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Fucking leavers

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13 years ago

Sent metal and leave.

They get free IP, you lose a turn + elo
+0 / -0
13 years ago
zeus stuck in wreckages and Crabe 98% finished
fuck micro to play against 3.

I suggest that ppls from other team get autokicked to hold balance
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Somehow ppl still think stuff like 2v5 is balanced. It should auto exit if its so unbalanced due to leavers.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
At the stage where people know the basics of the game
(i.e. how to buildup and counter etc) even 1 player m
ore in the other team ruins balance. I gotta agree wi
th Rick, but i don't see a possibility of implementin
g a good system that can't be abused. Btw !exit is no
t an option if you have 2 players in your team and 5
+0 / -0
13 years ago
This forum badly needs a edit function, and proper formating options.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Ye i tried to exit but other team with 5 ppl ofc voted no because they wanted easy win. We resigned after that so they lost their ships.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Please, don't post irrelevant links.

Also, try to be more clear and explicit with the topic. It's difficult to understand what is your point here. Your sentences are incoherent and consists mainly of predicatives. Try making complete clauses e.g with subordinates or conjunctions.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Milando didn't placed, we had one com too late ingame, zeus+crabe would have been finished / not stuck if I would have had 200 metal more ressources and time for an additional reclaimer or Lotus.

It was 3v1 with a huge metal disadvantage, because bobbins rage-pushed because of 2v3.

I told him to attack right, he attacked the center, I told him to retreat, he left a 50 HP com at the front, building a LLT...

At least we should force a game speed of 0.5 or kick some enemies.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Or you could just quit for yourself when there's no point in playing. Tadaa!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I resign when balance is fucked up like that and other team dont want to exit. In the end they lose their ships and get no IP :). Nice reward for ppl who act like retards.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Summary of main post:

+0 / -0
13 years ago
Wasn't it too late to savely resign?

Isn't the Waste-Ships thing abuseable?

!voteexit would have looked like cheating because my ally fucked up the whole game, but 3v1 also isn't an option.

I would make some clans even in my faction to neutral, but that doesn't work - I have only the options War|MaybeCeasefire|Alliance.
( The default Alliance for factions fucked this up )

I think autokicks to restore balance would be the best solutions - or autospectrate.

!votekick tribulex
reason: useless spam
!vote 1
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