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Extreme fix for the OD sharing problem: Remove energy.

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Seriously, metal is what's important. The energy bar is, at best, a distraction.

Now, this doesn't mean remove OD, or using energy-structures to support heavy defenses.

Just remove the energy resource (income/expenditure), and the web. Every energy building supplies its full energy output to every nearby energy consumer. A solar adjascent to 2 mexes? Puts 2 OD into each mex. No web, no "only your excess energy", the OD isn't even evenly divided between the mexes. Just "yay, 2 in each".

Boom. We lose the ambiguity of "which energy structure is providing which overdrive". We lose the ambiguity of sharing E vs. putting it into the OD economy. We lose the inconsistency between OD and web-requirements.

And you get people building E at the front, because if you want to get that DDM up and running, you need a goddamned fusion up there (drop the grid requirement to 20 so we can put DDMs on our Geos).

Cloak? Free. Shield charge? Free. Rez? Free. Adjust unit-costs and charge/rez rates accordingly.

There are probably glaring flaws in this plan, not the least of which is that placement of energy-buildnigs would have to be obsessively perfect to make sure it perfectly touches the nearby mexes (this was the problem with the 500M OD pylon), and that a lot of Geos would be worthlessly located.

But it would fix a lot too, and simplify away something the game doesn't really need. The implicit would become explicit - a user could see exactly how much metal his fusion is generating.

You could apply the mex payback logic to E buildings and have it behave coherently.

No, I don't expect anybody to like this idea, I'm just throwing it out there as a drastic solution to the problem that popped into my head.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
This would break everything. Energy is a lot more important than that.

Also where is this ambiguity in which structures overdrive which mexes? Energy structures don't overdrive mexes, they define the maximum energy that a set of mexes can be given.

A non-crazy version of that idea would be to remove grid from Solars and Wind as well as removing energy pylons. Then you would get fusions near the front but idk what that would achieve other than the NOTA static comm problem.
+0 / -0
My point is that players don't have any clue of the cost/benefit ratio provided by each energy structure. That's exacerbated by the sharing system and the 50% private (proportion of M-out defined by E-in). Removing the grid and making the full E-output of each E-building go into local mexes would eliminate all ambiguity... but doing that would be incompatible with the energy resource.
+0 / -0
Energy works as a pop-cap early game, preventing you from doing even more ridiculous all-in rushes then we already got. Also, how would you propose cloaked units to be reworked? Are they no longer going to drain E, allowing them to permanently stay cloaked without any cost whatsoever?

However, I do agree that late game energy is weird at best. The only thing you really need energy for by then is OD. I do not think the system is broken but I do think late-game energy balance and management could use a look at and possibly a reworking.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
grid is good because it prevents players from just building solar/wind lines along the mapedge. It makes stuff more attackable which is fun.
I don't think with grid removed from wind/solar there would be fusions at front because just overdriving the 3x3 startmexes on most maps would be plenty already.

However, energy/eco IS weird.
One goal of ca/zk used to be "streamlined eco", imo instead it got more complex and confusing.
Though nothing too radical will pass anyway so I will only bother with some small ideas :p

/*Energy works as a pop-cap early game, preventing you from doing even more ridiculous all-in rushes then we already got.*/
In zk Ecost and Mcost are same, so it does not prevent rushing that much.
Compared to xta where aircraft have higher energycost, meaning they are harder to rush. (you need alot more e-buildings)

Imo cloak should not drain energy. (actually until some time I thought it was that way)
Either you have so much energy that the dran does not matter or they randomly decloak and it is just annoying instead of adding anything worthwhile to game.
Mobile units could have some "mana cloak" like in starcraft. (it recharges and the unit stays cloaked until it runs out)
The jammer/cloak tower could run on energy though.

Also the "power" requirement by some weapons (ddm, anni etc) is a bit meh and inconsistent with everything else.
I have no idea how many winds or whatever it would need to power one such thing.
And why do only these weapons require power? Behemoth requires power but the even bigger Big Bertha and Buzzsaw do not?
Also it is weird that they must be connected to an energy grid but do not actually use up any energy when they fire.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
In general, the rule is that land-based super-defenses require power. AA or offensive super-buildings do not. Yeah, it's not terribly sensible, but it's consistent.
+0 / -0
I love the idea. It's probably gonna end up a bit too extreme, but personally I wouldn't oppose giving it a try, some weeks or months. The concept of energy cost is nice for some special things. I was even thinking about suggesting E cost for dguns, but know that everybody would want my head cut off. Anyway! :)

The really really big PRO for this suggestion is the decrease in clutter (E cost for all electronic warfare things: cloak, radar, etc that players have to remember) without decreasing the complexity of the game (which is something I like). The clutter decrease is similar to the different damage types and energy-build-costs that CA got rid of for us.

The only CON is the shield stuff.. I really like how damaging shields means that you leech energy that your enemy would otherwise use for overdrive. This feature would be lost. I hate how all shields got different energy cost per recharged hp though - loosing a good and bad thing at the same time is fair though.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Everybody tried EVO-RTS?
Not because of the armor system, but how energy works there..
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Removing energy is technically very challenging.

Metal only economy also would not be simpler. Key feature of OD is diminishing returns and dependency on mexes in grid.

Without those game would turn into BA style mm exponential.
And with diminishing returns the return IS variable.

Somewhere in the repo there is a widget that calculates return time on investment into mex, energy etc..
Based on estimated future OD. This should be integrated into tooltip to make it easier to see.

One resource would also not solve the sharing of resource.
There exists relatively elegant solution to that in the other thread just needs someone to code it.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
You still do diminishing returns OD on mexes without the energy-resource, just use the sum of the actual energy buildings connected to the mexes.

Completely skip over the energy resource itself and hotwire the energy buildings to the metal extractors. Effectively 100% of energy-output goes to OD.

Really, the idea of my suggestion is twofold:

1) Remove the transitive property of the grid, so E-buildings only overdrive or power directly linked objects.

2) 100% of energy goes into overdrive. Logically, since 100% of E is going into OD, you no longer have any free energy for building, shields, cloaking, etc... so remove that feature of the game.

But you keep the old diminishing-returns OD formula.

The point is that it makes the metal-output of an E-building a concept that is consistent and graspable by the player. It also localizes the metal-output of the E-building... I can concretely say that this energy building is now putting out X metal, and it has nothing to do with that energy building on the other side of the map. Then you can apply the "selfish-until-payoff" algorithm from metal extractors to energy buildings.

Now, this change would have several substantial drawbacks, I'm sure you can think of more than a few. So it might not be worth it. I just thought it was worth considering ways to change the OD system itself rather than simply how we dole out its product.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Tbh simplification to one resource is interesting.
I always wanted to get rid of E storage (keep E as "minimum for operation" of various systems).

This sounds even simpler.
Though having the rule "must touch destination" could be a bit rough, it could work if some sources have greater range.

I would like to keep energy need for defenses.
+0 / -0
Well, the "must touch destination" thing was the original inspiration for the idea, but you could do the "no energy resource" thing without it.

Keep the grid, but 100% of the energy output from the grid goes immediately into overdrive for the mexes on the grid.

Boom. Energy system is exactly the same as current, except effectively we've reduced storage to zero and removed the E-cost off all units and operations.

You lose that direct coupling of "This source is powering that target to generate X metal" which provides some additional clarity and makes payback-based systems easier... but still, it's worth considering throwing out the energy resource and keeping everything else the same.

You'd probably have to reduce OD efficiency across the board a bit though, to make up for all that energy you're suddenly not-spending on units/shields/cloaks.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
How about a compromise?

Every pylon has the capacity to make 10 energy global available - if you have another pylon at the destination.
* 13e local->global
* OR 13e global->local
* 4*13 = 52, enough for anni, ddm...

Pylons should also have a very small grid, because they are too expensive to make big link lines (about the current solar)

Singu can have like the current fusion, or 80% of it - cause you can't link the front with 4000m chain reacting stuff.

Defense like anni, behe, ddm can get a bit radius - 2 times the solar?
Otherwise they would suffer from pylons dead-AOE.
+0 / -0
Honestly removing energy totally and re-adding upgradeable moho-mex makes sense to me. Maybe even cloakable mex as a optional upgrade.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Well, getting 2 energy to be able to spend each of your mex incomes cost 45-70 metal. So you're looking at increasing the mex price to 120-145. This ignores the fact that energy is safe, in your base, while mexes are spread out and have to be replaced/defended. It would destroy that mechanic entirely, meaning losing mexes is a total loss to your real income, while gaining mexes is a total increase of real income.

Then there is reclaim. It either cuts into your overdrive E to spend the reclaim metal, or you have to make more E. This is usually fine, especially if you're overdriving, but it does reduce the strength of reclaim, particularly early. Where do we put the cost of this? Through slower reclaim speeds? That means larger con swarms, I suspect. Cut reclaim itself? Or make the logistics cost BP, not energy: The cost of BP would have to go up fairly significantly, which totally changes how the game plays, making BP a real limiting resource.

So this is really not worth it. If we really think e cost is inconsequential, bring back variable e costs, so that our heavy rush-prone units (Air and anything over 400 cost) cost twice as much E. I'd do that before I removed E.
+0 / -0
It would reward map control. Rather then hidding behind defences.

You would still have moho-mexs behind your defences which would likely be explosive.

You could even have level 3 mex. Singularity could become level 3 mex.
+0 / -0
The question is, WHY would we do this? Simplification? There are way more complex things in the game we could tackle. Increasing the ease of distribution of overdrive energy due to communism? A really weak reason. It would totally change the way the game played and it would probably take months for us to see all the impacts (Which would be hard to distinguish from metagame changes and would be totally different in 1v1, large teams, coop rush situations, etc), not worth the remote benefits.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
1: Simplification much easier for newbies to understand.

2: Better game dynamics more focus on map control.

3: A hard limit on how much metal your team can produce in line with most other RTS games.
+0 / -0

11 years ago

1 This game dont need to be dumbed down, it just need to be explained better!

2 I think it will generate a big snowball effect, you team will capture more early mexes, win early fights and get the metal reclaim even more mexes and game will snowball heavy in favour of your team without having the other team a possibility to come back. Rezzing stuff for free will have even more snowballing effect.
I like the more dynamics for map control, but there needs to be a system to generate metal and make a come back or games will be over in under 10-15 minutes. maybe dynamic metal spots would be cool for that. Have metal spots have a limited amount of metal and explode when empty. A new metal spot will be generated somewhere alse where the fight for it jumps to there. I think it must be possible to implement, cause it is how chicken nests work.

3 Why does this game needs to be like other RTS games? The fun and unique thing about this game is the possibility for having massive amounts of units. and you need the metal for it to produce those.


I would like propose a system to make energy more important in the game besides in early minutes or for OD.
Or it can be used in collaboration with the "no energy for OD idea", and making mexes upgradeable.
The general idea is that units can still use the basic stuff, shoot, walk/fly but their special needs energy. So you can really hurt the enemy if you attack/disable his energy.

- cloakbots use energy to cloak, like now but more
- jumpbots need energy to jump, sumo more then pyro
- heavy factory units need more energy to repair (like 3 times more)
- light vehicles use energy for a speedboost
- shieldbots use energy to recharge (current in game is fine)
- planes need energy to reload (faster) or even fly faster? Or even energy get a boost in attack vs (energy)buildings. So air becomes the raider of enemy eco rather than the fighter of units like the rest of the factories already do.
- spiders, need energy to stun (venom and infiltrator), crabe use energy in shielded form. Or use more energy while climbing (not sure if possible)
- gunships get a attack boost with energy (current can be the boosted form? and then a 'no energy' variant is weaker)
- amphibious use energy for submerging if the unit is able to float. Ideally all amphibious units needs a float ability.
- Big defences, DDM, behemoth and annihilator actually use energy per shot.
- ressurecting needs massive amount of energy

This idea is far from complete, but I just want to write it down for thoughts.

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Not necessarily one team could have more mexs. However, the other team could have upgraded mexs.
+0 / -0
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