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Cant host ccop

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4 years ago

Since a few weeks I cant host coop anymore.

When I invite a friend to play using steam, he joins the coop but the game doesnt start on his side. On my side i see "waiting for xxx" in game. I tried to disconnect-reconnect, restart game, steam, computer and there is nothing to do still the same issue.

When we do the reverse it works and the game starts on both sides.

There is no firewall rules, i'm just behind a standard NAT and playing on Linux.

It was working before and I didnt made any modification on my setup.

Does anybody have a solution ?

+0 / -0
make sure both of you guys have the map downloaded WHEN !START IS USED, as the game can't start without the map.
also check that you there is a Zero-K V1.8.6.9 (or whatever version you guys are playing on) below adv.options and not something like Zero-k $VERSION
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Are you trying to play coop campaign or skirmish/custom battles?
+0 / -0
4 years ago

I just checked on my side I have my version number ( Will check on friends when online. It also happened on maps we have already played and downloaded.

It occurs when trying to start skirmish/custom battles.

I've found something in the logs files (XXX_infolog.txt) but dont know if it's related or just a normal behavior as we use steam to join the game :

Warning: [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] opening socket on loopback address, other users will not be able to connect!
[f=-000001] [UDPListener::TryBindSocket] binding UDP socket to IPv4-address ( on port 8452
[f=-000001] [UDPListener] successfully bound socket on port 8452

Thanks for the help.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I checked friend is on same version and it shows in the menu.

When he host we are constantly disconnected in game when there is a lot of units on the map usually (my saide says behind server catching at eta) but it never gets in sync again and all my units are transferred.

Happened 5 times this week.

We'll wait for a solution before trying again it's pretty boring not being able to finish a game.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
This sounds to me like you are building ridiculous amounts of units which your computer isnt able to handle anymore.
Either you are having 1500+ units on the battlefield or your computer is somewhat weak, as the Server itself doesnt seem to be the problem.

I would suggest to not endlessly stack units or maybe try to figure out how many units are needed to lag you out of the game.
+0 / -0
If you're hosting from the skirmish menu, I have a guess as to what might be happening. That's handled through Steam's peer-to-peer connection, isn't it?

If the game isn't lagging because of hitting the limits of your CPU, and you have a reliable connection to your friend in other games, you might be able to tweak ZK's netcode for a better experience. The netcode for hosting games for friends got some new defaults recently. It's possible to see what these are set to in your 'springsettings.cfg' file.

There's probably an entry in there saying NetworkLossFactor = 2

If you and your friend don't experience connection issues in games other than ZK, you could try setting that to 1 or 0.

You probably have to change the value in 'IGL_data.lua' in your /LuaMenu/Config as seen in this thread

Higher values appear to resend more information about the game state as a precautionary measure for bad connections. Maybe reducing this would free up some connection bandwidth and help your late game "catching up" issue, as long as your connection is stable enough to not require these extra packets to be sent.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Will try that.
CPU is for sure not an issue on both side.
My friend has a poor upload that can maybe explain why it's unstable when he host.
Thank you Porkchop :)
+0 / -0
4 years ago
We were really far from 1500 units. Not sure we reached 150. Dont know for IA unit count.

We both have 6 cores CPU and I have the weaker one. Mine dont use it's turbo frequencies and my max peak usage on one core in game is about 60%.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I tried the NetworkLossFactor = 1 in both files (springsettings.cfg and IGL_data.lua) and we could achieve 3 games without any issue tonight, The not syncing problem seems fixed.

Thank you ;)

If anybody has an idea about the host problem I will be happy to try, im still not able to host a game.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I've added some network settings for the next update that should help. https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Chobby/commit/739a85847e40423ff9c5c97811c6fe8768faac44
+0 / -0
FRrankKinnes Glad it worked for you!

For later reference and tweaking, I believe this NetworkLoss=[0,1,2] parameter works by marking any packet that "takes too long" to be automatically resent (as long as bandwidth is available). I don't know how the priorities are assigned for new versus old packets. As far as I can tell, it starts sending additional packets when round-trip times exceed:

0 = 400ms
1 = 200ms
2 = 100ms

Something to explore might be how a ping-based recommendation could be taken into account for this setting for peer-to-peer connections. An idea of what might be happening is that players with higher ping to each other than the value in the config are sending an amount of duplicate packets that become a problem in the late game on a home connection. If this is actually the cause, an ideal 'baseline' might be for the ping limit of NetworkLoss to be one notch higher than their expected ping for the match.

A more basic approach might be a setting like "Optimize Co-op Networking for [Local/Regional/World]". Those probably wouldn't fall too far off the mark from the ping times above.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I will take a look on pings next time :)

Thank you for the update and the technical details.

About hosting i miss some informations about how it is supposed to work to be able to check where it fails.
I've seen that spring is listening on localhost:8452. I suppose steam do the link between wan and this localhost udp port but dont know how. I there a log file tracing whats happening in steam ?
I didnt find anything yet.
+0 / -0
Here's a completely wild guess. Do you have the same ISP as the person you're playing with? If not, I wonder if your ISP placed you behind a shared IP?

This is sometimes called carrier-grade NAT, some information about how it works

At least in my area some ISPs have switched to having tiers of service that use terrible CGNAT on lower plans that completely ignore your router NAT settings. Had this silently happen at one point and hosting games on steam became somewhere between impossible and a huge PITA. It was worth upgrading just to have a proper IP again.
+0 / -0