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Initial build priority

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13 years ago
Comander high priority
Construtors medium
Caretakers Low

Isint this what everybody if dont forget each game set to? Why not have such by default?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
because noobs make 4 factories with medium?

But seriously:
If you set your caretakers on low, they stay at low - come what will.

If you set your factory on low priority, your unit will be build with low priority.
But you can adjust a single unit's buil priority much easier than nanos.
This new priority applies to each supporting unit which has medium priority by it's own.

It is much more fustrating that units are per default on roam, enemies pick one of your units with a hammer and that unit(yours) try to attack the attacker(hammer) completely alone.

with roam, guards will even attack enemies if the guarded unit retreats.

Stop position for all guards would be nice.
Stop position for all units will help too.

But as far as I know there is a widget for initial states somewhere in the settings.

Too bad that we can't set the widgets stuff from out of the game.
And that the settings will be lost on some major updates.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Also mexes under construction should be auto set to high.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I'll add priority to the initial states widget so anyone can set it there. I'm unsure about defaults though because new players do not know about the priority system and may think a Caretaker that does not construct is a bug. I think this is more of a experienced user feature.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Agreed - options like this should always be left off by default. There's enough noobtraps already, don't add another.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If they see that caretaker is not building anymore maybe it is a sign that they have enough of them? This actually solves noobtrap not makes it.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
there is never a single caretaker which is not building.

If you set all of them to low pri, they all or none of them build stuff.

I want a noob/pro - option.
If you didn't changed something by your own, it should reset/defaults all settings to your current preset.

If you set the pro to on, you get all the funny things.
If you don't change anything, you don't get noob traps.

But I aggree that mexes should be heigh pri - and wind+solars too, but only if you are stalling this kind of ressource.

fusions only should be high pri by default if you have enough m/e income - same with singularities.

If some eco stuff produces something which you are stalling, and you can make it in at least 30 seconds, it should get high priority.
LESS nooby ;P
+0 / -0

13 years ago
yes google add it and dont change defaults. Defaults should be normal on all to let people understand its use first.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think units need an indication that they do not build at full buildpower. It worked back when nanolines were nanoclouds, where a unit building at 1/12 buildpower spawned less clouds. With the new lines a unit building at 1/12 looks same like a unit building at 12/12.

Suggesting a default hotkey to change priority: CTRL+P and while I'm at it one to toggle repeat: CTRL+R.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
For they are nano-clouds - how can I get the lines?.

I wouls suggest to send 1 gray ball along the line for each metal unit spent.
If that is too much, send 1 gray ball along the line for each 5 or 10 metal units.

P == Pause?
No that's W for wait...

But while "Pause" ( not "P" ) works well, why couldn't we simply use the "Print"-button for screenshots?

Even the Windows, or the Linux GUI-Frameworks KDE and Gnome use this button for screenshots.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I have it on ctrl+e
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I just learned about priority yesterday, and MY GOD IT IS HELPFULL. At first my units where like LOL TRY TO BUILD THESE MEXES AND THIS GLAIVES AND THIS LLT ALL AT THE SAME TIME, but now I can have them clever like first make some mexes, and then just split my resources over that LLT and those glaives.

What more wonderfull tips am I missing? I also just recently set a hotkey for mex area, which saves a lot of time! Please enlighment me with more tips like this.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Using CTRL W as an areamex hotkey since B W W is for mexes. :P
+0 / -0
13 years ago
B W W? Are there hotkeys like this for every building?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Oh, you don't know about gestures? They allow you to open a build menu by holding down the right mouse button and moving the mouse when a builder is selected. Another way to use it is to press B to open the build menu and use QWE AD Z/YXC to navigate it.

I don't know whether gestures are enabled by and if so whether any of the two options is disabled by default. Check out the newbie guide, I've added gestures to it a long time ago. http://zero-k.info/Wiki/NewbieGuide
+0 / -0
13 years ago
So antoher tip disable by default right mouse build meniu, you will hit it accidentally at least I did( in options gestures only *CLICK*) BWW BWE BXA now it is even hard to remember which one what does, but ingame you dont even think, you just pushing buttons and magic happens! Its much much faster than hovering, searching with mouse.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Pressing keys aint faster than moving the mouse when you're busy doing stuff. Wouldn't be playing ZK without gestures since the new crappy default menu.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
The defeault menu is tedious yet. STill looking for the gesture menu settings so I can look up what is what. Priority really works wonders though, I worked my ELO up today from 1500ish to 1600ish just by using priority (and being awesome)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Pressing keyboard buttons, using hotkeys is absolutely always faster without any discusion, as long as your mind are capable remembering them and using them and your hand dont need move too much e.g hotkey on num keyboard with left hand probably wont be any faster.

Discussing about hotkeys toggle AI as schortcut works for anyone?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You can set your own hotkeys in the menu. Click on the gamepad and click on Commands.
+0 / -0
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