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A training mission

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13 years ago
now that the mission editor works i'm was gonna try to make a training mission. because i remember reading something about you guys needing one or something like that so if i'm gonna do it. so my question to everyone is what map and stuff do u you guys think i should use. what things about the game should new people learn
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13 years ago
Imo basics of controls and economy ..
Stuff like scrolling, selecting stuff, concept of metal extractor and energy/metal storage.

It cold be followed by advanced tutorial with overdrive and priorities.

If you find those tutorials hard to make, it might be easier to make tutorials as videos and only make practice missions focused on those aspects. Like mission where you must build economy or you are overrun by programmed waves of enemies or something.

Regarding map - perhaps some smaller nice looking map .. flatter so there is no issue placing structures..

Perhaps some tnm map? (Go to maps search tnm)
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13 years ago
IMO, need 11 training mission, for 11 maps with the 11 start-up factory, 7 unlocked. After playing those 7, you able to unlock 2, then played those 2 able to unlock more.
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13 years ago
i was thinking this have 3 AI one defending the player and another attacking the play both AI need to be at some sort of stalemate so the player can get a taste of how the game works and so they can grasp the concept of team play. but on another note is there anyway i could make or modify the noobatron thing for the mission.
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13 years ago
You'll probably have to write your own AI. CAI will not create a consistent standoff with itself. An AI for a training mission would have to be very static to maintain such a standoff so should not be too hard to write.
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13 years ago
If the mission starts with the AIs' bases covered with some porc, the AIs can't break through it.

CAI has problems handling shields + HLT + anti-swarm. Might need to stick a few artillery units in there as well but that's simple.

Also good for teaching how to break such a porc. Lock all the end game stuff (starlight, detriment etc.) and let the players figure out a unit combination or strategy that works.
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13 years ago
thats the plan but i don't want to leave people to figure out what does what on there own thats y i need something like the noobatron or i might just be able to use the one we have i'm gonna have to see all of what it says
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13 years ago
First training mission should skip base-building and only cover unit types and commands; a pre-deployed base or commando force with no base would be good. A complete noob will appreciate knowing how units work before having to think about base layout. The opponent can be a dummy AI with a few structures, something simple. Small Divide would work well. Explain skirmishers vs assault vs riot.

Next mission should introduce base-building and economy; a good map might be Victoria Crater. At some point the game should require "press F2 to see where you can place the structure".
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