For those times when many people resign, and arent there to !y for the !voteresign and the game drags on.
+5 / -0
What if you resign accidentally prematurely?
+0 / -0
Don't agree. People who resigned renounce any decision about the game. If you are bored about the game that drags on, start another game...
+0 / -0
well the problem is they still count towards the vote treshold, so they didnt actually renounce their descicion making over the game on a technical level. realisticly, people who resigned want the game to end and they made that descision, so their vote should either reflect that or truly not matter anymore.
+5 / -0
People who resign should not automatically count as !y towards !voteresign. If people are afk they should be treated as such: not count towards the vote threshold and be unable to vote.
+3 / -0
I remember such a thread: I started it
+0 / -0
I remember saying something in that thread! quote: I would prefer to see resigned or AFK players simply not getting a vote at all, and requiring half of the active players to vote for a resign. In particular resigned, spectating players voting one way or the other is a lot like spec-cheating, even though in most (but not all) cases the game is decided already. |
If you want to see why I think that, go read the other thread. Not quoting it all again. tl;dr: not counting resigned players at all makes more sense, fixes the problem and prevents abuses
+10 / -0
Besides the practical consideration (someone has to code it) is there somebody disagreeing that AFK/resigned players should not count towards total?
+0 / -0
I was of the opinion that they should count as +1 in all voteresigns but I'm happy to compromise with this.
+1 / -0
If the game continues after a bunch of players resign then the remaining players should be the ones to decide whether they keep playing it. Reasonable games can arise from that situation.
+8 / -0
Some incredibly memorable games have resulted from Googlefrog and I being on the opposite side of our respective teams and everyone else having resigned. In fact that's the ideal state. In fact that's why I play 1v1. :D Some people are more than capable (and happy) to handle the extra units and income.
+2 / -0
Also pls fix the situation in 3v3 when u are playing with 2 complete lobsters and they voteresign you as they think game is lost - while obviously(from high elo view) it's won I suggest make !voteresign vote weight proportional to elo ^^  Svatopluk had lots of such games recently... N = whole weight of !voteresign(1 per player in team) then change each weight proportional to player's elo like 1*player.elo/max(players.elo)
+3 / -0
Although I agree with the problem that you describe, I think computing that way it would be too complex/confusing. In fact, team play should involve communication between people. The problem is that sometimes they vote resign so fast you have no time to explain/show them why the team is winning. Idea: based on who votes there should be a "delay" until the vote take effect (and keep the voting panel there). If 90% of the elo of the team voted yes, there could be 10 sec delay. If 60% of the elo of the team voted yes there could be 40 seconds delay. Of course numbers need to be tweaked.
+0 / -0
I agree with Firepluk. It is annoying to be resigned by players who together control maybe like 1/3 of the team assets, while you are winning with the other 2/3...
+0 / -0
quote: t is annoying to be resigned by players who together control maybe like 1/3 of the team assets, while you are winning with the other 2/3... |
+0 / -0
Instead of counting them as a yes vote, you should recount the vote threshold to factor in the 'afk' players. There shouldn't be a situation where it requires 3 yes votes to end the game, but only 2 players have not resigned.
+0 / -0
Yes but there need one exception (if it will be added) - Firepluk resign didn't count. So many games he resigns and still his team wins. :D :D
+0 / -0
I think meritocracy is very hard to design well.
+0 / -0