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Let's get better!

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Hey there

I'm thinking of putting together a clan or movement (not entirely certain yet) with the purpose of getting some lower elo players into self-improvement in ZK. It will mostly be focused on 1v1 at first, due to it being the most generalisable skill set, but will likely grow to encompass small teams, big teams, FFA, and maybe way down the track it'll include 'silly' game types too.

Among other things, some ideas for things I'd be wanting to provide include:
- Replay analysis
- Practical and accessible guides to specific elements of the game be that factory, unit, map, format, structure, or concept
- A social hub for getting consistent games happening
- Small in-house tournaments for lower elo
- A head hunter roster (taking games off the top 50)
- Weekly challenges
- A Q&A

I'm on holiday atm and have limited access to computer and internet. I thought it a good idea to slam down a thread and gauge interest and possibly benefit from the wisdom of the demographic, other more accomplished players, and the devs.

Requirements for participation would be sportsmanship and well... participation. Particular elements such as the proposed in house tournament may have further restrictions such as elo caps.

Of the two people I've personally approached so far, both have expressed interest :)

So for interested parties, I guess I want to know what you'd like to see, and specifically if you'd prefer this to be a movement that is managed through the forum, or whether you'd prefer an official clan (clanning up would allow for privacy, but would come at the cost of your clan slot).
+7 / -0

9 years ago
I guess I want to know what you'd like to see

+0 / -0

9 years ago
If my schedule weren't somewhat wonky and unpredictable right now (at least for evenings and weekends), I'd sign up right away. I really like the idea regardless.
+0 / -0

9 years ago

You should totally do organization for this over the Realm's teamspeak because reasons. :)

+0 / -0

9 years ago
Would those reasons include getting that clan more involved in ZK?
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Indeed they would.
+0 / -0
The intention is for entry to be fairly commitment free, but depending on demand and time constraints there may be requirements to partake in specific activities (entirely hypothetical at this point). Any activity requirements would be aimed at not choking the books with smurfs and people that have left ZK, so you'd be exempt from those standards regardless.

I can't make any promises but that could be an option, especially if it brings more new blood to the game.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
If you two are interested, I've got three others for a total of five at this time (I don't include myself as a participant). Seems like this could become a thing :)
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I like the slogan.
I like the idea.
But I also think it might be overambiguous?

- Practical and accessible guides to specific elements of the game be that factory, unit, map, format, structure, or concept

I see no reason on restricting it to said community honestly. I am sure that others (including higher elo players) would appreciate these sort of guides.

I would like to see some new training exercises being developed as CCR challenge is simply not sufficient for its task.

I would be happy to help to provide some kind of support if it is needed.
+1 / -0
[v] Start a movement
[ ] Lead a movement
[ ] Overthrow the dominant paradigm

I would like to see some new training exercises being developed as CCR challenge is simply not sufficient for its task.

I would also welcome this. They don't even have to be formal like CCRC - which also started informal before being made into a mission.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Sounds good, I'll join (whatever joining means). Improving 1v1 skill often baffles me. I don't know why a lot of people have the elo that they do. Improving top level play would be great too.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
I would like to see some new training exercises being developed
The training is to play this map http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/30553 1v1 to become the best eco timer. Cheese/rush does not work so you must make eco. Differences in buildorder show up more clear when not disturbed by enemy. And then everything explodes before it gets too boring.
+1 / -1

9 years ago
Versions with lower planning horizons would be more practical, imo.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Make low version if you want.
(think mapoptions support not coming so soon)
But I think even in current form is somewhat useful, for 1v1.
If it is too short then it is not so much about buildup anymore, more (Com)rushing..
Sadly only 4 recorded 1v1, rest is cluster or chicken.
Take out the distractions of battle to concentrate on eco. Managing priorities, avoiding idle builders..without chasing after single units in your windmills.
Training is eliminating factors to more intensively train other factors.
And you can watch opponent to compare in realtime.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Except (to my knowledge) some of the units are not entirely affected by the barrier allowing for particular types of cheese to be developed. Not only that but conventional tactics are overall absent since you are guarenteed a lack of engagement for first couple of minutes + it becomes an instant porc war. Not good for exercise at all.
+0 / -0
It's good for showing how eco works?

Hm, i figure a training mission where you have to build up to defeat some potent unit would be interestnig.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Scripted AI mission is way better for this.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I'm not sure there any difference between what i propose and a "scripted AI mission".

The concept is roughly as follows:
1) You start with a commander
2) You get a counter
3) Until that counter, nothing happens which you do not cause yourself
4) Once counter runs out, some kind of boss is spawned and attacks you
5) If the boss is defeated, map is cleared, difficulty increased (longer timer, bigger boss), goto 1

The bosses and allowed combat units being limited in such a way that quantity is what matters. E.G. you're only allowed to build Stingers or Lotuses and you have to stop a Dante or so, by producing enough of them.

It could also be a simple "build N cost of units" as well, but that's less boring of a test; tests like this need to have some show-off between the planning and ecoing.
+0 / -0
You just described chickens EErankAdminAnarchid but with increasing levels of difficulty.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
It's kept ambiguous because this is the stage where I gauge interest and collect feedback. I find that overly specific plans tend to get thrown out on first contact with reality, so prefer to go through a more extensive brainstorming and discussion stage first. I've got a lot of ideas but I'm confident that at most half will be implemented, so if I bothered giving more specific details it'd be more misinformation than not. I also don't want to cap the scope at all - my intention is to start by focusing on 1v1 for noobs, but I gotta leave room to grow!

As for the guides, they'll likely be made publicly accessible anyway. The objective with them is to have a central body of knowledge for participants that is presented to them in an accessible manner. This means that some information is prioritised due to being either more fundamental, more digestible, or being prerequisite to further comprehension. ATM we've got a lot of pretty good guides that are scattered across the forum, many of which are either not up to date or leave some areas unaddressed (the math, practical implications, meta, comparisons etc.).

+0 / -0
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