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spring .exe

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9 years ago
whenever i try to start it says spring.exe has stopped working and crashes any way to help heres my info log

[ParseCmdLine] command-line args: "C:\Users\Harold\Documents\My Games\Spring\engine\100.0\spring.exe --config "C:\Users\Harold\Documents\My Games\Spring\springsettings.cfg" --safemode "C:/Users/Harold/Documents/My Games/Spring/script.txt""
Using configuration source: "C:\Users\Harold\Documents\My Games\Spring\springsettings.cfg"
============== <User Config> ==============
3DTrees = 0
AdvMapShading = 0
AdvUnitShading = 0
BumpWaterDepthBits = 16
BumpWaterReflection = 0
BumpWaterRefraction = 0
BumpWaterShoreWaves = 0
BumpWaterTexSizeReflection = 128
CamMode = 1
CamTimeExponent = 4.0
CamTimeFactor = 1.0
CompressTextures = 1
DualScreenMiniMapOnLeft = 1
Fullscreen = 0
GrassDetail = 0
GroundDecals = 0
GroundDetail = 30
GroundScarAlphaFade = 1
HangTimeout = 0
HardwareCursor = 1
InitialNetworkTimeout = 0
InputTextGeo = 0.26 0.73 0.02 0.028
LODScale = 1.000
LODScaleReflection = 1.000
LODScaleRefraction = 1.000
LODScaleShadow = 1.000
LastSelectedMap = Tropical
LastSelectedMod = Zero-K $VERSION
LastSelectedScript = Commanders
LoadingMT = 0
LuaShaders = 0
MaxDynamicMapLights = 0
MaxDynamicModelLights = 0
MaxParticles = 2000
MaxSounds = 16
MaximumTransmissionUnit = 0
MiddleClickScrollSpeed = -0.005
MouseDragScrollThreshold = 0
ReconnectTimeout = 0
ReflectiveWater = 0
SMFTexAniso = 2
ScrollWheelSpeed = -25
ShadowMapSize = 1024
ShowClock = 0
ShowPlayerInfo = 0
TreeRadius = 1000
UnitIconDist = 151
UnitLodDist = 9999
UsePBO = 0
WindowBorderless = 1
WindowPosX = 0
WindowPosY = 0
WorkerThreadSpinTime = 5
XResolution = 1024
YResolution = 768
snd_airAbsorption = 0
============== </User Config> ==============
Available log sections: KeyBindings, AutohostInterface, GameServer, Net, CSMFGroundTextures, RoamMeshDrawer, BumpWater, DynWater, SkyBox, DecalsDrawerGL4, FarTextureHandler, Model, Piece, ModelDrawer, OBJParser, WorldObjectModelRenderer, Shader, Texture, Font, CregSerializer, ArchiveScanner, VFS, Sound, LuaSocket, GroundMoveType, Path, UnitScript
Enabled log sections: Sound(Notice)
Enable or disable log sections using the LogSections configuration key
or the SPRING_LOG_SECTIONS environment variable (both comma separated).
Use "none" to disable the default log sections.
LogOutput initialized.
Spring 100.0
Build Environment: boost-105500, GNU libstdc++ version 20130531
Compiler Version: gcc-4.8.1
Operating System: Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz; 3884MB RAM, 7767MB pagefile
Word Size: 32-bit (emulated)
CPU Clock: win32::TimeGetTime
Physical CPU Cores: 2
Logical CPU Cores: 4
[CMyMath::Init] CPU SSE mask: 127, flags:
SSE 1.0: 1, SSE 2.0: 1
SSE 3.0: 1, SSSE 3.0: 1
SSE 4.1: 1, SSE 4.2: 1
SSE 4.0A: 0, SSE 5.0A: 0
using streflop SSE FP-math mode, CPU supports SSE instructions
Supported Video modes on Display 1 x:0 y:0 1024x768:
320x200, 320x240, 400x300, 512x384, 640x400, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x600, 1280x720, 1280x768, 1360x768, 1366x768
SDL version: linked 2.0.3; compiled 2.0.2
GL version: 2.1.0 - Build
GL vendor: Intel
GL renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics
GLSL version: 1.20 - Intel Build
GLEW version: 1.5.8
Video RAM: unknown
SwapInterval: 1
FBO::maxSamples: 0
GL info:
haveARB: 0, haveGLSL: 0, ATI hacks: 0
FBO support: 1, NPOT-texture support: 1, 24bit Z-buffer support: 1
maximum texture size: 4096, compress MIP-map textures: 1
maximum SmoothPointSize: 10, maximum vec4 varying/attributes: 10/16
maximum drawbuffers: 8, maximum recommended indices/vertices: 1024/1024
number of UniformBufferBindings: 0 (0kB)
VSync disabled
[InitOpenGL] video mode set to 1024x768:24bit @60Hz (windowed)
[WatchDog::Install] disabled
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] #wanted=2 #current=1 #max=2
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] #threads=1
[DataDirs] Isolation Mode!
Using read-write data directory: C:\Users\Harold\Documents\My Games\Spring\
Using read-only data directory: C:\Users\Harold\Documents\My Games\Spring\engine\100.0\
Using read-only data directory: C:\Users\Harold\Documents\My Games\Spring\engine\
Scanning: C:\Users\Harold\Documents\My Games\Spring\engine\100.0\base
Scanning: C:\Users\Harold\Documents\My Games\Spring\maps
Scanning: C:\Users\Harold\Documents\My Games\Spring\games
Scanning: C:\Users\Harold\Documents\My Games\Spring\packages
[f=0000000] [Sound] OpenAL info:
[f=0000000] [Sound] Available Devices:
[f=0000000] [Sound] Speakers (Conexant CX20671 SmartAudio HD)
[f=0000000] [Sound] Device: OpenAL Soft
[f=0000000] [Sound] Vendor: OpenAL Community
[f=0000000] [Sound] Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.15.1
[f=0000000] [Sound] Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[f=0000000] [Sound] AL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFTX_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_source_latency
[f=0000000] [Sound] EFX Enabled: no
[f=0000000] [Sound] Max Sounds: 16
[f=0000000] Joysticks found: 0
[f=0000000] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] #wanted=0 #current=2 #max=2
[f=0000000] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] #threads=0
[f=0000000] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 1
[f=0000000] [StartScript] Loading StartScript from: C:/Users/Harold/Documents/My Games/Spring/script.txt
[f=0000000] Hosting on:
[f=0000000] Connecting to local server
[f=0000000] [AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using map: IsisDelta_v02
[f=0000000] Warning: Opening socket on loopback address. Other users will not be able to connect!
[f=0000000] Binding UDP socket to IP (v4) port 8452
[f=0000000] [UDPListener] successfully bound socket on port 8452
[f=0000000] PreGame::StartServer: 18 ms
[f=0000000] [InitOpenGL] video mode set to 1024x768:24bit @60Hz (windowed)
[f=0000000] [AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using map: IsisDelta_v02
[f=0000000] [AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using game: Zero-K v1.3.9.0 (archive: 7a62a01f632fa8ad910bbea0b7665be3.sdp)
[f=0000000] Recording demo to: C:\Users\Harold\Documents\My Games\Spring\demos\20150925_174809_IsisDelta_v02_100.sdf
[f=0000000] PreGame::GameDataReceived: 47 ms
[f=0000000] [PreGame::UpdateClientNet] user number 0 (team 0, allyteam 0)
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Searching for new Widgets
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Addons/
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Widgets/
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemAddons/
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemWidgets/
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/chili/
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "SpringLogo"
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadTexture"
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadProgress"
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Main"
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Music"
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "WM Stuff"
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Loading widgets <>=vfs **=raw ()=unknown
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: WM Stuff <wm.lua>
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: LoadProgress <loadprogress.lua>
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: Main <main.lua>
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: Music <music.lua>
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] Loading widget: LoadTexture <bg_texture.lua>
[f=0000000] [LuaIntro] LuaIntro v1.0 (Lua 5.1)
[f=0000000] LoadingScreen: single-threaded
[f=0000000] Parsing Map Information
[f=0000000] Loading SMF
[f=0000000] Loading Map (38 MB)
[f=0000000] Loading Radar Icons
[f=0000000] Loading GameData Definitions
[f=0000000] [gamedata/modularcomms/unitdefgen.lua] Warning: Modular Comms warning: Comm data entry in modoption is empty or in invalid format
[f=0000000] Loading all definitions: 0.445000
[f=0000000] Game::LoadDefs (GameData): 548 ms
[f=0000000] Loading Sound Definitions
[f=0000000] [Sound] Warning: Sound incomingchat is missing file tag (ignoring)
[f=0000000] [Sound] parsed 313 sounds from gamedata/sounds.lua
[f=0000000] [Sound] Error: Unable to open audio file: IncomingChat
[f=0000000] [Sound] Error: CSound::GetSoundId: could not find sound: IncomingChat
[f=0000000] Game::LoadDefs (Sound): 23 ms
[f=0000000] Creating Smooth Height Mesh
[f=0000000] SmoothHeightMesh::MakeSmoothMesh: 49 ms
[f=0000000] Creating QuadField & CEGs
[f=0000000] [CDamageArrayHandler] number of ArmorDefs: 5
[f=0000000] Warning: [CDamageArrayHandler] UnitDef "chicken" in ArmorDef "chicken" already belongs to ArmorDef category 1!
[f=0000000] [RegisterAssimpModelFormats] supported Assimp model formats: *.3ds;*.blend;*.dae;*.lwo;
[f=0000000] Creating Unit Textures
[f=0000000] Creating Sky
[f=0000000] Loading Weapon Definitions
[f=0000000] Loading Unit Definitions
[f=0000000] Loading Feature Definitions
[f=0000000] [IPathManager::GetInstance] using DEFAULT path-manager
[f=0000000] Initializing Map Features
[f=0000000] Creating ShadowHandler & DecalHandler
[f=0000000] [Init] shadow rendering is disabled (config-value -1)
[f=0000000] Creating GroundDrawer
[f=0000000] Loading Map Tiles
[f=0000000] Loading Square Textures
[f=0000000] CSMFGroundTextures::ConvolveHeightMap: 2 ms
[f=0000000] Switching to ROAM Mesh Rendering
[f=0000000] Set ROAM mode to DisplayLists
[f=0000000] Creating TreeDrawer
[f=0000000] Creating ProjectileDrawer & UnitDrawer
[f=0000000] Creating Projectile Textures
[f=0000000] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "custom:gravityless_flamer" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=0000000] Warning: [CCEG::Load] yellowdisarmtrail: Unknown tag explspike::ttl
[f=0000000] Creating Water
[f=0000000] Game::LoadInterface (Camera&Mouse): 226 ms
[f=0000000] [Sound] Error: Unable to open audio file: MultiSelect
[f=0000000] [Sound] Error: CSound::GetSoundId: could not find sound: MultiSelect
[f=0000000] Game::LoadInterface (Console): 2 ms
[f=0000000] [Sound] Error: Unable to open audio file: FailedCommand
[f=0000000] [Sound] Error: CSound::GetSoundId: could not find sound: FailedCommand
[f=0000000] InfoTexture: legacy
[f=0000000] Loading LuaRules
[f=0000000] [Planet Wars Structures] Warning: Planetwars warning: Planetwars data entry in modoption is empty or in invalid format
[f=0000000] Initializing gadget
[f=0000000] Loading LuaGaia
[f=0000000] Loading LuaUI
[f=0000000] LuaSocketEnabled: yes
[f=0000000] This game has locked LuaUI access
[f=0000000] This game has locked LuaUI access
[f=0000000] Using LUAUI_DIRNAME = LuaUI/
[f=0000000] Reloaded ctrlpanel from file: LuaUI/ctrlpanel.txt
[f=0000000] LuaUI: bound F11 to the widget selector
[f=0000000] LuaUI: bound CTRL+F11 to tweak mode
[f=0000000] Hardware is incompatible with Xray shader requirements
[f=0000000] Hardware is incompatible with Xray shader requirements
[f=0000000] Loading last game win data
[f=0000000] Resetting win data
[f=0000000] Last game player count: 1, This game player count: 1
[f=0000000] Last game allyTeam count: 3, This game allyTeam count: 3
[f=0000000] Player and team counts match, continuing
[f=0000000] Testing last game's team 0 mapped to this game's team 0
[f=0000000] All players and teams match from last game, using last game's scores as base
[f=0000000] Loaded API widget: Cluster Detection <api_cluster_detection.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded API widget: Shared Functions <api_shared_functions.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded API widget: i18n <api_i18n.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded API widget: Modular Comm Info <api_modularcomms.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded API widget: Chili Framework <api_chili.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded API widget: Lag (AFK) monitor <api_lag_monitor.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded API widget: Lups <lups_wrapper.lua>
[f=0000000] Hardware mouse-cursor is enabled!
[f=0000000] Warning: Shadows are disabled; change your configuration and restart to use them
[f=0000000] Ground-decals rendering is disabled!
[f=0000000] Set maximum particles to: 2000
[f=0000000] Set UnitLodDist to 9999
[f=0000000] Set UnitIconDist to 151
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: EPIC Menu <gui_epicmenu.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Minimap <gui_chili_minimap.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Widget Selector <gui_chili_widgetselector.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Custom Cursor Sets <gui_customcursorsets.lua>
[f=0000000] Mexspot Fetcher fetching
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Mexspot Fetcher <wg_mexspot_fetcher.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Local Team Colors <gui_local_colors.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: HealthBars <unit_healthbars.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Noises <snd_noises.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Unit Icons <unit_icons.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Vote Display <gui_chili_vote.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: TeamCommEnds & Lavarise indicator <gui_teamcommends.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Auto Patrol Nanos <unit_auto_patrol_nanos.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: BuildETA <gui_build_eta.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: EndGame Stats <gui_chili_endgraph.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Initial Queue ZK <unit_initial_queue.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Unit Marker Zero-K <unit_marker.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Win Counter <win_counter.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Antinuke Coverage <gui_antinuke_coverage.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Area Attack Tweak <cmd_area_attack_tweak.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Attack Warning <unit_attack_warning.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Auto First Build Facing <init_autofirstbuildfacing.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Auto Group <unit_auto_group.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Autoquit <autoquit.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Blast Radius <gui_blastradius.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: CameraShake <camera_shake.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Economy Panel Default <gui_chili_economy_panel2.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili EndGame Window <gui_chili_endgamewindow.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Inactivity Win <gui_chili_inactivity_win.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Nuke Warning <gui_chili_nuke_warning.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Rejoining Progress Bar <gui_chili_rejoin_progress.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Selections & CursorTip <gui_chili_selections_and_cursortip.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Spectator Panels <gui_chili_spectator_panels.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Comm-n-Elo Startpos. Info <init_startpointelocom_info.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Constructor Auto Assist <unit_factory_guard.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Context Menu <gui_contextmenu.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Darkening <gui_darkening.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Decoration Handler <unit_decoration_handler.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Defense Range Zero-K <gui_defenserange.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Ferry Points <cmd_ferry_points.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Ghost Site <unit_ghostsite.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Haven Handler <gui_havens.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Highlight Geos <gui_highlight_geos.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: In-game Guide <gui_ingame_guide.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Keep Target <cmd_keep_target.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Local Widgets Config <localwidgets.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Map Edge Extension <map_edge_extension.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: MetalFeatures <gui_metal_features.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Mex Placement Handler <cmd_mex_placement.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: MinimapEvents <minimap_events.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Missile Silo Range <missilesilo_range.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Morph Finished notification <unit_morph_finished.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Music Player <snd_music.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: NoDuplicateOrders <cmd_no_duplicate_orders.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Orbit Command <cmd_orbit.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Persistent Build Spacing <gui_persistent_build_spacing.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Point Tracker <gui_point_tracker.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: ReclaimInfo <gui_reclaiminfo.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Show All Commands v2 <unit_showallcommands_2.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Showeco and Grid Drawer <gui_showeco_action.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: SmoothCam <camera_smoothcam.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Spectate Selected Team <gui_spectate_selected_team.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Start Point Remover & Comm Selector <init_start_point_remover.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Startup Info and Selector <init_startup_info_selector.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: State Reverse Toggle <cmd_state_reverse_toggle.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Stereo3D <gfx_stereo3d.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Stockpiler <unit_stockpile.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Transport AI <unit_transport_ai.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Voice Assistant <unit_voice.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Frame Gap Logger <dbg_frame_gap_logger.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Announcer <gui_announcer.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Attack AoE <gui_attack_aoe.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Custom Modoptions Info <gui_custommodoptions_info.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Icon Sets <gui_icon_sets.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: MessageBoxes <mission_messagebox.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Objectives <mission_objectives.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Recorder (Save) <dbg_recorder_save.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Select Keys <gui_selectkeys.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: SmoothScroll <camera_smooth_move.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Unit Start State <unit_start_state.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: UnitNoStuckInFactory <unit_nostuck_infactory.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: PlanetWars Info <gui_planetwars_info.lua>
[f=0000000] <Replay control buttons> Live mode. Widget removed.
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Replay control buttons <gui_replay_controls.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Commands FX <gfx_commands_fx.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: AllyCursors <gui_ally_cursors.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Building Starter <unit_building_starter.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: CEG Spawner <dbg_ceg_spawner.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Cloaker Guard <unit_cloaker_guard.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: CommandInsert <cmd_commandinsert.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Gadget Icons <unit_gadget_icons.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Rank Icons 2 <unit_rank_icons.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Selection Send <gui_selectionsend.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Shield Guard <unit_shield_guard.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: State Icons <unit_state_icons.lua>
[f=0000000] Marketplace and Bounty Icons: Widget removed.
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Bounty & Marketplace Icons (experimental) <unit_bounty_marketplace_icons.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: LupsManager <gfx_lups_manager.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Units on Fire <gfx_lups_units_on_fire.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Newton Firezone <cmd_newton_firezone.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Receive Units Indicator <gui_recv_indicator.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Auto-toggle false color vision <gui_auto_engine_falsecolor.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Crude Player List <gui_chili_crudeplayerlist.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Docking <gui_chili_docking.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Pro Console <gui_chili_proconsole_test.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Window Packer <gui_chili_windowpacker.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: HUD Presets <gui_hud_presets.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Image Preloader <dbg_img_preload.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Core Selector <gui_chili_core_selector.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Default Group Recall Fix <gui_group_recall_fix.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Start Boxes <minimap_startbox_new.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: MiniMap Start Boxes <minimap_startbox.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Pause Screen <gui_pausescreen.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Restricted Zones <gui_restrictedzones.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Jumpjet GUI <gui_jumpjets.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: CustomFormations2 <cmd_customformations2.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Chili Integral Menu <gui_chili_integral_menu.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: GC at >300MB <dbg_forcegc_spring97.lua>
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Lasso Terraform GUI <gui_lasso_terraform.lua>
[f=0000000] harrytheninja ENABLE TTS
[f=0000000] Loaded widget: Text To Speech Control <snd_text_to_speech.lua>
[f=0000000] Writing last game win data
[f=0000000] LuaUI v0.3
[f=0000000] [LoadFinalize] finalizing PFS
[f=0000000] [Path] [PathEstimator::ReadFile] hash=1108147840
[f=0000000] Reading Estimate PathCosts [8]
[f=0000000] [Path] [PathEstimator::ReadFile] hash=1108147864
[f=0000000] Reading Estimate PathCosts [32]
[f=0000000] [LoadFinalize] finalized PFS (51ms, checksum 3a3e6583)
[f=0000000] Loading Skirmish AIs
[f=0000000] Mex Placement Initialised with 62 spots.
[f=0000000] Loaded DecalsDrawer: Legacy
[f=0000000] GameID: 19c1055643ec0a15129cc7117e3936eb
[f=0000000] Connection attempt from harrytheninja
[f=0000000] -> Version: 100.0
[f=0000000] -> Connection established (given id 0)
[f=0000000] Skirmish AI "Bot" (ID:0, Short-Name:"NullAI", Version:"") took over control of team 1
[f=0000000] Player harrytheninja finished loading and is now ingame
[f=0000000] Epicmenu: Switching to Total Annihilation camera mode
[f=0000034] Error: Spring 100.0 has crashed.
[f=0000034] Error: DLL information:
[f=0000034] Error: 0x00400000 spring
[f=0000034] Error: 0x77210000 ntdll
[f=0000034] Error: 0x76550000 kernel32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x76340000 KERNELBASE
[f=0000034] Error: 0x74cf0000 ADVAPI32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x75f60000 msvcrt
[f=0000034] Error: 0x76010000 sechost
[f=0000034] Error: 0x761f0000 RPCRT4
[f=0000034] Error: 0x74b80000 SspiCli
[f=0000034] Error: 0x74b70000 CRYPTBASE
[f=0000034] Error: 0x5cf90000 GLU32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x5cec0000 OPENGL32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x74da0000 GDI32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x76660000 USER32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x75eb0000 LPK
[f=0000034] Error: 0x76d60000 USP10
[f=0000034] Error: 0x5cdd0000 DDRAW
[f=0000034] Error: 0x5cdc0000 DCIMAN32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x76bc0000 SETUPAPI
[f=0000034] Error: 0x761a0000 CFGMGR32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x74e30000 OLEAUT32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x76040000 ole32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x74c70000 DEVOBJ
[f=0000034] Error: 0x73100000 dwmapi
[f=0000034] Error: 0x75ec0000 IMAGEHLP
[f=0000034] Error: 0x75210000 SHELL32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x75ef0000 SHLWAPI
[f=0000034] Error: 0x72ff0000 WINMM
[f=0000034] Error: 0x751a0000 WS2_32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x761d0000 NSI
[f=0000034] Error: 0x10000000 DevIL
[f=0000034] Error: 0x5a920000 MSVCP80
[f=0000034] Error: 0x72910000 MSVCR80
[f=0000034] Error: 0x6b600000 OpenAL32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x6cec0000 libgcc_s_sjlj-1
[f=0000034] Error: 0x70780000 vorbisfile
[f=0000034] Error: 0x68140000 ogg
[f=0000034] Error: 0x64cc0000 vorbis
[f=0000034] Error: 0x62e80000 zlib1
[f=0000034] Error: 0x70e40000 libfreetype-6
[f=0000034] Error: 0x64f80000 libfontconfig-1
[f=0000034] Error: 0x68f40000 libexpat-1
[f=0000034] Error: 0x62aa0000 glew32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x6c740000 SDL2
[f=0000034] Error: 0x762e0000 IMM32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x76760000 MSCTF
[f=0000034] Error: 0x71d50000 VERSION
[f=0000034] Error: 0x733c0000 uxtheme
[f=0000034] Error: 0x03210000 ig4icd32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x76390000 CLBCatQ
[f=0000034] Error: 0x5f5f0000 shfolder
[f=0000034] Error: 0x74290000 MMDevApi
[f=0000034] Error: 0x6eca0000 PROPSYS
[f=0000034] Error: 0x5fc30000 dsound
[f=0000034] Error: 0x6e430000 POWRPROF
[f=0000034] Error: 0x74250000 AUDIOSES
[f=0000034] Error: 0x5fc00000 dinput8
[f=0000034] Error: 0x5cdb0000 HID
[f=0000034] Error: 0x76830000 WINTRUST
[f=0000034] Error: 0x76420000 CRYPT32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x751f0000 MSASN1
[f=0000034] Error: 0x02c60000 XInput1_3
[f=0000034] Error: 0x6cd80000 mswsock
[f=0000034] Error: 0x74320000 wship6
[f=0000034] Error: 0x01110000 iavlsp
[f=0000034] Error: 0x73030000 ntmarta
[f=0000034] Error: 0x75e60000 WLDAP32
[f=0000034] Error: 0x6cd70000 wshtcpip
[f=0000034] Error: 0x62b40000 AIInterface
[f=0000034] Error: 0x6e340000 SkirmishAI
[f=0000034] Error: 0x5e4f0000 dbghelp
[f=0000034] Error: Exception: Access violation (0xc0000005)
[f=0000034] Error: Exception Address: 0x77247290
[f=0000034] Error: Stacktrace for Spring 100.0:
+0 / -0
9 years ago
My guess is Intel
Engine does not deal with intel GPUs all that well.

I am more curious on what kind of woollen monitor are you running it on:
XResolution = 1024
YResolution = 768
+1 / -0
9 years ago
so i cant play it on my laptop cause its intel and all my computers are intel and yea its a laptop so...
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Try to update the GPU's drivers.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I am truly SHOCKED, that nobody more qualified tried to respond to this thread.
Devs please stop giving @[V]Sheep more material please.

As I do not see anything obviously wrong in your infolog and while lacking expertise I can adivce the basic procedure for "game xxx is not working":
1. Restart computer and try again.
2. Update your drivers and try again.
3. Give run said program in administrator mode.
4. Delete the whole program and reinstall it see if it works.

Having had some problems with Spring in the past, the following steps helped 90% of the time (for me). But then I were not playing on integrated intel GPU.
Another possibility is that your computer is simply not enough to run the game (judging by your resolution at the very least).
+0 / -0
9 years ago
i just uninstalled and im downloading now what im really thinking is it USED to work
+0 / -0
9 years ago
*edit/addon* it cant be my intel right??

+0 / -0
9 years ago
its still dead
ill try doing it as admin next
+0 / -0
9 years ago
im in admin right now and i cant start i dont even khow how to update my drivers soo yea
+0 / -0

9 years ago
may try to reinstall it on a different location than C:/user/....
may some read/write locks/problems are kicking in.

PS. use http://pastebin.com/ to show logs ;)
+0 / -0
1024x768 is not his screen resolution but the size of window. (windowed mode)

Do you try to play via normal zero-K lobby?
The log already shows usage of --safemode which means "safest" setting.
Usually when safemode does not work then only guessing is left.
However bit hope is from this: [f=0000034]
That is the framenumber, it is > 0 meaning it seems to get ingame for a short moment.
(Maybe you do see the game/terrain very briefly before crash?)

1) Turn off all "powersaving" modes, plug in power cable.

2) Try changing VRAM settings. In BIOS (or some windows too iirc) you can set how much RAM gets used by the graphics-thing. Google how excactly it works on your PC..
Increase the setting or if it is already at "Autodetect Maximum DVMT" (or something similiar named) then try something manual.

3) Try different games and maybe older different spring (engine) versions: https://springrts.com/wiki/Download
On my old laptop newer spring version (since 94.1 or so) do not work anymore.

4) Try a map without water.

If you ever get a crash log that continues after this line:
[f=0000034] Error: Stacktrace for Spring 100.0:
Then you could post that too it can help devs to figure why/where crash happend.

I am truly SHOCKED, that nobody more qualified tried to respond to this thread.
Devs please stop giving @[V]Sheep more material please.
Imo it is very stupid how games all seperated. Now there is no longer one shared place for such problems...
+0 / -0

9 years ago
lol, harry, use spoiler for infolog :D
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I have known some laptops to not use their graphics card for Spring. Make sure that you are using yours.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Some laptops only have Intel.
On windows, make sure you have Intel drivers that do OpenGL properly.

I have had success with Intel graphics on Linux, using fresh drivers from https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa , had to install the texture compression package though: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/xorg-edgers/vivid/main/base/libtxc-dxtn0 (either that, or if not allowed by your country, then http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 )
and turn on compression availability in driconf.

+0 / -0

9 years ago
FWIW modern Mesa drivers seem to be working fine on Linux even without any config voodoo needed.
+0 / -0
1024x768 is not his screen resolution but the size of window. (windowed mode)

DErank[2up]knorke afaik you are not correct. By default Spring starts in full screen mode. Another clue regarding op's monitor being a potato:

Supported Video modes on Display 1 x:0 y:0 1024x768:
320x200, 320x240, 400x300, 512x384, 640x400, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x600, 1280x720, 1280x768, 1360x768, 1366x768
+0 / -0
Ofc 1360x768 is not superhigh resolution but think okay for older laptops, in past I have seen spring run good on such laptops. if it ran.
This does not look like fullscreen:
Fullscreen = 0
XResolution = 1024
YResolution = 768
[InitOpenGL] video mode set to 1024x768:24bit @60Hz (windowed)
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Spring refuses to use my laptops resolution as well. It switches to 1280x720 no matter what I do, even though its a 1920x1080 display. Maybe he has the same problem?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Fair nuff DErank[2up]knorke
+0 / -0