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The Great, and First Long winded Git is not better than Git, or so the Tortoise says, Post

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13 years ago
Ok, so now you have updated parts of the zero-k repo on code.google...
And I am working on some parts to do with the website (trunk/other/zero-k.info/...)

Now, I want the latest, updated version of the code.
If I make a checkout with SVN, will SVN not want to over write my changes on my files? unless I first merge my changes into the server, before checking out the new revision which has my changes init aswell. Which would then be the case for everyone working on something? What if III am working on multiple branches here, for example testing browser compatibilty with different versions of JQuery?

With Git, I would simply pull "your changes", which in this case would be the master branch (lets ignore the fact that someone created a "wrong" master branch head today) into my repo, carry on working as normal. Note with interest any changes that were in my sphere of work, and whenever Im done, just say "im done", and anyone who is interested in changes to the site (including, clearly, Master) can pull from my repo into yours.

All Im saying is I understand that from the point of view of Git, and not from SVN
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You do same with SVN nub, use "update" and not checkout :-)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Update merges changes from server keeping yours. Checkout is for FIRST checkout only, for creating local work copy, not for anything else!!

Please at least read basic FAQ and try the system before making sweeping judgemenets like GIT pwns SVN sucks...

Your git/svn rants just lost any value in my eyes :-)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Wow. Git user confused by SVN? It's like seeing a rocket scientist who can't program his own alarm clock at home.
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