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EDIT: In case it was not clear, I AM NOT SERIOUS.

And so it came to pass that sFireman needed more than a det. In one particular large team game on RustyDelta, sFireman had 300 metal second personally... And didn't know what to do with his metal after he finished his starlight.

Hence, burp came up with the suggestion of a line of super-superweapons with cost of "you can't afford it" and power of "I win".



1) Ultra-Cloak
24k buys you a Det.
476k buys the Det a super-cloak that never drops. The Det can shoot, take damage and walk next to things and it will not decloak.

2) Mobile Rapidfire Nuclear Cannon
Huge spiderbot the size of multiple Dets. Fires as fast as a DiscoRaveParty, but shoots nuclear missiles.

Or if you want the lolz, it can be the size of a TA peewee.

3) Planetary Defence Grid
Fires homing tactical nukes at a rate of 1 per second around half Starlight range.
Projects a uber-shield of the same range with enough strength and regen to tank a continuously firing nuclear silo. And it links to the whole maps
-> all shield units now have essentially unlimited shield power
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Makes planetary defence grid

+0 / -0
We could just take the hero units from TA.

It would be cool to add some ridiculous expensive units, as it doesn't unbalance things.

+1 for Nuke Cannon and MegaShield

EDIT: In case it was not clear, I AM SERIOUS.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
A giant flea that consumes metal and reproduces this way!

A giant Skuttle that creates 100 Puppies upon explosion!

A giant Dirtbag that increases the WHOLE map's heightmap to the maximum altitude Spring supports!
+0 / -0
I've always wanted a skirmisher unit that shoots nukes as its primary weapon. Not little taknukes - the real kind. Skip the Black Dawn, I want the Nuclear Dawn.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
One of the *A mods had a LRPC (Long Range Peewee Canon).

I'd love a canon that shot units accurately into enemy base. I'm not talking about building a newton ramp that you can't easily aim and requires ungodly amounts of micro. I want it to fire in the same fashion as Bertha/Disco.

Maybe it could have a list of units that you could fire at varying rates? Maybe 1 flea every second or 1 pyro after 10 seconds, etc.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I was thinking a simpler idea for a superweapon: 100 buildpower infinite-range nanolathe with the Athena buildlist. Spawn units anywhere on the map whenever you like, reclaim like a beast, etc. The kind of trolling you could do with landscaping would be obscene.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Oh god that sounds like the most fun ever
+0 / -0
To be more serious, you need a scaling metal sink unit.

It's simple really, just get a normal unit, make it able to morph to two of itself. Sucks metal from your pool, splits like puppies.

Have it be reasonably expensive, like 1k each. If they can split every 30 seconds, the doubling rate will eventually overwhelm any possible eco.

Basically, a goliath that has 35bp and only itself on the buildlist.
+0 / -0
Don't remember what mod had it, but I loved the Batteship Cannon. It had a very long reload, but it shot battleships that got stuck on land and started causing massive destruction.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Hell's Furnace:
Remotely lower circular patches of terrain (range: starlight). Instead of water you get ... LAVA!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Simple superweapon:

Every unit on the map loses 1% of their health per-second. Including the superweapon.

Better hope you've a lot of buildpower.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Giant red button the size of ten factories. Labeled "DO NOT PUSH".

Can be pushed by having a few hundred thousand metal worth of units stand on it.

When pushed, causes all enemy units to self-destruct.
+0 / -0
On the subject of trolling with superweapons, how about ye olde chronosphere? Teleporting tanks in the sea and ships down mountains slopes?

A more medium-powered superweapon: the virtual gym center, allwos all units to morph for free and without xp requirements (as many times as you wants (i am pretty sure you can currently obtain a detriment from a flea if you follow the correct morph sequence)

And a low-powered support superweapon: soil control unit (ground control is already taken): locks ground into place: no craters or terraforming (protects from super nanolathe, quake AND dirtbag))

but it would be nice to have "super" weapons that start around strider cost and gradualy move up to "lol u mad?" cost with corresponding effectiveness (and trollishness) for example disco rave party could be "sold" for half it`s current price whith only minor tweaking without unbalancing the game
+0 / -0
11 years ago
The Yoyo Machine:
Strider, the ultimate weapon against flea and glaive spam. Ejects 100 metal balls (look like demolition balls) on pieces of elastic. Each ball does 500 damage when it hits something, damage reduced at maximum range. Ball trajectory has a slight arc so it does not blunder into wreckage that much. Range ... about 1200 so it acts as AA too to smash those rapier balls to bits.
+0 / -0
Every unit on the map loses 1% of their health per-second. Including the superweapon.

1%? Better would be a fixed amount, so that the goal is that just the superweapon itself survives :D
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I want to see cannon that will firing nukes at insane rate, like 1 nuke/sec
And some king of mothership, like a krow, but much-much stronger and powerful for insane cost like 100000m or even more.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It's simple really, just get a normal unit, make it able to morph to two of itself. Sucks metal from your pool, splits like puppies.

Did you try Welders?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
... what? Do Welders have some special power of reproduction that I have failed to notice? Or is it just the fun of "cons with guns, spam 1 unit and eat the map!"
+0 / -0
Singularity Projector:

Infinite range, 20second reload weapon.

The shot ignores everything and simply instantly destroys all units inside a small radius (around blast radius of a fusion)

Aka, the rightclick-to-win gun.

Control Disruptor:
Similar to starlight, but deals capture damage. LOTS of capture damage.
+0 / -0
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