Power user question get a power user answer. Disable the teamcolours widget and place this code in a file in your engine installation called "teamcolours.lua"
You may already have such a file in which case "local disabled
true" needs to be changed to "local disabled
Following text is the file contents of the file:
-- file: teamcolors.lua
-- brief: local team recoloring
-- author: Dave Rodgers
-- notes:
-- This script can be used to configure the local
-- client's team colors before the game starts.
-- Copyright (C) 2007.
-- Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, v2 or later.
-- Configuration
local disabled = false --<<** NOTE **>>--
local debug = false
-- Color sets
local myColor = { 1, 191/255, 0 }
local gaiaColor = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 }
local allyColors = {
{ 1.0, 0.0, 0 },
{ 0.05, 0.96, 0.95 },
{ 1.0, 0.0, 1 },
{ 132/255, 100/255, 50/255 },
{ 158/255, 42/255, 0.0 },
{ 153/255, 0.0, 13/255 },
{ 238/255, 1.0, 3/255 },
{ 250/255, 127/255, 225/255 },
{ 183/255, 99/255, 103/255 },
local enemyColors = {
{ 0.0, 0.1, 0.9 },
{ 1, 1, 0.5 },
{ 0.5, 1, 0.5 },
{ 0, 0.4, 0 },
{ 1, 97/255, 40/255 },
{ 151/255, 0, 219/255 },
{ 1, .5, .7},
{ 1,0,0},
{ 88/255,46/255,1 },
local myTeam = players[myPlayer].team
local myAllyTeam = teams[myTeam].allyTeam
local teamColors = {}
-- set the colors
local a, e = 0, 0
for teamID, team in pairs(teams) do
if (team.gaia) then
teamColors[teamID] = gaiaColor
if (teamID == myTeam) then
teamColors[teamID] = myColor
elseif (team.allyTeam == myAllyTeam) then
a = (a % #allyColors) + 1
teamColors[teamID] = allyColors[a]
e = (e % #enemyColors) + 1
teamColors[teamID] = enemyColors[e]
if (debug) then
print(' modName = ' .. modName);
print(' modShortName = ' .. modShortName);
print(' modVersion = ' .. modVersion);
print(' mapName = ' .. mapName);
print(' mapHumanName = ' .. mapHumanName);
print(' myPlayer = ' .. myPlayer)
print(' myTeam = ' .. myTeam)
print(' myAllyTeam = ' .. myAllyTeam)
for teamID, team in pairs(teams) do
local color = team.color
print(' team ' .. teamID)
print(' leader = ' .. team.leader)
print(' allyTeam = ' .. team.allyTeam)
print(' gaia = ' .. tostring(team.gaia))
print(' active = ' .. tostring(team.active))
print(' color = ' .. color[1]..' '..color[2]..' '..color[3])
for playerID, player in pairs(players) do
if (player.active) then
print(' player ' .. playerID)
print(' name = ' .. player.name)
print(' team = ' .. player.team)
print(' active = ' .. tostring(player.active))
print(' spec = ' .. tostring(player.spectating))
for teamID, color in pairs(teamColors) do
print(string.format('teamcolors.lua: %i = %f, %f, %f', teamID,
color[1], color[2], color[3]))
if (disabled) then
return {}
return teamColors