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Likho dominates air play

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4 years ago
You know, Raven's bomb is called "guided bomb". Hmmmm?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
A point could be made for Raptor's slowdown to fire mechanic to be removed because if it didn't do that, then the beneficial part of that (keeping enemy in its sights for longer) can be achieved just by setting it to "land" and hitting Stop intermittently - like people do with Swifts.
+1 / -0
There are quite a few good points here.

LUrankAdminAnir I agree with what you're saying but I don't think it precludes a change. If Likho were a little less powerful in relation to the other bombers (through some combination of nerfs and/or buffs), then:
  • Top air players would be even more effective when showing off their skills at the other bombers.
  • Middling air players would have a bit more motivation to branch out from relying on Likho.
  • New air players would still have Likho to lean on.
From what I've seen Likho is working pretty well at the moment. Air players are able to build up a force to influence the game, in a skillful way, and ground players aren't completely defenseless. It may feel a little too strong when on the receiving end, but for a bomber designed around winning on attrition this is very hard balance to strike. I think Likho AoE works quite well for giving the ground player some mitigating action to take, even if no Likhos are killed.

I think the aim is to make other bombers useful in addition to Likho. I don't really want to nerf Likho on anything beyond cost and rearm time, because the way it actually behaves seems decent at the moment and very hard to get right. Likho is an extreme example of an attrition style, with a large initial cost that should pay itself back over time. Making other bombers more generally viable will involve buffing other styles. This is inherently difficult as a lot of lategame comes down to efficiency.

Consider this diagram:

Here I have drawn the four outcomes of a bombing run with respect to the cost of the run and the cost of the defenses. It is more illustrative than to any sort of scale, and the fact that bombers are discrete would make the diagram much spikier in reality. Note that the dotted line between the green and yellow areas depends on the value of the target that is to be bombed, and that the relevance of a defense can depend on how well it covers the target. Now compare how the diagram would morph for each type of bomber. For example, the cost and durability of Likho gives it an enlarged teal area and smaller green area.

If all we want is to give the average air player an extra option beyond Likho, then we could add another bomber with a similarly large "Succeed with no losses" region. This bombers would necessarily be pretty similar to Likho, with high cost and reload. However, if we want to give air players a wider range of options which feel fundamentally different then I think we need to expand the green area. Essentially, to make a bomber that reliably deals enough damage for low enough cost for players to happily lose some on a bombing run.

As LUrankAdminAnir said, top air players are already doing this. When you are good enough to find cost-free pickoffs or efficient trades then making a light bomber carries less risk. This is mostly down to uncertainty, as it is very hard to judge the exact strength of the defenses in an area.

One of the riskiest parts of attempting a trade is having your bombers die before they even deal damage, pushing the run into the "Die with no benefit" region. One solution could be to have Phoenix drop its bombs from much further away and dramatically reduce its turn rate so it overflies, to shrink its "Succeed with no losses" region. The issue with this plan is that it would make Phoenix much harder to control. Bomber AI isn't great at retargeting without flying around to line up the shot.

Wackier unit designs are possible but would require a lot of work and testing. There could be a bomber that is faster, or armoured, until it drops its bomb. Justifying and communicating such a mechanic would put a lot of strain on the modeller, and the approach of having the bomber drop a significant part of itself (such as an engine or armour) would make the idea of metal-free rearming a little weird.

I'm talking about wacky designs because Raven is already almost too powerful for more normal buffs. A Raven without such a long rearm time was dominating the early or mid game. This was less an issue in large teamgames, but in small games or 1v1 the sudden appearance of Ravens could destabilise the other team in a way that is hard to come back from. Adequate AA coverage is expensive and takes time to deploy, but without it Ravens are able to bomb enough mexes, constructors or commanders to lock down the game. Ravens dive to hit mobile units to accentuate the degree to which raiders and riots act as flex AA. I recently added energy drain to rearming as a nerf that primarily targets the early game.

I expect to hit the same issue with something simple like Kestrel. It will be dominant at densities where it can avoid and force AA, but not really all that useful afterwards. In terms of small changes Raven could possibly afford to be slightly better, and Phoenix could be made to hit more reliably (probably with increased AoE). If someone can design a light bomber that doesn't excel in the early game or delete small units then that would be great. Such a bomber could be powerful quite safely. Adding another heavy bomber option, such as Eclipse, sounds ok if someone puts in the work.

Is that a phoenix nerf in the commit? Wiki mentions reload of 1s for phoenix, did that become 5s?

No. The wiki is talking nonsense. Specifically, it is talking about this number: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/10ccc5be01f7eb63f0bf9289b54da7bd6f84f320#diff-1957469360b0e4fbfe9380d65c5cfb8630d487b68af0cab3636a440a1b3296efL111

Every weapon has a reload time, even if it cannot be fired twice without rearming. Rearm time defaults to 5s.

Also idk what RUrankYogzototh is talking about with old cool air combat. My recollection was that fighters would slowly circle into each other's backsides and there was little difference in usage between the fighters.
+5 / -0

saw this yesterday

randy built a chainsaw and spammed tridents but the lihkos still survived every bombing run on low hp

by the end of the game randy had 60% attrition due to the insane lihko value and had dumped his entire economy into ineffective AA and lost the land war
+0 / -0
Also idk what Yogzototh is talking about with old cool air combat. My recollection was that fighters would slowly circle into each other's backsides and there was little difference in usage between the fighters.

bitch i have very good memory, we've had this exact discussion 5 years ago and i still stand by my point
Video in question; not hosted on youtube so cant embed
+1 / -0

4 years ago
As per the previous thread:
Dogfighting sure looks fucking cool and fun! Is it fun to use? No, not really. Why? Because there is simply no interaction. Because if one does interact then the units stop being effective at all
+0 / -0

4 years ago

saw this yesterday

randy built a screamer and spammed tridents but the lihkos still survived every bombing run on low hp

That reminds me, the anti-bait gadget may be near completion and being able to leave your Artemis on Fire At Will would certainly be a nerf to Likho. Perhaps it is best to wait until the gadget works before making too many changes.

bitch i have very good memory, we've had this exact discussion 5 years ago and i still stand by my point

I don't recall that video so it is probably from before my time. I was talking about later iterations. The video looks like a staged dogfight designed to show off effects rather than demonstrate how people would actually play the game with those parameters, or demonstrate whether people are able to control what is going on. The other people in the thread don't seem to think those fighters were actually usable in real games.

Frankly, with the attitude you're displaying, further posts won't do your cause any favours. That video is enough for anyone who is willing to put the work in to have a go at modding in some more interesting and workable fighter behaviour.
+2 / -0
I can stomach Likho being overpowered against ground, but the way it can also 1-shot large clumps of enemy fighter or gunship is pure bullshit.
+5 / -0

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog One of the riskiest parts of attempting a trade is having your bombers die before they even deal damage

What if you embraced the dive-bomber aspect of Raven? I'm not 100% sure how it behaves now but it could:

* Dive straight at the target (not sure if it does this or just lowers altitude?)
* Speed up during dive
* Slow down when pulling up
* Once it has entered a dive; Kamikaze the target if destroyed, doing full bomb damage (some damage and a fire would look cool, but Phoenix). Or it could enter an armored kamikaze phase after being "killed" (to give overwhelming AA the chance to stop it).
* It would probably need a nerf to damage or similar after this.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Raven doesn't have to dive to fire. There is a toggle. Here is a brief history.
  • Raven dropped a single high damage bomb like Phoenix.
  • Raven was given its current weapon to give it more overfly, the theory being it could be balanced such that it deals damage more reliably but also takes losses more often.
  • Raven was countered by shields because it flew just above them and missed units that were moving in tight circles.
  • People learnt that these issues could be circumvented by momentarily telling Raven to land near the target or inside the shield.
  • I embraced this as an automated mechanic, and added the dive system.

The current dive mechanic calculates how low Raven must dive, based on the target's size and max speed, in order to reliably hit it. It is extremely physics-based in this sense, as Raven dives because otherwise the parameters of its weapons would cause it to miss.

Once it has entered a dive; Kamikaze the target if destroyed, doing full bomb damage (some damage and a fire would look cool, but Phoenix). Or it could enter an armored kamikaze phase after being "killed" (to give overwhelming AA the chance to stop it).

I have a simpler idea. Just make the bomber fire a flat unguided rocket out of its nose, requiring it to dive, and force it into a slow straight climb after it fires the rocket. This makes it lock in damage early but also forces it to fly low over its target.

I have not tried to make such a rocket bomber, but someone else could have a go.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
raven could avoid all of this, if its missle was guided (probably partly? or low turn rate)
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Ravens dive to hit mobile units to accentuate the degree to which raiders and riots act as flex AA.

Raven dive isn't a problem that needs solving, it is a solution to a problem, and as with most solutions, the solution creates further (lesser) problem. "Remove dive" isn't a solution because now you're left with the old problems. In the case of a guided bomb, you're left with the problem of Raven destroying everything until enough dedicated AA is produced.
+0 / -0
Raven dive isn't a problem that needs solving

I don't know man

+1 / -0

4 years ago
Feel free to find alternate solutions to the underlying issues rather than just repeating "remove dive".
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I'm not qualified to propose solutions, but my proposal would be as above to split the Raven's function between two different units. Forward firing weapon for the 'accurate vs mobiles' unit, current raven weapon (with no dive) for the 'efficient vs statics' unit.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Little idea: Remove diving from raven, maybe increase accuracy. Then, to fill the gap left over - Add a new bomber that fires a drill-headed missile that wedges into the ground and becomes a highly explosive mine.

It is more specialized at dealing with non-jumping ground targets than raven, especially shields that the inert missile has penetrated. It also allows another defensive angle to plane factory, allowing them to deploy these bombs in their own territory at the expense of ammunition. Still useful when AA is too fierce - that's a plus.

Downside: it doesn't do well against other air units or sea units because the missile doesn't become a mine until hitting ground. This is where raven can continue to flourish.
+2 / -0

4 years ago

I don't think it looks ugly, clunky, or stupid at all. It looks graceful and terrifying. Death incarnate gliding effortlessly towards you, dipping low to personally deliver your inevitable doom.

+1 / -0

4 years ago
Graceful is not the word I would use
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Raven could drop a cluster of bombs so that it doesn't have to be so accurate.

I never liked the fact that Raven is an assassination/bunker buster type specialist. Feels like too specialized a role for what is basically the go-to bomber in the game. Giving such a role to a cheap bomber means it has to suck otherwise every game would end with a quick commander assassination. The fact that it has to suck so that it doesn't dominate the early game makes it hard to keep it relevant later on, when assassination is a lot less important.

Whereas with a cluster-type weapon, raven's usefulness would scale with the game's density, because the more units packed into an area, the better. Early on raven would make lots of low-impact runs, later on they would die more easily but make higher-impact runs.

Likho could take raven's role as the assassination/bunker buster type specialist. One might argue it already does, since as discussed Likho currently replaces raven past the early game (if you aren't a vet who knows what the're doing, at least)

+0 / -0

4 years ago
I'm not qualified to propose solutions, but my proposal would be as above to split the Raven's function between two different units.

You become qualified by modding in solutions to try them out, and when you make a mod for everyone to test it doesn't matter so much how informed your solution is. This is what I meant by 'finding' an alternate solution, actually going out and digging around to find the parameters and mechanics that create something reasonable.

It is more specialized at dealing with non-jumping ground targets than raven, especially shields that the inert missile has penetrated. It also allows another defensive angle to plane factory, allowing them to deploy these bombs in their own territory at the expense of ammunition. Still useful when AA is too fierce - that's a plus.

There was a mine bomber at one point, I think it was the Core counterpart to Thunderbird. It wasn't that great, but there is a lot of room to design a mine bomber so that doesn't mean that the idea can't work.

Raven could drop a cluster of bombs so that it doesn't have to be so accurate.

This could work, but I have two misgivings:
  • People will want a bomber that reliably assassinates targets, and would be forced to use whatever is most reliable if a reliable option doesn't exist. Leaving a Stardust on 10 HP due to a bad spread would suck. I'm not saying making such a bomber feel good to use is impossible, but it would involve a lot of tweaking of damage, AoE and spread so as to make it reliable against common targets.
  • Phoenix isn't that great at the moment, so why not rework it a bit rather than giving Raven a cluster bomb?
+3 / -0
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