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Bolas OP

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4 years ago
Have a look at this game: Multiplayer B965007 2 on TitanDuel 2.2
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4 years ago
In b4 unknownrankShaman
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4 years ago
So I watched the replay.

Kodachi and Blitz can both indefinitely kite bolas (higher speed and range), but this requires careful micro. It's easier to kite in a 1 koda/blitz vs 1 bolas, but becomes more challenging to micro with larger groups.

When the enemy starts getting large clumps of bolas, banishers (ogres now I think?) are highly effective when given some additional support from koda/blitz.

Alternativly, you can build up a large blitz ball that is able to kill a bolas in one burst. Because blitz have high alpha, and bolas do not, you can do effective hit and run attacks on a bolas ball.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Because blitz have high alpha, and bolas do not, you can do effective hit and run attacks on a bolas ball.

How do you run while slowed USrankKshatriya?
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4 years ago
The real tank killer in the Hover factory is Scalpel. Bolas aren't a big deal
+2 / -0
4 years ago
How do you run while slowed USrankKshatriya?

Because blitz have the EMP damage, if bolas get a few hits of slow, you can usually stun the closest few bolas with EMP, giving you a chance to escape. It's certainly possible to have 1 or 2 in a ball get caught and die however. The conflict is extremely heavy on micro.
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4 years ago
USrankKshatriya I had expected ogres and was ready to switch to scalpels. But he didn't create ogres so I continued with my bolas strategy and it worked.
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4 years ago
Correct me if wrong, but wasn't bolas added specifically as a counter to heavier raiders (scorcher, pyro, kodachi, panther)
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4 years ago
It looks like Bolas does counter heavy raiders when paired with Claymore which was made less janky. https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/29829?Search=&User=&grorder=&grdesc=False&grpage=1
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4 years ago
Correct me if wrong, but wasn't bolas added specifically as a counter to heavier raiders (scorcher, pyro, kodachi, panther)

Not sure exactly what was intended, but I find they are pretty generalist.

They have decent enough dps to deal with light raiders, such as glaives.

Their slow damage makes them reasonable against lone heavies, such as assault or even some riots.

They are fast enough to typically close in on skirms, but will often take damage/losses on closing.

As far as heavy raiders, bolas will crush pyros, but are about even with koda/blitz imo.

They can even trade reasonably well vs light to medium porc (defender/llt/hlt/stardust) due to their slow damage and ok health.

I wouldn't say there is any unit class that massively counters it, but similarly, no unit class loses especially hard to it. The above commentary is considering a ball of bolas only. Things get more complicated when you start combining unit types.
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4 years ago
Bolas was intended to be fairly generically good, like a ball of Ravager or Blitz, because Hover lacked a reliable backbone unit. I decided that Dagger is too weird to balance Hover against every other factory with it as the only raider. Bolas vs. Tank may well be a problem, but I think we're in a better spot than when Dagger was the only unit early on.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
What was the replay supposed to highlight? I watched a Kodachi nearly make cost in a 1v2 and then a bunch of units kill an undefended factory. I feel like I may have missed something.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
I don't think, that bolas are OP.

Like AUrankBirdulon said, that was a bad protected factory.
I am to blame. In places where I expected bolas, it was possible for me to push them away.
Just one unit with nice aoe (former Leveler, I think now its Reaper of light veh factory)
can easily kill a couple of Bolas.
Ogre could be the way to go here, but they are expensive and slow. Don't know whether they will
just spamed to death or really handle with those Bolas.

I offer a rematch of this game in replay to check what Ht can do vs. Bolas.
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4 years ago
DErankMagman which unit is reaper? Emissary?
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4 years ago
They meant Ripper. https://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Ripper
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Yes Ripper ty.
I don't get those new names.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Against riots I would likely have gone scalpels. But bolases can easily deal with 1 or 2 riots.
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4 years ago
I actually had some trouble dealing with archers as hovers in Multiplayer B966657 2 on Red Comet v1.3
This match is very short and i made some mistakes, but after taking a look at the wiki, archers seem to beat bolas in 1 on 1 combat--cheaper, more range, more HP and dps. Although I might be able to outmaneuver them instead.
Next time, I will probably use more halberds or maces. Scalpels might work, but could be risky.
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4 years ago
GreatMane You made too many daggers and didn't use them well. Yeah Mace is probably good. Halberds are not such a good idea against the archer but if you want to attack him then that's fine.
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4 years ago
Inb4 terve coprocessing.
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