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Battle Endd Screen

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9 years ago
So, the screen at the end of battles with awards etc then graphs of Metal/energy produced on the 2nd tab: can new categories be added there?
eg as overdrive zeros energy excess then the 'energy excess' graph has no purpose.
what id like to see is a new category added to show reclaim gathered as its such an important factor in our battles.
any thoughts?
+2 / -0
9 years ago
someone knows how easy it is to implement although i bet a long list of things to do must be some-place waiting to be done still...


after watching a replay since all the players on a team have same colour the graph lines and names all turn same colour and i cant tell who owns what line on final graph
+0 / -0
9 years ago
eg as overdrive zeros energy excess then the 'energy excess' graph has no purpose.

Negative. Energy can still be excessed if energy sources are not connected to metal spots.

what id like to see is a new category added to show reclaim gathered

Good idea! The data is already collected for awards so it should be available somewhere. Though chances are these numbers are not available in the "over time" format that graphs would require.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
That information is sitting somewhere and it would be great to replace the current graphs with some more relevant ones. But nobody has done it, it could be a good self contained task for someone new.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Energy can still be excessed if energy sources are not connected to metal spots.

Such excess still won't show in the graph because it is handled by gadgetry, not the engine.
+0 / -0
So far as I can see, the widget which draws the end screen:


gets its statistics from a call to Spring.GetTeamStatsHistory, which can be found here:


The latter does not report quantity of metal reclaimed, so this change is not trivial to make so far as I can see. Might well be possible, but you would probably have to either make a change Spring-side or write a hack ZK-side.

EDIT: Looking at this definition


it appears that Spring fundamentally doesn't record quantity of metal reclaimed, at least not in this way. I wonder how the reclaim award actually works, might be a clue.

EDIT 2: Wow OK. If I'm reading this right:


the reclaim award works by checking every feature (wreck, rock, tree, whatever) in the game and asking it how much metal was reclaimed from it. That doesn't seem useful for graphing.

I fully agree that the graphs at present could use improving and a metal reclaimed graph would be neat, but it might not be easy to accomplish.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
The awards reclaim tracker should be pretty easy to make into a graph, just accumulate the values and dump them into some table periodically.
+0 / -0