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CTF Issue

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9 years ago
I would like to know how to start a ctf game cause every time i try it on a map its tells me option cant be found
+0 / -0
9 years ago
CTF gamemode does not exist anymore.
every time i try it on a map its tells me option cant be found
Where do you try to set the option? By typing !commands into chat?
If there is still some reference to CTF in menu or manual or somewhere, then that would be a leftover.
If you mean those "Capture the Flag" maps, those are not supported or not made for zero-K.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
oh. i thought the NM said 3 game modes one was capture the flag so there is no way on 0-K to play it?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Could you elaborate? What's "NM"? We used to have CTF but it wasn't maintained anymore and thus removed. If anything still mentions CTF it would be good if you could tell us where so the source can be updated.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I actually got CTF working about three months ago give or take two months.
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9 years ago
http://zero-k.info/Wiki/GameOptions mentions lavarise & CTF:

Normal - known as "normal", normal zk mode, as normal, as it gets.
Lava Rise - "lavarise". A sudden death game mode, players need to tweak wave and rise times of lava.
Capture The Flag - "ctf". A capture the flag game mode, players start with flag bases and have to steal each other flags to win. Also features respawnable commanders.

There are many leftover notes in videos, pictures, text, manual,.. about things that are no longer in the game or now work different.
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