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Should Reef get a rework like the Web?

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Cause it is god awful. Why would you build a Reef over a Scylla? There is absolutely zero reason to. The missiles move almost at the same speed, neither have tracking, but only 1 actually does anything useful, killing a unit. NOt to mention the AoE from it is really small. The heli's are just absolute trash and very short range. What's the point of the air repair pads again? And the disarm is only 5 seconds lol. I mean come on, it's a terrible, TERRIBLE unit, why not rework it or buff it?
+2 / -0
how about something new, how about anti nuke and drones?
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Mobile anti-nuke would be neat for sea maps. Maybe long range AA as well?
+0 / -0

5 years ago

it would be nice if disarm had tracking and if repair pads had some way to amp repair cause planes rep super slowat a rate of 2.5 e/s and with licho that's just resignable. Sea just has major issues that go again the design philosiphy of zero-k, undersea v sealevel gameplay sucks major lobster compared to air v land, and drones are another unit that doesn't work against undersea.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
There is really so much you can do with it. Turn the repair pad into 2-3x normal re-arm rate and turn the other repair pad into a super caretaker.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
There might be a problem with a unit moving and repairing at the same time, which reef should be able to do. We also don't want (I'm assuming here) another massive builder strider unit capable of building and assisting like a normal constructor. We need reef to be an approach but a better approach to than factory or the standalone. It could be amazingly better if it shielded landed units from aa.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Why would moving and repair be a problem? Anything can be repaired while moving. Did you mean re-arm? That doesn't seem like it would be an issue either if the code is something like landstate=1 or something.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I mean the reef should be able to move while it is repairing planes. The repair technicly comes from the plane (I think) so the easiest thing might be too change every plane and have a separate 'landed on reef' state that repairs quicker.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Reef is presently the most unsatisfying strider. For the game as a whole, this seemed like an improvement on some of its previous states. It could be reworked in some way, or replaced by some entirely different ship strider.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
how about waterfunnel?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
How about a fat assault hovercraft, with aa
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Since we lost the drone function of funnel (rightly so I like it 100x more now) we need a droneship carrier. Minus rearming bombers, give or take disarming missiles, but a more robust drone swarm. Gauss defenses so not dying to 2 seawolves.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Submersible drone launcher. Surface, unleash drones, dive while the enemies fend iff the swarm.
+0 / -0
I think reef should get his Impaler-like missile back(probably buffed for some DPS/Fire speed) and should get re-deployable Owl of it's own instead current drones... making it precision arty of choice on sea maps + mobile bombers rearm platform.

Defendless vs direct attack. Clear support role. Easy to counter.
Anything that sucks metal for stockpile has very limited use cases... Anything that gives no direct kills in return to spent metal has even less use cases... there is stiletto tho, but it's super mobile and way-way cheaper and does not require metal for each run, so out of comparison.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Reef presently has a manual-fire weapon to avoid confusing the drone-attack interface with the unit-attack interface. If the drones are removed or reworked such that that is not an issue, different choices about the Reef's own weapons could be made.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Give it AA and more max drones
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Ever since Funnelweb rework, drones are just about useless. Old Funnelweb was the only unit that made drones useful, now drones have been removed from being useful without an addition to make them work. If the carrier could maybe lose aircraft rearm and just get like 2x the drones, maybe some dedicated AA drones, and more range on those drones. Also the disarm missile is not useless, but it is almost as useless as the drones at this point. Maybe some sort of torpedo with a long reload for use against underwater units. Another thing that makes Reef essentially a waste of metal is that 1 duck can kill it. I enjoyed the old Funnelweb, A drone carrier strider is probably the only way drones are ever going to be useful again, and I feel the Reef could fill this role perfectly. Imo Reef doesn't need aircraft rearm, I have never seen anyone use it for this purpose, an airpad with caretakers is 10x as useful. Please make drones useful again, as it sits they are an unused feature ingame.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Reef should be able to support Airplanes and Gunships as if they were drones. I think Reef should be reworked into a mobile rearm pad. Rearm pad needs to be be reworked to be better for gunships than caretakers somehow.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Currently rearm pads are weak, they should repair at least 2-3 times faster than they do if E is available for repair.
Somehow they are worse than a caretaker at what they do...
+0 / -0
I was thinking earlier today that the Reef would be interesting if it gained more utility and flexibility and felt that this might be an interesting new set of capabilities:

1) It deploys different kinds of drones and could be toggled between them depending on battlefield conditions:
a) The Gull is reworked into an anti-submarine/amph helicopter. It trades its EMG for a gauss (perhaps 150 damage, 2sec ROF, maybe a bit more range than the EMG if it needs it (not sure it does), and gains sonar to go fishing. 8 75 DPS gauss is 600DPS, not far behind the theoretical ability of the EMG, but more flexible. It probably also wants more HP (400 or so?)
b) The Seal is a new drone that actually lives underwater but otherwise works similarly to a Puppy (except without self replication). It has 185 HP and when it activates, it hits its target for 900 damage and an area effect similar to a Scallop's depth charges or an Urchin's torpedoes. Why 185HP? This is midway between the damage done by Scallop charges (according to wiki) and Urchin torps (it just survives the former, it dies to to the latter), which for a free bomb from a moderately expensive strider hub unit feels about right to me, but numbers are always negotiable. 900 damage means the Reef could potentially smite 4 unescorted Claymores before needing to rearm but you still need two to take mid weight amph fac stuff and you'll need two for Ducks or Seawolves - 1 to eat the shot, the other to kill.
c) The Sea Viper is just a viper drone that lives underwater so doesn't get eaten by light AA. It has highest raw DPS of the stable and the slow ability, essentially like having a small group of free Seawolves. It probably needs to lose range compared to the flying version though, since otherwise it would endlessly kite scallops and actual Seawolves (though would that necessarily be a bad thing?)

2) It trades its manual disarm missile for a 500 elmo range disarm torpedo with 10sec ROF, 3250 disarm power and 8 sec disarm and AOE equal to a Claymore depth charge (the disarm numbers are 1/3 better than those of a Racketeer). Possibly it could also gain real damage comparable as a proportion of disarm power to that of a Cutter (so 650 damage each volley).

3) It gains a caretaker's worth of build power, but no ability to initiate builds itself (maybe it could retain terraform like caretaker as well). It won't hoover up reclaim like a Funnelweb, but it can defend the field with its underwater drones.

Cost, HP and air repair abilities are all retained, the latter possibly moderately buffed, though this might be unneeded since it has the caretaker BP anyway for repair assist. Perhaps to make them more attractive than air repair pads, they could have a 50% faster reload cycle.

The different drone options allow it to switch between air support with anti-sub sidearm (the Gull), anti heavy capability (the Seal) and underwater area denial (Sea Viper). It can closely support a a naval push, and in particular make Claymore counter attack much less scary. Of course, that utility comes with a strider price tag.

In fact, maybe Fireflies and Vipers could get a toggle whereby if their mothership is in the water, they turn into mini submarines. A commander investing in drones could then be the only comm in the game able to defend itself underwater.
+0 / -0