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If exploding singus delayed 0.1s before applying damage

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10 years ago
Then they would chain properly. So would fusions etc. For more lolz.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
this was proposed earlier.

for the record, i would like this for all units that boom. also nuke (but not silo). for more awesomness, give it a random delay between 0.0 to 0.3sec (unit must be already disabled/dead in this time to not block shots or interact in anyway with the non-dead world)
+2 / -0

10 years ago
Actually explosions already have expansion speeds, most evident with stuff like Levelers atm:

1) 4 Glaives run into range
2) Leveler does Ptchoo!
3) Projectile lands in the head of the glaive #1 and says Bash!
4) Glaive #1 flies into pieces!
5) Glaive 2,3,4 run for 200 milliseconds
6) Glaive 2 suddenly blows up.
7) Glaives 3 and 4 run for another half second.
8) Glaive 3 blows up!
9) Glaive 4 takes some damage a few ms later and keeps running.
+2 / -0

10 years ago
I think the speed is calculated dynamically by default? Which is why high damage things like fusions and superfusions chain instantaneously.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
anarchid: true. levelers, tick etc have expansion speed. it is argueable if thats a nice thing. especially for ticks its annoying in combination with the blast radius intesity reduction you have to be very lucky to hit stuff not at center. tick is also dead after it and has no "try again" like leveler (for leveler this looks nice though)

like sak said, the insta chain of fusions and singus is my issue here. it would add to the entertainment factor if the chain is not-insta random. the explosion radius is very big, so explosion expansion speed is neglectable compared to unit running away speed. they are dead anyway. just visual improvement.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I approve the idea to add a delay for exploding singus and stuff, but regarding what EErankAdminAnarchid presented, this looks very stupid when explosion's expansion speed doesn't fit with SFX and units die "for no reason"
+0 / -0
in combination with the blast radius intesity reduction you have to be very lucky to hit stuff not at center

Considering that spring shock front implementation is a simple timer, if anything is within blast radius of an explosion, it has no chance to escape the shockwave. Nor it will get hit sooner if it runs towards epicenter.

This is why current Outlaw has such fast-traveling waves. They were "heavier" previously, but this hilarious effect caused stuff to die after it ventured into outlaw radius and left it between waves, never being touched by the wave visual.

Exactly the kind of stupid that GBrankBrofessional noted.
+0 / -0
The tag is called explosionSpeed.
Edit:Actually this would probably reduce lag as well.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
A hundred years ago when Singularity Reactor was first renamed from the boring "Advanced Fusion" and I was wild & crazy I gave it a special explosion to distinguish it from the nuke. It created a dark purple spheresplosion that grew really slow and as it got bigger you could see nearby units get sucked instantly into ground zero as they got engulfed. It tended to launch units across the map like a crazy newton so it wasn't perfect.
+4 / -0
10 years ago
I was always pro imploding-singularity, CR!

On topic: Roach and Blastwing are biggest offender here. Constantly telling people that near-insta chains look silly.
+3 / -0

10 years ago
Tick and Leveler explosion speeds are finite.

I see no reason for Blaswting and Roach to create FTL blastwaves.
+0 / -0
I want to see USrankAdminCarRepairer singu explosion :D
+3 / -0
10 years ago
Wasent it modoption once?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Yes. Maybe today it could be done better using the same code as the Placeholder shot. I don't care enough to do it though.
+0 / -0
@carrepairer, how could i m-m-m-motivate you? i would drop the bass for you!

+2 / -0
I don't mess with gameplay anymore.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I made a thread in making singu explosion like a big placeholder bomb, where singu before exploding starts clustering all units arround it and then goes BOOm.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Black hole singu was awesome..
+1 / -0
this looks very stupid when explosion's expansion speed doesn't fit with SFX and units die "for no reason"

Take your phone and throw it at the wall. There is only a tiny chance that it will turn off in the moment of impact. Usualy it has time to boucne off the wall (if its still in one piece) drop on the ground and it will turn off shortly after.
All becasue the electro(magnetic?) pulses are still "travelling" inside of the thing they are powering for a short period of time, untill they lose all their momentum (and energy). After then they'll die.
So it's not true, glavie ''dying'' 1 second after it's being hit isn't normal.

A hundred years ago when Singularity Reactor was first renamed from the boring "Advanced Fusion" and I was wild & crazy I gave it a special explosion to distinguish it from the nuke. It created a dark purple spheresplosion that grew really slow and as it got bigger you could see nearby units get sucked instantly into ground zero as they got engulfed. It tended to launch units across the map like a crazy newton so it wasn't perfect.

I want that back! I always wondered why reactor using BLACK HOLE is explosing upon death. It should release the black hole, shouldn't it?
+0 / -1

10 years ago
Current theories say black holes explode when they expire for whatever reason (typically hawking evaporation)
+0 / -0
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