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stealth unit

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8 years ago
is there a way to unstealth stealthed units apart from waiting for their attack or their energy loss?
+0 / -0
Touch them or hit them. Every cloaked unit as a decloak radius around them, and if any enemy units are in it (note this doesn't include unfinished buildings), they automatically decloak. Also, if they get hit with an attack they will decloak while taking damage for a few seconds, so fire is great to find cloaked units.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Nanoframes also decloak units.

There is a technique to make solar walls around ones' base in order to protect it from cloaked units. They cannot go past the solar colectors because they would be spotted. Additionally solars also provide cover for the defense towers that you build behind them so it is helpful against standard units as well.
+0 / -2

8 years ago
basically no, scythes gonna rek you
+3 / -0
8 years ago
ye... when u hear this "whip, whip" sound gg is coming
+3 / -0
Nanoframes also decloak units.

No they do not. If they do, then report the issue.
+3 / -0

8 years ago
There is a technique to make solar walls around ones' base in order to protect it from cloaked units

is correct because nanoframes are scary.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
What does decloak Scythes is them attacking nanoframes. Nanoframes are not scary though.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
Use raiders or scouts to find them. Puppies and fleas are really good at that. Outlaws are also good if you put them on always fire. You can also use a firewalker to set an area on fire.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
The obvious superior approach is to Scythe the other guy first so that no more Scythes come from his factory. All other solutions just wait for him to circumvent your defence somehow and then WHZING WHZING.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
i did not know that being near one cloaked unti woud decloak it, thanks for the tip.
not sure why a solar panel would decloak a cloaked unit but thanks anyway.
(solar panel are effective as walls? Oo)
in my last game a friend hidden few cloaked builders on the map and i had trouble finding them -.-'.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
If you have won but the enemy is hiding a few cloaked units, just keep making more stuff. Once you have 100x as much stuff as the enemy, all their units become unconditionally visible to you, cloak or not.
+1 / -0
solar walls is the only reliable way to protect some limited territory from cloaked units, and yet there are still some advanched techniques that allow athenas to trespass even there...
+2 / -0
(solar panel are effective as walls? Oo)

Solar Collectors are relatively tanky and take up quite a bit of space. They cost 70 metal and have 500 HP (2000 HP when closed), so they have 7hp per metal (28.5hp per metal when closed). For comparison, assault units like Zeus and Ravager also have ~7hp per metal, Dirtbag has 20 and Razor has 43.

On top of that, in your average game you normally don't have too much energy so building a couple extra to complete a wall is fine. The sturdiness of Solar Collectors makes spamming them a very safe and reliable alternative to the potential cost efficiencies of fragile Wind Generators and hazardous Fusion- or Singularity Reactors.
+5 / -0