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Any way to force units to only attack air?

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12 years ago
As the title suggests. I was wondering if there was some buried option allowing units that can engage both air and land to focus on only one or the other.

I'd be surprised if it exists as I'm sure it would be useless 99% of the time. The reason I wanted to know was that me and a few friends are trying to beat Chickens using ONLY comms (stupid I know), and one of the main issues is pidgeonspam, requiring a dedicated AA comm. However, he keeps getting distracted by all the chickens!
Cheers guys
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12 years ago
Can only suggest you to draw an attack-circle to queue attacks for all air units you see - just hope for you you're at least using radars. :P
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12 years ago
Comms only? That is actually kind of cool, if stupid.

Another option for your AA comm is just to keep him back from the rest of the comms. Pigeons will arc around and fly in circles after their first attack run, so you can pick them off before they can do a second run. I assume you are allowed to make, at least, solar panels, probably mexes? Use a closed solar panel forward of your comm to tank pigeon shots.

What do you use as your AA comm? Missile + range upgrades, or slow beams and lasers? Remember the Strike commander has innate range bonuses, so use him.

Comms have a radar module, so that shouldn't be a problem, though its range is only 1800 to the static radars 2100.

IF you can't tank with solars, I'd suggest running autorepair modules/a LOT of shields/a support com with a few nano's, because pigeons mostly just whittle away. If you keep your HP up, you can clear them out between ground waves. I would think shields would be the best for this, so you can share link energy and won't get sniped.

Also, I'd say a nanocom with a res module would be essential. If pigeons snipe a com, just res him.

We'll probably add a dedicated AA conversion module (missiles into AA missiles, riot into flak, laser into AA laser) when we get around to it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
In short no.

But you can target things in an area with area attack. That helps if they are in different locations.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
playing from FPS view as well would make this pretty cool
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12 years ago
This has gotten a warmer reception than expected, thanks.

I shall try that, makes sense because only flying things should be able to get past the anti-chicken comms.

Isn't it? :D
The level of absurdity is quite high, but we enjoy messing around more than playing legit as a group as we actually are rubbish at 0k.
So far we have been playing like that, with me behind the others picking off air, but the ranged nature of the AAcomm means it tends to get distracted by land chickens.

I use a missile strike comm with range upgrades, yeah. Tried the slowbeams but it didn't seem so effective at dealing with the quantity of pidgeonspam we were getting.
Currently the whole team is using 2-3 autorepairs, and personal shields, with the battlecomm using a area shield as an umbrella for the rest of the team too.
Haven't been tanking with solars, but it is a nice idea.. Will have to consider whether it is fair or not, given the only comms and econ stipulation.

We haven't been practicing with a nanocom, as the guy who usually does that hasn't been around, but it sounds like a smart idea as long as we can keep it safe. Our ideal team of 4ish would be Antispam, Heavy/Exotic, Support, AA.

Oooh, dedicated AA would certainly be useful, although we are just about covered for the moment. I'd love to see archangel style AA on a comm, but it probably wouldn't be very balanced.
Thanks for your in depth breakdown, I was glad to see I'm approaching this correctly.

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog: Fair enough - reckon it would be possible to mess around with the smartAI enough to convince the comm it was in fact an AA unit? I don't know how that all works, or whether it is hard-coded in the unit/weapon rather than the lua.

@Ivory_king: Missilecomm doesn't let me FPS him : ( Also, FPS is mildly broken in that you can't seem to actually shoot directly at a unit. Or is that just me?
But yeah, it would be sweet.

Apologies for essaycomment.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If we have a com with 250 dps at 1000 range against air and some AOE ( copperhead ), it could only be at one place at once.

The main force is land.
The most surprices (from skuttle to transported golis) come from land/sea forces.
Air units are fast enough bypass that com.
Com dps is usually very expensive for it's damage.

I think we can consider it as balanced, but we also need at least one 900 metal / 1500 metal pure AA unit.
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