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Zero-K v1.7.4.0 - Fixes and Outlaw Tweak

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5 years ago

This version contains a few important fixes, compatibility for an upcoming engine update, and a reduction of the previous Outlaw buff.


  • Outlaw damage 35 -> 30 (was 20 previously) with the same scaling for slow damage (105 -> 90).
  • Paladin manual fire now fires 12 missiles (increased from 10) to match its model.
  • Raven thinks units are thinner than they are, causing it to dive lower and hit more consistently.
  • Welder defaults to hold position.


  • Fixed units failing to reveal themselves if they fire from behind terrain while inside an enemy units LOS range. This primarily makes buried defenses targetable.
  • Fixed units with attack orders not having their attack order overridden by some commands. This mostly affected issuing reclaim orders to fighting Welders.
  • Fixed a case of tactical AI not working for units on hold position.
  • Blocked the ability to give gunships orders off the edge of the map.
  • Zenith now gains XP and can shoot through allied shields.

Depth of Field Fixes

  • Fixed issue where the autofocus would incorrectly weaken when zooming in after a certain point.
  • Fixed colours blending to a mush (unfortunately this means some banding in dark regions, not sure how to fix without ruining the more pronounced circles).
  • Normalized depth calculations to Spring unit distances, so blur power is no longer map-dependent.
  • Fixed projectile lights rendering on top of DoF (this involved changing priority, and this seems like a blunter fix than necessary).
  • Expanded blur radius limits so near-to-camera objects blend more nicely.
  • Made the transition from in-focus to out-of-focus a bit smoother.
+6 / -0

5 years ago
What a silly picture for such an awful mechanic(Teradown stinger).
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I consider terraformed Stingers to be fixed since this tactic was possible for many many years, yet people only started complaining with the LOS-reveal mechanic stopped working.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Now we test if terastingers can be teraformed in such a way that many arcing projectiles don't auto target a sunken stinger. If having los solves the problem, terastinger is still effective against the likes of lance and grizzly at least.
+0 / -0
Disappoint at no Mace hp nerf.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Nice patch !

Can we nerf the Dominatrix again pls ?
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Hm, time for a scythe nerf? (Compensation buff ronin ofc)
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Pala got buff when nerf needed?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
* Zenith now gains XP and can shoot through allied shields.

So when you stun someone's Zenith the meteors will now fall straight through their shields?
+0 / -0
So when you stun someone's Zenith the meteors will now fall straight through their shields?

No. Launched meteors are owned by the Zenith and pass ally shields; dropped meteors are owned by Gaia and are blocked by the shields of all players.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
I saw I lot of shadows missing units today. Anyone else notice this?
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I also forgot to reduce Mace HP.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I've released a fix for the Raven dive issue (it only occurred vs. spherical units) and reduced Mace health from 1400 -> 1300. I also updated the engine.
+5 / -0
5 years ago
never build quake missiles.. if you can even remember what they look like
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Pala got buff when nerf needed?

Not a buff. Individual missiles now do 10/12th the previous damage so the total stays the same (was 10 x 1500, now is 12 x 1250, both add up to 15000)
+0 / -0

5 years ago
reduced Mace health from 1400 -> 1300

At first i was like "finally!" but then some green guy on the Discord told me that Scalpel damage is 311x2, and so Scalpel still needs three shots to kill a Mace.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
[...] And so Scalpel still needs three shots to kill a Mace.

But should Scalpel really be a hard counter vs Mace (2 Scalpel are only 10% more expensive than 1 Mace, and already have significantly greater range and similar speed in addition to alpha damage)? Unmicroed Maces would die far easier against unmicroed scalpels, since time to kill for single Scalpels would be down to 10s from the 20s it is now.

Right now 2 Scalpels need 10s to kill a Mace, while the Mace needs 2*680/297=4.6 seconds once in range - making its defeat almost a certainty (especially if the Scalpels are attacking from different angles, necessitating a 90°+ barrel turn), though it might take one down. If Mace was nerfed further, it would die to 2 Scalpels (which are worth roughly the same) without any attrition.
+0 / -0
But should Scalpel really be a hard counter vs Mace

Yes, as the factory's skirmisher it should counter the factory's riot.
Technically the factory's assault should also beat the riot, which Halberd also fails to deliver.

Ideally something in Hover should be able to counter Mace, and thus far the only thing that works seems to have been "more mace".

So hover mirrors are now dagger openings into Mace monospam.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
New unit idea: Accelerator. Special unit for the Hover factory. Beam weapon that targets allies that deals inverse slow up to 33% or 50% extra everything speed and can overbuffer units by 8 seconds. Adjust the rest of the factory accordingly such as nerf mace range by 45 because it can speed up to targets. Give mace the Anarchid(?) gauss cannon and remove claymore. Scalpel range +25% reload speed doubled to like 12 seconds. Missle lifetime extended by like 3 seconds for compensation, missile speed reduced by 10% so raiders can outrun more easilly. Halberd and dagger are fine. Lance reload minus a touch for Accelerator synergy.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Yes, as the factory's skirmisher it should counter the factory's riot.

From the numbers, it should already counter mace pretty well if used in similar cost weight. For masses of maces some micro is needed, but in theory it should be fine (though I have to admit to not having played 1v1 in quite some time).

My question was if it should be countered that hard - dying instantly against the same amount of metal seems a bit excessive. Adjusting Scalpel to have less alpha might help in this particular matchup, but it would significantly change its interaction with other factories (now Scalpel can 1-shot a Pyro, with a single shot 311 damage/5s reload missile it would die horribly).
Maybe we should just increase the delay between the 2 missiles to something like .75s, to give the Mace at least some time to do a bit of damage if microed correctly?
+0 / -0
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