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Units and buildings invisible(steam)

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6 years ago
Hi, today i started up my game and for whatever reason i can no longer see units/buildings(i can still see their icons), i verified the integrity of game cashe and reinstalled already. Both yielded no result.

I can still see footsteps/particle effects and terrain deformation(craters/terraforms).
Also, queued up buildings show up when selecting the unit it is queued to or when holding the shift key.

pictures: https://imgur.com/a/X3UwG77

Any help is obviously appreciated.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
What's your hardware(cpu, gpu)?
try to find infolog.txt from game folder and post it somewhere...
(right after you experience this bug)
+0 / -0
6 years ago
CPU: Intel i7-4820k @ 3.7 GHz
GPU: AMD R9 290x 4GB
RAM: 16 Gb DDR3
Os: Windows 8.1

and pastebin link to my infolog: https://pastebin.com/eUB0c5EX

note: Changing in-game graphics settings seems to have no effect on bug.
+0 / -0
I don't see any obvious issues in this infolog, probably AUrankAdminGoogleFrog could provide more insight on this...

I just know one thing - zk always used to have certain issues/glitches with AMD GPUs, so your best bet would be
1) check if u are using latest gpu drivers
2) try to turn ATI/Intel Compatibility mode in the Settings/Graphics to On
+0 / -0
A guess: go to in-game menu (F10) -> Untick "Simple settings" -> go to "Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility" -> check your "Draw distance" and "Icon distance" values.
If "Icon distance" is too low (~0) it will always draw icons instead of models.
Mine values for example:
Draw distance = 500
Icon distance = 150
+3 / -0
6 years ago
GPU drivers are up to date, and bug occurs on all ATI/Intel compatibility mode settings(on/automatic/off). It may possible be related to the "Server command buffering" patch. For it did not occur before said patch.

I don't know how it would. But that patch is the only thing that i can imagine/remember having changed between the game being perfectly fine and the issue i am currently experiencing.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Most likely it's what UAranklamer said.
Basically game draws icons instead of models due to very low icondistance.

You can also type in the game's chat /disticon 120
+0 / -0
6 years ago
YES! Lamer is correct, For whatever reason my icon distance was set to 0.
Having changed the draw/icon distance values has fixed it.

Thank you all for the help, now i can go back to getting my ass kicked :P
+3 / -0