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Please don't spread misinformation. You hurt all of us.

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10 years ago

The issue in question is a widely known issue in weblobby and simple to correct. Please contact someone in the know before providing a response that is unhelpful.

From: http://springrts.com/wiki/EvoGreenLitFAQ (All these issues are with weblobby, not with evo)

Engine download stuck

First of all, make sure that your automatic windows updates are enabled. If you disabled them, then most likely you don't have the KB2533623 update that is necessary. Either reenable windows update or install KB2533623 separately if you're a power user.



Remember, when zk goes on steam, if you think that your release will go smoothly, you're insane. You wouldn't want people blindly giving out misinformation would you? Please don't do it to me, as I would never do it to you.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Enabling windows update is not necessary anymore, but it used to be a thing.
+0 / -0
I'm not sure what the problem here is. From what I can tell, Skasi blamed the bug on weblobby, too.

The only thing related to evo in any way was Skasi's implication that the evo launch was "not a huge success". I'm not sure if you consider that "misinformation", it's just his view of things...

Maybe I'm missing the obvious here, but are you complaining about the suggestion to cancel and restart? Even if that's not the proper way to fix it, it's worth a try, doesn't really hurt anybody and was prefaced with "if nothing helps". I don't even remotely see malicious intent, which you sort of imply with your last phrase...
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Ikinz, some people refuse to have steam update, so it lingers.

TheEloIsALie, the problem is that that is a very real issue with weblobby (old weblobby), instead of alerting someone who would know, he says restart the dl, which of course doesn't do anything.

My point was, if you don't know, yell at one of us who would. Me, ikinz, carrepairer, weblobby channel, etc.

The comment about evo and success is only incidental and is irrelevant to what I'm addressing.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Don't see misinformation. Maybe you posted a wrong url?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
But...but...but...I use Linux... o.o'
+4 / -0
10 years ago
Well I don't know much, but that cancel and restart usualy works for me when it happens, which luckly happens rarely now days from when I first started(yay!).
And well about skasi sending misinformation, well I don't know him but I'm sure he(Or she, didn't figure out yet :p) meant no ill thought.
But the fact that Evo wasnt an explosion at launch.. well the game is so awesome anyone loving/enjoying it will not even notice it, which pretty much cuts out all those pesky trolls and 1980s time travelers with commodores :P
+1 / -0
My point was, if you don't know, yell at one of us who would. Me, ikinz, carrepairer, weblobby channel, etc.

That implies that Skasi knows that you know how to fix the bug. What would you have expected him to do if he doesn't?

For all he knows, restart could've maybe fixed it. I can confirm that (at least ZKL) does sometimes get stuck while downloading and trying again can fix it, HRrankIMajoI seems to have the same observation and I'm going to assume Skasi might have run into this, too. So not only was there no malicious intent on his side, he actually posted valid information.

And even if this is not the correct fix for the situation, he literally didn't cause any harm whatsoever, how is he "hurt[ing] all of us"?
+0 / -0
Please contact someone in the know before providing a response that is unhelpful.
Yeah I thought about that, but then decided against it.

My point was, if you don't know, yell at one of us who would. Me, ikinz, ...

Random quotes for fun.
[6:34 PM] Plutonium [ikinz]he didn't restart the lobby after the fix
[2:50 PM] ikinz did you try restarting?

Extra lulz.
[3:20 PM] ikinz oh hey Skasi, thanks for saving the day

You wouldn't want people blindly giving out misinformation would you? Please don't do it to me, as I would never do it to you.
You are wrong to assume anybody asking for help in #en is comming to Evo.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
We're not in charge of Skasi, most of us don't even like him!
+3 / -0
Yea, I hate him too! What is he even doing here? Just wasting valuable oxygen and stealing all our #2 in team tournament. Such evil.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Ban he
+0 / -0
I misunderstood what Skasi was doing/saying. My apologies. I had read the backlog a bit and got my wires mixed up.

"But the fact that Evo wasnt an explosion at launch.. well the game is so awesome anyone loving/enjoying it will not even notice it, which pretty much cuts out all those pesky trolls and 1980s time travelers with commodores :P"

I would argue that it was very nearly, in some ways, an implosion :-D
+5 / -0

10 years ago
You've all done an amazing job with a very surprising and difficult situation.
+0 / -0