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3080 & 6800 XT Price to High

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Since nobody started to open a discussion regarding the prices for these products I am going to make a push so maybe I can actually find one at their actual price.

So from what I see the standard price for an NVIDIA 3080 vanilla card is 699$ and as for the 6800 XT is $649.
Can I ask what is wrong with this world and with all the scalpers?

I mean seriously look at the double prices for 6800 XT and the lack of stock:

And here is the might 3080 on the same level:

And this is not just Newegg, in Romania, these cards are even 10000 Ron which is almost 2500 $. Can I ask a player from China here what are the prices for the cards in their country? I would even come to visit China just to buy a card there since the transport won't even double the price of 650$ videocard.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
pro tip

don't buy the latest generation of graphics card if you have a problem with spending huge, disproportionate sums of money on a rapidly depreciating piece of hardware. Buy one generation behind and you won't have to pay the 300% "sucker tax"
+6 / -1
The problem is that production for basically everything got slowed to a crawl with CoViD-19, especially new electronics. It's the same reason why Playstation 5's are notoriously hard to find. I don't expect the situation to improve for a few months yet, and if you are really in the market for a new GPU urgently I'd go with USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng's advice and grab an RTX 2080 or 5800XT instead. Also, it's usually a lot cheaper for little drop in quality to get the RTX xx70 or x700XT instead of the xx80/x800XT models, since they are basically the same architecture, just with about 10% fewer active shader units.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
or just don't upgrate at all! I'm still rockin a 10 year old computer
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Not to mention cards are being bought off by miners, to them any price seems right in this crazy crypto year.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
As someone who was in the "bought a 2080TI right before 30XX series was announced" demographic, I kind of see the GPU market as fickle and treacherous as the iPhone market now. USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng totally has the right idea. Cutting edge is only that for five minutes.
+0 / -0