Thanks, that helps, i've started messing around with the cfg file.
I realised I was a bit too tired when I wrote my first comment, what I meant was that when I enabled LuaShaders my framerate drops.
But, I looked in the config file for LUPS, and it looks like it should be possible to set my nano particles to be of type "NanoLasersNoShader", so I'd hope that this means I'd be able to see nano without needing shaders enabled.
Unfortunately, the examples given in the lups.cfg file are in terms of "arm" and "core" eg.:
NanoFx = {
arm = {
fxtype = "NanoParticles",
alpha = 0.25,
size = 3,
sizeSpread = 5,
sizeGrowth = 0.35,
rotSpeed = 0.1,
rotSpread = 360,
texture = "bitmaps/Other/Poof.png",
particles = 1.75, // -> count*2.5 particles
core = {
fxtype = "NanoLasers",
alpha = "0.2+count/30",
corealpha = "0.7+count/15",
corethickness = "limcount",
streamThickness = "1+4*limcount",
streamSpeed = "(inversed)and(70-count) or (120-count*3)",
So does anyone know what i would have to write instead of "arm" and "core"?
I tries "robots" but it didn't seem to work.
Thanks for any help