quote: ...so he could survive after Penetrator's shot. |
Wrong. Penetrator is 3000.
quote: Recon's HP was reduced to make possible of killing it by 2 precise bombers at the beginning of a game |
Wrong. It starts with 1650 health so survives 2 prec bombers.
quote: Recon is the only which is ...ed. |
Wrong. Recon is potentially the most powerful chassis because it has free jump.
quote: possible advice "put on health module" is not correct because it requires one slot. |
Wrong. The advice is correct. That's exactly what slots are for.
quote: Changing one of named 11 used by me modules to health is not good. |
Meaningless. Not good how? A slot limit is very good from a design perspective because it prevents insane commanders.
quote: Other commanders are OK about maximizing something by 8 boosters + something other (shield, etc.) |
Correct. So use them if you fear penetration.