Hey guys, just to say that I have decided to take a permanent break from video games including Zero-K. I have other real life commitments that I want to focus on, and I am somewhat of an all or nothing type personality. Sometimes I just decide to take a clean break from one thing or another. Did the same with CS:GO because I just enjoyed playing it far too much and it ate up all my time. I have asked for my ZK account to be deleted, so I think this will be my last post.
Just want to say a huge thank you especially to the Mumble Clan players for all the many fun times and enjoyable chats we had over the years. I really enjoyed the recent clan wars games.
I also want to thank

GoogleFrog and the other contributors for the amazing work they put into this terrific game. I think consideration should be afforded to some form of beer fund or something for those that go above and beyond in terms of their contributions, albeit I understand there are challenging practicalities around something like that.
I would also like to dedicate this paragraph to Firepluk in order to thank him for being such a fun player to have had around. Every time I saw him in a game I would smile. By the way, I have a tip for you Firepluk: I saw that one experienced player who I will not name makes a point of putting a cloaked unit in your base in nearly every game - so Firepluk you may want to get some fleas or something on patrol around your base to prevent this. I fondly remember my very first few games in which I did things like make strider as first factory and enjoyed seeing Firepluk poke fun at this. After about five years of on and off play I did not improve much, but I certainly enjoyed playing the game a lot.
For what it is worth, I still maintain that this game will benefit tremendously from increased clan development. I think this is really important for long term growth and sustainability.

NorthChileanG - you have my contact details, and I am looking forward to keeping up contact and exchanging further thoughts on the stock market. Please let me know if there are any further scheduled in-person meetups for mumble members. Albeit I am about to relocate to the Scottish Highlands. Fewer people, beautiful scenery and some great whiskey distilleries.
Bye everyone!