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mumble howto?

2 posts, 812 views
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10 years ago
My web searches have not proven fruitful. Does ne1 have a how-to on setting up mumble on Ubuntu 14.04 for zero-k?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
As described in this post: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/2164

"use your lovely package manager
-> sudo apt-get install mumble

when setting up:
Recommend using push to talk but REMEMBER to not use a key that spring uses such as r for repair ;)

to connect:
hit Add New...
Label it spring or something easy to remember
the address is: springrts.com
the port can be left as the default and that is: 64738
username: your ZK username

then select it from the list (its what you called it in label)
and hit connect.

scroll down to 0-K and double click it!"
+1 / -0