annoy smurfs (or, maybe, train them better :P).
+0 / -0
People have talked about this before, and apparently it would reduce player numbers. The problem is that people whine about nubs but don't want to do anything about it. Whenever I do !move Platinum everyone votes no. The nubs should learn in 1v1 but they don't want to, they pile into the 10v10 room like everyone else and get raged at while learning nothing. If people want better trained nubs they should encourage 1v1.

I don't think smurfs are really a problem as they never last long before being banned.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I have seen some discussion, just did not see this specific proposal.

I agree that 1v1 is "scary" and it would not encourage players. Also, not allowing people to play directly is not going to help either. But not allowing them to play on certain hosts (without a training or any other measures like 10 1v1 games players, or 10 chicken games played) will probably improve the experience for everybody (my opinion, ofc).

+0 / -0
=.= not this again

ill put it simply
whenever you lose its not the nubs fault, its yours

you did not single handedly slay the whole enemy team thus you are a failure

remember that, also i wouldnt have even picked up zk if it had a 12 MINUTE tutorial let alone a 120 minute(ie 2hr) long one...
+3 / -0
11 years ago
Just gotta be more friendly and helpful to new players in the teams room. Can't be so hard. When new players feel safe and welcome, they'll learn. When new players are afraid and feel unsecure, they won't learn.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Just gotta be more friendly and helpful to new players in the teams room. Can't be so hard.

You would think so, but for a lot of people it seems to be asking too much.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I like tutorials.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I was no complaining about loosing and I am always trying to help many times with moderate success (when I don't get killed myself :P). I am just saying that people could probably learn better if they are guided properly and have time, not if they need to read 1 message written by someone who is doing a lot of other things. Yes, you can try to explain, yes, you can help them, but in the end, the smaller the map the faster they loose and they do not get why...

GBrankKyubey: You give yourself as an example, but how many players gave up spring because they did not know how to play it and got frustrated by being killed fast? Given the numbers of players is rather constant but I have always seen beginners, I can imagine, that the retention ratio is rather small. Next thing you will tell me is that the "unlocks" system is bad because a newbie can not make a bantha...

In my view the biggest problems with tutorials (imposed or not) is the fact that anyhow they are not many available and somebody has to make them.
+0 / -0
avarage zk player loosing at zk

yes, i have a DF players understanding of loosing... most people don't

but to solve that you need stratified elo restricted rooms(and a bigger player base), not tutorials... for the absolute basics, there is the The Manual!(something that aparently noone reads)

for the complex stuff, you can't learn it without experiance
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Yes, I think most newbies do not read the manual. And I was thinking about an alternative to this. I would say that for many people playing a tutorial is better than reading a manual.

I understand that you prefer reading a manual than playing a tutorial. Is that correct or I misunderstood you?
+0 / -0
the manual is usualy more informative, tutorials are normaly quite usless (i spend most game tutorials just screwing around)

the only tutorials i liked are sandbox tutorials, where they give no instruction and let you figure out most of it on your own via !!science!!
+2 / -0
11 years ago
yay, I guess someone deserves a cookie..
+0 / -0

11 years ago
There is a problem with players coming from BA, OTA and such (This system would have made Andy play the tutorial). But if we had a decent enough introduction, I wouldn't mind it being mandatory.

We need a good enough intro first.
+5 / -0
11 years ago
I agree with Saktoth. Having a good tutorial is the logical first step. Only once we agree that it is good and useful, we can talk about making it mandatory.

Also, we shouldn't value Kyubey's opinion too highly. This proposition is meant to help make the game more enjoyable for everyone, which is diametrically opposed to his interests.
+2 / -0