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12 years ago
Well, this has gone on for long enough. What's with the archangel? It has a a laserbattery that can take down gunships and an auto-cannon that does... nothing.

The Auto-cannon battery deals 12 DPS. That means it'd take 15 seconds to down a crane. A CRANE, PEOPLE.

Antelope, Skasi and burp agrees after our chat in the Medium Teams.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Just another boring AA unit. It should synergize with moderator, because the moderator is GREAT flex-AA. But HOW do you synergize with moderator? Give it slow? Then the damages combine, but it caps out at 50% so fast anyway. If you make it just 'weak' so you need moderator to do enough DPS, well then it's just crap AA and you'll need another factory.

Possibly, it could have a weapon which just doesn't track very well or has a slow projectile that takes time to reach it's target. But that just seems like it would be sorta shitty AA.
+0 / -0
12 years ago

No, I mean. Earlier, the Archangel dealt half of it's damage in Laser and half in Auto, if I remember correctly.

Shortly after, the guys in the server told me that they fixed it. Not sure in what way.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It has two weapons, so split its DPS between accurate AA lasers and inaccurate autocannon that synergises with moderator
+0 / -0

12 years ago
KR reduced cannon damage by 7x when he fixed DPS for XP removal. Laser damage increased about 1.5x. So I increased damage by 10x because it looks like that sort of error.
+0 / -0
Slow-moving missiles actually sounds like a good idea. It would be solid anti-gunship aa, perhaps even more so if given AoE. When fielded with a moderator it becomes anti-plane and would be even better vs heavy gunships too.

edit: I see this has already been fixed. Don't mind me...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Good as it is.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
It's boring, but it is technically unique, and it works. So I suppose there are more important things to be dealt with first.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
r6176 (latest):
* EMG: 117dps (0.1 reload) @1040
* Laser: 188dps (0.1 reload) @820
= 305dps against planes, 1/10 against other units.

* EMG 11.7dps against planes, ( 1.17 per shot )

* EMG: 125dps (0.1 reload) @1040
* Laser: 200dps (0.1 reload) @820
= 325dps against planes, 1/10 against other units.


It is definitively fixed.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
btw, comparing the archangel to spider AA.. isn't the archangel better in every conceivable way?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Archangels speed = 2.

If it jumps downhill to chase a Krow, it can't retreat.
If it jumps uphill, it can't chase gunships - speed is an additional disadvantage.
You compare a 550 metal, 305 dps over 850 elmos unit against a 400 metal, 110 dps over 1000 elmos unit
+0 / -0

12 years ago
yes - I compare 305 dps with 850 range to 110 dps with 1000 range.

even considering the cost difference of 100, ho-ly fuck. either archangel is godlike OP or the spider AA licks balls
+0 / -0
12 years ago
They're totally different unit roles. Archangel's dps makes it a gunship counter, while Tarantula's burst means it's best used against planes. It might still be a little too powerful though. To me Archangel has invariably been the best AA unit ZK has to offer. Probably because slow damage (same fac) turns planes into gunships - speedwise.

I think Archangel could do with slower movement. Right now that's its weakness among all mobile AAs. A reduced movement speed perfectly synergizes with Moderators' slow weapon.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Or take away its jump. The jumpy lab has several other non-jumping units.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Maybe the Archangel should be a slasher-style deploy AA? It can already jump away from danger if anything closes in, so this could be interesting.

Way better than the god damn Slasher, anyway. Oversized piece of poop.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
replace autocannon with capture beam to synergise with moderator
+0 / -0

12 years ago
this is all well and fun, but just addressing the difference in DPS:cost between archangel and tarantula would probably do the trick.
+0 / -0
Is a unit which costs more than a shadow a good AA unit for a fac anyway?
+0 / -0
The big thing about the Archangel is its instant-escape button, by jumping. Copperhead is restricted to vehicle movement. The Tarantula has to slowly climb down the cliff.

The Archangel can flip them both the bird and just jump off.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Archangel is slow.
+0 / -0
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