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How do I set "prebuilds?"

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4 years ago
Sometimes I want to build a series of things, and let the caretaker build them while I'm out collecting minerals and such. Let us imagine that I want to alt-shift a series of power generators, or storage pilons. Is there a way to do this, leaving only the minimal stub, moving on to make the next minimal stub, etc., so that they are all "reserved" for the caretaker to build? I know that I can do single items, build-leave-build-leave, but that seems like a lot of keystrokes.

Is there an easier way to do this?
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4 years ago
Hm. Creating prefabs on paper isn't hard. Problem is interfacing.
+0 / -1
4 years ago
What? No telepathic api yet? :)
+0 / -0

4 years ago
There's a modifier for placing nanoframes which does what you want.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
on default it is Q

So you do select windgen.... and press Q and then just place the row I do not remember now if you have to press shift + alt before or after. But either Q first or Q last, in any case Q needs to be pressed before releasing mouse button.
+0 / -1

4 years ago
I think you have to hold Q while releasing the mouse to issue the command, just as with other modifiers.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I think it means he wants to be able to set up a series of construction orders similar to supcom where you could build prefabs. This is where the topic of interfacing comes in:

How do we create a prefab blueprint?

- Ctrl + C -> Ctrl V
Discoverable, and intuitive due to most users being familiar with copy-paste.

- Drag -> button
Very discoverable, adds UI though.


Then there's the question of how would a user use that blueprint?
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