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What happened to the music redesign?

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10 years ago
A while back there was talk of changing ZK's music and making it situational. A large playlist was put together but the idea appears to have been dropped. Are there any plans for what to do with that idea? Even if situational music is never implemented I think it would be good to add some of the tracks from that playlist to the game.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I thought the music was situational(or at least, it tends to change when units start taking a lot of damage)
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Situational music is already implemented. The redesign plan would have added depth to it.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
GBrankTheSponge the idea is good, but nobody wants to do it.

Yeah i know i'm a lazy bastard.

UArankIvica made some stuff that would make it easier to code such a music playback thing (as events for news ticker), but that's still pretty far.
+0 / -0
The music we already have is really awesome and consistent in quality and theme. Any collection of music from a range of other sources would not share that.

If someone wants to put together the effort I mean it's always something to consider if it can match what's currently there at all, but yeah: This is up to you guys.
+2 / -0
The music we already have is really awesome and consistent in quality and theme. Any collection of music from a range of other sources would not share that.

Dunno, when i tried ZK for the first time, the music felt boring, peaceful, slow, and un-fitting.

IMO, Evo soundtrack beats ZK hands down.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
I assumed it is basically an attempt to copy the TA music? In that regard its good tho not THAT good.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
> The music we already have is really awesome and consistent in quality and theme. Any collection of music from a range of other sources would not share that.

The solution is to group different sets of tracks into themes that are randomly selected or the user can choose. I love the existing ZK music but I can't stand it after 2 or 3 battles and I have to turn it off for a month until it stops playing in my head.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
The idea for the "redesign" mentioned above would be different "themes" for different factories.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Just jumping into to note that I loved the ZK music. I even downloaded the soundtrack. :)
+3 / -0

10 years ago
I quite like ZK's music, my main concern is more legalities for streams/YouTube videos, as it has been for some time. Mainly I'm concerned because YouTube treats video and audio separately, and doesn't really care if the music is basically a game's soundtrack if it is licensed or otherwise not directly owned by the game's dev/publisher (even then it could be hairy, but at least most devs are cool with YouTube videos of their games, so they can permit the audio).
+0 / -0

10 years ago
> The idea for the "redesign" mentioned above would be different "themes" for different factories.

Interesting idea, but the music begins before you plop your factory, if you ever do. What then?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
+6 / -0

10 years ago
The music doesn't really need to begin before the factory is plopped, and for that there can be a single holding theme.

I love the concept of each factory having it's own soundtrack, and the music you've found is actually fairly good quality: Though the licences are no better than the ones we have. There are some songs listed that have a liscence for a whole 'album' though, and taking individual tracks from that may be problematic.

However, order for things not to get more stale than the current though, we'll need 30 minutes of war music and 10 of peace for EVERY factory, that is consistent at least within factory. We might be able to get away with less but 3 minutes of music for both, across 10 factories, well, it's only slightly more music than we have currently and looping the same track over and over if you're playing one factory is going to get old.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I have been thinking of it and I don't like the idea anymore. Most people would play the same few factories and I don't want people plopping air foolishly just because they're sick of cloaky and shieldbot music. Not to mention it would be way too hard for us to find 30 minutes of music for each factory. Right now I'd be so happy to just find a few new tracks and I don't want them restricted to one of the factories. I'm so sick of the current tracks, need something new.

Here's another thought: several different themes and synced music. Have a gadget choose a random theme for each battle, then broadcast which tracks to play for war and peacetime so all players get to hear the same music. The downside of this is in FFA it would give wartime music for two players fighting while a third is at peace, and give him intel that there is fighting outside LoS. A workaround could be to only use synced music for 2-team games.
+0 / -0
Combined with some more distinctive unit sounds a factory music theme could give each factory a unique feel which would really add to the game atmosphere. The downside would be you'd get sick of music even quicker than usual if you have a favorite fac
+0 / -0
Interesting idea, but the music begins before you plop your factory, if you ever do. What then?

Music tag: "buildup".

And if your predominant engaging combat unit your boi: music tag "commander".

Trollcoms would thus have their own music.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
You guys glossed over my biggest concern. We don't have enough tracks right now. I am able to stomach 2-3 battles with the music on before it starts playing in my head like an annoying ad. The logistics of us having enough music divided over 11 factories is not there, or won't be for a long time. That's why I'd say if we're fortunate enough to find some more music, don't bother trying to divvy it up between factories.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Have a gadget choose a random theme for each battle, then broadcast which tracks to play for war and peacetime so all players get to hear the same music. The downside of this is in FFA it would give wartime music for two players fighting while a third is at peace, and give him intel that there is fighting outside LoS.

This wouldn't work if people are catching up or lag out for a time, the music would desync because it's in realtime and get cut short or have a silent part at the end. If we go for this then we should just sync the themes, not the individual music tracks
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Yeah I think there are other reasons why syncing tracks won't work. Fall back to just syncing themes. It would be nice. That way you know everyone in the battle, or even future watchers of the replay, get the same soundtrack generally as you (if they turn up the music).

On a technical level It won't need a gadget, but a functionality similar to what I use in the common colors widget.
+0 / -0