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Anti-Air Artillery - doesn't friendly fire?

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So I've noticed that Anti-Air Artillery (AAA) (for those of you unfamiliar with military terms) does not hit friendly aircraft that get in the way unlike most weapons in this game. Is that just me? It makes playing Air much harder when the enemy team builds AAA and and it shoots at your aircraft while you're dog-fighting above it. Somehow weapons like Artemis, Thresher, Copperhead, and etc. with large AoE damage do not hit friendly aircraft at all. Meanwhile if a Likho or Phoenix shoots at enemy ground units near friendlies, then the friendly-fire is blatantly obvious.

Am I missing the AAA friendly-fire that does happen or is this working as intended?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Am I missing the AAA friendly-fire that does happen or is this working as intended?

I never tried to do dog fighting around tresher or ettin because it will be total suicide in 99,99% cases no matter if they friendly fire own air units.
+0 / -0
4 years ago

I never tried to do dog fighting around tresher or ettin because it will be total suicide in 99,99% cases no matter if they friendly fire own air units.

I don't try either, but sometimes the AAA is new to the area so it happens and I do chase down enemy bombers.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I'm pretty sure AA has friendly fire. It is probably just really hard to notice because it is easy to miss friendlies in 3D. Also, weapons try to not fire if they would hit a friendly. Set up a controlled example to test this.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
i can also confirm that AA does friendly fire.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I'll take your word for it as I don't know how to really test it - AAA turrets won't force fire at friendly units or the ground.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
1) The anti-air in this game is, for the most part, not artillery.

2) Military terminology for anti-aircraft weaponry is varied; AAA is one of many such terms used.

3) Trying to apply real-world terminology to a contrived computer game is an exercise in futility.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I've lost entire games due to Artemis friendly firing. If you're attacked by a Krow and try to defend against it with Hawks and an Artemis, the Hawk "AI" will get them all clumped up on the Krow and then they'll all die to your own Artemis.
+1 / -0