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interface controls vanish during battle

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Twice now on 2 different computers the controls vanish and I can do nothing but watch.

This takes places as the AI ( which obviously hates me to death ) is trying to slaughter me by attacking my base.

I loose the ability to highlight a unit to get it's controls or give it orders,

I loose all controls for the menu / lobby in the upper right.

the screen becomes a full screen play of destruction of my base : I have to kill the program and restart it.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I don't know if this is your problemb, but F5 removes all ui elements including the cursor. Pressing F5 again should return things to normal. When I do this, the game functions as normal but works more as a spectator view. the only UI I see is I can still draw a selection box, and the grey box will appear. All selected units do not have circles around them, but are totally controlable as normal. Are you accidentally pressing F5 while playing?
+0 / -0

7 years ago
This sounds like a luaUI crash. I think you are still able to right click to issue orders to selected units. Typing '/luaui reload' should work around the issue.

What you need to do is find your data folder and upload infolog.txt after closing the game in which you had this issue. The log folder contains old infologs so it would be sufficient to upload the logs that you think correspond to the error.
+2 / -0
7 years ago
Thank You.

As for the F5 thing, I appreciate the information because if it happens again, I'll try pushing that button.
However, I control the game using the shift key & mouse : the F5 key is miles away from the shift....
so I don't think it was any accident.

This Infolog file information is useful, I will go after it if it happens again.

Again, Thank You, the information you guys gave me makes feel armed for any future event.

I like this game , I don't expect it to be perfect - slightly edited, maybe, but I don't know the file system ( tried to work with such files before but they are pretty esoteric in design compared to the .xml for the game I do edit the most. )

However, If I ever learn - the AI will not be building faster then the player ( I keep doing 1v1 on normal trying to improve and the AI is tanking me with stuff that takes forever to build .....but obviously not for the AI...so I am either badly understaffed in the smarts department or the AI is cheating like crazy )
+0 / -0

7 years ago
The AI doesn't cheat, it's just that a lot of work has gone into it.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
I keep doing 1v1 on normal trying to improve and the AI is tanking me with stuff that takes forever to build .....but obviously not for the AI...

If the AI seems to be building faster than you are, it's probably because it has a bigger economy, with more income and more buildpower. This is a sign that you need to focus more on economic expansion, which in turn requires territorial expansion. You'll improve your game by aggressively expanding - send constructors into areas with metal spots and construct metal extractors there, while protecting both your constructors and the expansions themselves using armed units and defensive structures. As your metal income increases, be sure to also build generators so your energy income matches your metal income, and build caretakers to assist your factory so that your buildpower matches your metal and energy income.

Aggressive expansion to obtain an economic advantage is a key part of Zero-K.

I'm glad you're enjoying the game!
+0 / -0