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Lobby Update - Problems

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12 years ago
Logged on today and have been having nothing but issues with the new quick match function.

My main problem is A: It moves me around when I don't want it to, I have it set to Never for Small teams and it still moves me to small team games.

My next problem is that this game doesn't have a large enough community for this to be viable, whereas before you could have whatever number of players you wanted in a single game you now have to wait until a specific number appear for a game to start meaning more people left out of games and a longer waiting time between games.

Its a good idea in theory, and mostly functional in practice but I don't think its working as intended.

I haven't been able to enjoy Zero-K since this update.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I like the way the juggler is displayed now. What don't understand, is the details how it works. Does ist juggle me, when i push the button (yes yes yes!), or always when I am not in a game (no no no!)

Please enlighten me.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
when you have the [x]play checkbox enabled, you are considered ready to play (using ZK lobby). you are in the pool of players, which are looking for a game. the juggler wants to find for this pool best choices a matching host and moves you there.

i dunno at
-what refresh rate the juggler works (when it moves ppl)
-nor if it moves you when you push the button
-nor if it moves you when you are in a lobby for a new game but speccing another one.

yes, player base should be a bit higher, this would give better results in matchfinding, but it does a good job so far, thx licho.

licho has more answers there.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
1) juggler checks every minute and something and when any game ends
2) juggler moves all people at same moment because it can also make new game or split game into tw - pressing button only requests new stats from server (no effect basically)
3) its now set for all people by default to "never" for all games -> it should not move people unless they manually configure their preferences..
(Except for game splitting)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think this system works alright in large games like TF2 where you can juggle without disrupting everyone else, though note that TF2 has a server browser that the quickmatch doesn't fuck with and so I never use matchmaking myself.

The problem with doing this in Zero-K is that you will ALWAYS have to disrupt games to make the juggler work. There aren't enough concurrently occupied hosts to allow people to play things they actually want to play. The current implementation is like if after every map of TF2 it kicked you off the server and required you to join a completely different server with different people and different maps, even if you didn't use matchmaking in the first place. This would be the worst thing.

And the size-segregated teams hosts are ridiculous. Yesterday I was trying to play with Skasi and Harvey and juggler wasn't having any of it, because at the time people happened by chance to be in a small teams host. I don't think anyone would have minded playing 5v5 to accommodate the extra people, but they literally cannot do that without everyone leaving the room and joining another. And this isn't a "lack of play with friends option" thing. You want to play teams, and there's only a 4v4 small game? Sorry, you're NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY ZERO-K.

These are exactly the same problems as the last iteration of the juggler. I don't think you can fix this in a game of this size while maintaining an effective matchmaker. Just let players do what they want.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Shazeh you are not meant to play with skasi and harvey. You are nub, they are pro. It was splitting SMALL TEAMS game with 14 people into 2 games - perfectly normal..
Those people dont want to play big game with nubs! If they wanted they would be in medium or big teams.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
'opt in' sounds great. I'll use it!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
My elo is about the same as yours. If Skasi didn't want to play with 1600s he probably wouldn't be in a newbie host. Or in Mumble with me.
+0 / -0