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everything matters

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4 years ago
does it all matter?.. or will it all fade with the passing of time?

will the sins of man be forgiven by mankind or gods?

are we innocent or even held accountable

is being a good person the right choice? does evil exist?

morals and kindness must surely be 'in the ballpark' of what good is

i DON'T believe that good and bad are just perspective.. i believe i can draw a more accurate line on when things are not good.. some others who insist they do no wrong do not desire to see evil in things. i do wrong.. and i shelter evil.. desires, fears.. i can seek to better myself.. even if its just for me. besides i cant explain it but i highly value being good almost as if it is me.. i think being evil would feel like being someone else..

maybe i can choose to see more of a blank canvas in my life.. and make up who i want to be as i go.. but both evil and good seem to be directions that gather momentum.. the longer you walk down some roads the more difficult it is to turn things around

who ever you are i implore you struggle for a reason to care as often as you can.. and learn to to choose kindness

before it is too late to stray the path of hate
+3 / -0
4 years ago
Would good exists without evil?

Life should be more about nuances than dichotomies. A person is not just good or evil, thoughts and actions the same...

It's like in ZK, it's not always about winning the game (being good), for some games loosing heroically feels better than loosing stupidly.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
+8 / -0

4 years ago
Heaven and hell can exist within your own mind, and your own judgement can often be the most permanent and liberating/damning. For anyone with a good conscience, the path of kindness is the only one which guarantees a spotless, or at least forgiving, mind.
+2 / -0
Curious why you're thinking about this now. Was it brought on by something in your personal life? World events? Local news?
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Would good exists without evil?

yes i think evil is not needed and is optional
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I gave up on the idea of being "good" because it seems unreasonable to spend my life worrying about others, the world and the universe. I prefer to just chill and enjoy life.

That doesn't mean I think people should be completely selfish, but rather that good should originate from the desire to be good, rather than from some sense of universal responsibility or divine judgement. Aka, help your neighbor because you will feel bad if you don't, or because you will feel good if you do, not because god is watching.

In fact, one might argue that the truly good person is the one who does good because they want, with no expectation of a reward. Whereas someone who is good in fear of some cosmic or divine judgement isn't really good, the're just making a trade.
+3 / -0
4 years ago
I define being good as doing what you should do. With this, it is clear that you should be good because you should do what you should do. But what should you do?

Why would you try to feel good? You can also feel bad.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Good& Evil?

Approval& Disapproval?

The TED Talk episode impact me most is https://www.ted.com/talks/jonathan_haidt_the_moral_roots_of_liberals_and_conservatives/transcript?language=en

It shaped my initial understanding of politics in terms of human conflicts, also an add-on to understand how people interact with the word "meaning".

Learning, feeling and building the complex composition of memories that are recalled regularly with pre-judgements resulting in an individual's nature.

It may not help you, because I was built simple.
+0 / -0
lets see.. two successful deep thinking topics.. two adult intelligent discussions. some people here sound like they have broad knowledge even in such rare and bizarre topics. i don't think i can stomach another Smokeface is smoking weed again meme.. smoking is dangerous.. so are landmines.. you wouldn't give a landmine to a baby.. and that's why smoking is bad

oh and if your a smoker what i meant to say is its fine its all ok.. oops.. earlier i said the opposite of what i meant here use my lighter..

i know how it works.. if your not a smoker run away from smokes.. and if you are a smoker run towards smokes =P cant save the ones full of smoke.. it gets into the ears and "whispers please get more of me"
+0 / -0
4 years ago
is this thread just a product of withdrawal syndrome?
+0 / -0
Honestly what makes you sound like a stoner is not the philosophical discussions you have been starting up, but your very stream-of-consciousness style of posting.

Talking/writing in a very stream-of-consciousness manner is characteristic of the stoned/drunk/etc.

Well, I guess the subject matter helps a little, but wouldn't seal the deal by itself.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
i guess to me the validity of these things discussed feels tied less to smoking or even me.. i posted these things because i really do like to know how you will all react. oddly i even like it when people disagree with me but i dont understand my motives here.. i just feel comforted knowing people think about things.. i think iv been wondering allot about things and i dont really know things im lost and to see others wondering or caring cheers me up
+1 / -0
For me danger of something should be a bit compared to alternatives. For example I had much worse experience with drunk people than with pot-heads. But you should definitely not abuse anything too much... (drinking too much water can kill you, correct? ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication )

Talking and thinking on philosophical things is extremely connected to the society are you in. Imagine: if you do not have food you will think less about good and evil than if you had lots of free time. If you push things to extreme (which is something I don't like in principle) a lot of things can be seen as good/evil. Ex: buying lots of new technology gadgets? Good: you are supporting the progress of the human race that will solve all its problem. Evil: you are over-using the plant's resources and it will be our doom.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I can relate, when my mind goes on weird-ass philosophical tangents in the shower I sometimes wonder if other people have these or if I'm the only madman having them.

Also, when you look around and realize society is doing stupid shit all the time, its easy to feel isolated as the only one with a brain. However, I find that most people aren't that stupid.

Humanity are weird animals because a human in isolation is smart but the more you pull back your view the stupider the herd becomes. Instead of swarm intelligence humans seem to have swarm stupidity
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Humanity are weird animals because a human in isolation is smart but the more you pull back your view the stupider the herd becomes.
Would say "citation need" - and I mean would be curious to see if there is any actual study that tries to quantify that, for more than simple things (ex: mob violence).

My impression is that I personally was sometime biased to be more forgiving to people I know (hence impression that human in isolation are smart) and more critical to societies (hence impression that herd is stupid).

And about "weird-ass philosophical tangents" probably there are quite some tangents out there, depending on your system of beliefs. I do not like idea of clear good/bad (as I perceive it as extremist), but I do think about "would it be better I do A or B?", which is in a similar direction...
+0 / -0

4 years ago
everything is matter
+3 / -0

4 years ago
space and time?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Good and evil have always existed in the heart of man. Everyone knows what is good or what is bad, there is no need for state law to say that. It is a universal law inscribed in the heart of man. From China to the United States to Italy, all human beings know within themselves that stealing or killing are illegal acts, so how to bribe children is an act that cries out for vengeance before God. So it is not a way of To think 'there is no being good, but trying to be good, as an Orthodox saint said, on the right path, having hell on one side and God's law on the other.
+1 / -0
unknownrankmanero: Giving you say "Everyone knows what is good or what is bad, there is no need for state law to say that. It is a universal law inscribed in the heart of man.", what is it good in the following situation:

There is a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks. Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the train yard, next to a lever. If you pull this lever, the trolley will switch to a different set of tracks. However, you notice that there is one person on the side track. You have two options:

Do nothing and allow the trolley to kill the five people on the main track.
Pull the lever, diverting the trolley onto the side track where it will kill one person.

Which is the more ethical option? Or, more simply: What is the right thing to do?

(reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolley_problem )
+0 / -0
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