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Clarification of the Code of Conduct

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10 years ago
...especially regarding abusive language. Evidently a policy of 'keep the rules vague' and 'follow the spirit not the letter' isn't a guaranteed deterrent against people who are determined to find loopholes, going by the conversations I've been a part of in #zk.

Is calling people 'n[a-z]\{1,2\}b' (that's 'noob' and a sizable amount of possible variations) considered abuse?
If so, can the CoC please be amended to include these as examples, to make the Code clearer?

I recognize that the intent may vary, though. It's one thing if someone known to be friends with the recipient says it in jest - it's even easily recognisable. But I feel we should still know what words to not use against people who're not yet on such familiar terms with us.

Mind, this is strictly me asking the administration and development team...certain people - they know who they are - are definitely not welcome in this one.
+4 / -2

10 years ago
My take is that intent matters. For instance, ROrankForever will call people nabs in a friendly fashion sometimes, but then sometimes other people will do it with clear intent to belittle and/or insult.

If one tries to look at the bits of the word "nab" it clearly does not contain any harmful or insulting intent.

Its Color is what matters.
+2 / -0

k i got it, your such a NooB ^.^
noobty noobty neeeb

but aparently im not allowed to call you a noob or a naab :P

+0 / -0

10 years ago
WRT "It's one thing if someone known to be friends with the recipient" -> not quite:
[11:20] GoogleFrog chat channels are not "your friends on the street" because in a sense there is no personal space
[11:20] GoogleFrog everyone hears everything so it is quite a bit more of a public place
[11:22] GoogleFrog insulting your friends in the public rooms sets some example for the random lurkers
[11:22] GoogleFrog and they don't know that you are joking around
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Tone is important. There are harmless ways to use any word, and harmful ways to use benign words. That's why any hard-and-fast list of simple rules will fail. Hence, rules must be vague.
+3 / -0
lol, GBrankKyubey

Okay, again, I agree (naturally) on the tone aspect...and I guess I'll keep it in mind, as well as point it out (along with the offending terms, if any) to any people (unknowingly) violating the CoC.

PLrankAdminSprung - Haha, I was there when that was said...and true. Perhaps this ought to be pointed out in the CoC as well? It sort of contradicts the tone/context argument, though - the latter says it is possible to use potentially-contextually abusive words in a non-abusive manner (including, and particularly, with your friends), but the 'you are in a public place and may set a wrong precedent' aspect says no one else knows it was an inside thing with your friends...if that makes any sense :s
+0 / -0

10 years ago
It doesn't contradict the tone argument; just because it is possible to use swearwords in a harmless way in certain contexts does not mean a public chatroom filled with strangers creates any opportunity for such usage and that everyone will see it that way. Many people here may not be fluent in English and could see any usage of naughty words as offensive. If someone wants to swear with friends, they can use PM or create their own chatroom, with blackjack and what have you.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
"noob" is the least aggressive insult I've seen. which is not to soften your point, of course. in fact, I find it much worse :(
+0 / -0

10 years ago
If you call someone anything and they are the one to report you, that's the best indicator that you were not on familiar terms with them and it was against the rules.
+0 / -0
Basically the code of conduct can be summed up with one sentence:
If you have intent/perform actions to do malicious harm to others or ruin the experience for others, you'll be terminated with extreme prejudice banned/muted.
+4 / -0

10 years ago
It is consistent abuse, of any kind, that is against the CoC. There are no specific words that are banned. There are a lot of words you should not use at all, like faggot, but I just used the word faggot in talking about the word faggot, and nobody is going to ban me for it. Abusive behavior gets you banned. Not the words you use.
+3 / -0

10 years ago
Ban him, he used the "F" word. ;P
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Abusive behavior gets you banned. Not the words you use.

Best sum-up so far imo. Add to CoC? :)
+5 / -0
But to stay on topic. There are some players where you know you or the whole team gets blamed and insulted if you lose a game. I don't want to write up names now but I think you all know it who is ment.
But it reaches a critical mass. Now it feels like halv of the average players call everyone nub, nab, noob or something like this.
Yesterday I waited in 1v1 room a player came in and said "hi Nabman".
I didn't felt harmed, but I also didn't know if it was ment as an insult or as a joke.
And thats the problem about it. If there is only text it's sometimes really hard to get the right meaning of "insults".
I think it's much easyer to see the way how it's ment if there is some kind of smily.
like in that case:
It is consistent abuse, of any kind, that is against the CoC. There are no specific words that are banned. There are a lot of words you should not use at all, like faggot, but I just used the word faggot in talking about the word faggot, and nobody is going to ban me for it. Abusive behavior gets you banned. Not the words you use.
Ban him, he used the "F" word. ;P

I think everyone is able to see the joke out of it.
It would be different if I only would have written "Ban him".
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Nearly everyone knows what "abusive behavior gets you banned" means and they act in a civilized manner. The small group of people who consistently ignore this then claim that nobody told them they shouldn't do X know perfectly well what they can and cant get away with, they are just trying to find loopholes in the CoC to get out of being banned for their abusive behavior.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
well, for some it is a sport ;)

btw, is this a political/religious discussion yet?
+2 / -2

10 years ago

btw, is this a political/religious discussion yet?

why? I don't see any politic or religion.
+1 / -1
10 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
+2 / -8
funny it is! hijack completed off thread !

+0 / -3

10 years ago
Only for griefers, abusers and those who actively ruin the game for others. Pretty much everybody else benefits from enforcement of the CoC and is likely to have MORE fun without having to deal with those players in their games.
+7 / -0
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