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Anyone else agree the puppies are slightly underpowered now?

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12 years ago
They don't do enough damage to the heavy units, and ultra light units such like fleas are hard counter to them, and I don't think they are better at raiding than pyros. So it seems their major use currently is to snipe medium level raiders or exploit the wrecks quickly, which is a bit narrow.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
And lo, from a single puppy he made thousands and smote the Goliath on the plains. Behold the power of free BP.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You can only get puppies from puppies, I feel that reclaim or rez is better, unless the wrecks are in a dangerous zone.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Puppies are really good when you have a lot of them, but alone they suck, since you cant micro them and survive like you would do with a glaive or a rocko
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Yes you only get puppies from it, but reclaim takes 2x bp(reclaim+build{Unless reclaim uses some other metric?})+ Fac time+E, and rez costs BP+E. Rez for sure is "good", but A)must have the fac for it or an upgraded com (which is terrible to do but w/e) and B) Who says you really want whatever unit or building that is?

Puppies are "free" in perhaps the truest form in the game. They double in numbers every generation, meaning you can get a lot of them in a short time if you have the wrecks.

Also a rocko is a bad example, it isn't even a raider nor good outside large numbers(if you think it is good at all, I think they are shit).
+0 / -0
Set puppies to hold fire if you don't want them to suicide on fleas, qwerty3w.

I think the primary job of puppies is denying your enemy precious wreckages. The reproduction and walking missile things are just nice side effects.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
There are plenty of times when the enemy has managed to capture the wreck field and I'm like 'Ok, just need to build up enough of a force to retake it before he gets a big fleet of cons there or places down his nanos in the wrecks.' Suddenly, puppies. Puppies everywhere.

They're also good early at preventing naked expansion on really large maps where pyros are a bit too expensive to get good coverage (Their original intention). They will also make cost if the enemy tries to defend with bandits or glaives (but not fleas or darts. :/).

Puppies have a range of problems.
1. Reclaim maps. Any maps with a significant amount of rocks are totally ruined by puppies. This is their #1 problem. Honestly these maps have always been about spamming cons and sucking the metal fast, but at least every factory and unit is on even grounds there.
2. Always making cost vs glaive and never making cost vs flea is kinda clunky but I guess that's what you get for a single-target suicide unit (holdfire works vs cloggers, but fleas WILL kill the puppies).
3. They're actually pretty bad at taking wrecks in hostile territory because they die so fast. But I guess this just makes them balanced.
4. They're AWFUL when used with the firewalker (In the same factory).
5. A puppy with 90% reclaimed metal will suicide itself and do the same damage as one with 0%, it takes insane micro to select out the almost-full puppies.

Balance-wise I think they're pretty good, especially the way that retreating riot units and static defense just totally destroy them.

Oh, and don't forget that they work against air.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think their range is balanced - you can shoot down a Vamp, but it takes micro (and a moderator to slow it down).

If you have the widget (But I think that counts as cheating), you can "jump" with puppies by attacking ground and get a LLT with 2 or 3 down.

Maybe defender is the best counter to a group with < 4 puppies, but LLT can get steamrolled (+sucked).
Stardust makes cost, but you can kill a single one if you attack from all sides.

2 Puppies can kill a warrior (1/2 cost) and they always kill a single outlaw for cost (don't attack with more than 3)
* Attack ground in front of the warrior or block the retreat-fire-strategy with other puppies behind it.

I think they should ignore shields (at least weak Convict shields)
* But maybe that makes the whole fac more balancd vs shields (moderator does 178 dps at 600 range vs shields!)

They are the best unit vs most cloakybots and vs spiders (instant-damage vs Sniper and Venom!)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
4. They're AWFUL when used with the firewalker (In the same factory).

Fleas are awful when used with venom without careful micro! NO PROBLEM
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I've been meaning to try out puppies as harvesters... see how that works. Send them into a wreck field, retreat them to some caretakers, then have the caretakers reclaim the puppies.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
That is....... an idea. Hmmmmmmm........................
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Reclaim them would only give you half the metal.
I always think 0K should make the living units reclaim give 100% metal, it would allow some interesting tactics, and make the storages more useful. But the there is a problem---it would discourage teching, people might like to reclaim their factory to get another one,
+0 / -0

12 years ago
No, I'd hate to see ZK get too much emphasis on tech-switching and relcaiming unused defenses.

I could see a suite of units for the Athena with a special 100% self-reclaim self-D to encourage using the Athena agressively and constantly changing up strategies with it or something like that. But not part of the core ZK game.

Either way, though, getting 50% of a wreck-field rapidly might be worth the waste inherent in the "puppy-reclaim" strategy.
+0 / -0
To restrain tech-switching, make the living units reclaiming cost 2x or even more energy than the unit's metal cost might work.
+0 / -0
Puppy reprodeces at slightly more than it's base metal cost. Then you only get 50% of that. It's not really worth it.

Reclaim used to give 100% cost, and it lead to some really whacky things especially in FFA: Making a huge ravager army and rampaging across the landscape and once he has enough to defend it, you reclaim the whole army and go air. Then once he has AA, you reclaim all your bombers, etc. This was so high level and hard to use that basically only google frog did it.

Then there was USrankdetrino constant tech switching, where he would just switch factories over and over again on sea maps so that one moment he has amphs, the next ships, the next hovers, the next air, then back to ships. Given how hardcountery sea was this was incredibly hard to beat early on.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
100% reclaim makes it too easy to switch unit composition. You could start air, make a few bombers and then reclaim them all when AA is up for no metal lost.

Fusions become metal storage with interest. With 50% reclaim they are not so trivially good because you have to hold on to them long enough to repay the 500 metal that reclaiming would lose you.

As for Puppyies they are currently a bit sidelined. But what is it suppose to be better against and how would you achieve that? Pyro is already fine anti-raider and a wreck-eater would be silly beating other raiders 1-1.

Puppies cost 50m to build but take 75m in reclaim to spawn. They can reproduce every 12 seconds. So Puppy reclaim loses 2/3 of the metal if you just want to reclaim the Puppies.

I don't think microing their reclaim is a problem because if there are no nearby wrecks they take metal from puppies with less metal than themselves. So if you mix them up the optimum number will be spawned.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You're often trying to claim hostile wreck fields with puppies, because that's the only time they're effecient. This means you often have to use a half full puppy to attack, or that all your puppies are half full, so you have to pull them back and holdfire them or even pull them out of the wreckfield and let them consolidate their metal.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Puppies are one of the best game-ending units I know of. I can't tell you how many times I've made a jump lab near the end of the game just to make a few puppies and eat the massive wreckage field, then turn the puppies on the last few remaining enemy units. They clean up amazingly well.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Yeah. ZK devs are all tree-huggers. We care lots about cleaning up the mess units make!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
A potential solution about the puppies with 90% reclaimed metal——when a puppy guard another puppy, its reclaimed metal would be given to that puppy.
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