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terraform orders are not saved and loaded

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6 years ago
Unfinished terraform orders are not saved and loaded.
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6 years ago
They are intentionally destroyed on load because saving their partially completed state is too complicated and niche to be worth doing at the moment. Straightforward issues such as this would be much better on the ticket system as some devs occasionally look through the old tickets and fix some. Threads are lost.

Here is a link: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/issues
+0 / -0
6 years ago
I would post there, but then I need to create yet another user account. I'll keep it in mind though. Thanks.
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4 years ago
Been playing a while and use terraform to build walls, but I find that it skips build sections.

Example: build a straight line wall (ctrl click click click) and it shows as 5 sections... builds the first two sections fine, then the third section may be skipped or it starts, then the builder moves on (and the previous section 'clears' as if built) and completes the 4th section, then does the same as the third with the 5th section.

It happens with either my commander or a constructor. And no, nothing is getting in the way to prevent the build. I have to go back and re-build the missing sections - frustrating!

I thought it might be an issue that I was running out of energy... but just had it happen when energy was 'full' (500).

I've found that it sometimes works a little better if after 'creating' the build that I set the builder to one section and then 'add' the other sections to it's build queue... sometimes.

Running the latest Steam ZK (just updated to on a Win10 with 16G RAM.

Any suggestions?
+1 / -0

4 years ago
It would help a lot if you posted a replay or even a screenshot. An easy way to make a replay is to reproduce the issue in a sandbox game online, then link it here. The game has to be won rather than exited to generate a replay.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
I was getting this a little in single player campaign too. For larger ramp commands and long stretching raise commands sometimes blocks would be impartial/skipped. I think it was common to happen if I space clicked inserted move orders before/during a repair teraunit command. It also seemed to happen without my intervention though.
+1 / -0
I have had this issue a ton in the past, then its been fine for some time and recently its back with a vengeance. Terraform orders that are queued to happen some time into the future often dont work. It may also be that the game has to have been going on for a bit for this to occur.
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