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I wrote some music for zk

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3 years ago
Hi Everyone,

Over the past month, I wrote and recorded some music for ZK in a style more in line with the sci-fi genre.

It's not done yet, but I wanted to get some feedback from the community before putting more money and time into it.

I hope you enjoy it and find it compliments the game well.

Let me know your thoughts or comments.

I appreciate any feedback though please don't make this a design by committee deal.

Thank you!

(Combat 1)
(Combat 2)
(Peace 1)
(Title Screen)

+23 / -0
Wow, it's well done! Maybe try add some distortion guitars and in future compositions(?). Please continue!

P.s.: I have some favorite tracks for ZK, for example KR Hyperblast Redux - Unreal Tournament 2004 as orient and also Assassin's Creed OST sounds very atmospheric. =)

+5 / -0

3 years ago
RUrankFantasyZero - Thanks for the suggestion! Yeah, I've tried some distortion/overdriven guitar (of course, guitar is like my bread and butter) but always felt it overpowered the orchestra a bit, and can't take it away once I introduced it (which makes looping music weird if Shaman actually wants to extend the Spring engine to make the music even more dynamic). Regardless, I'll keep trying, do you have a song you had in mind for an example?

I like the example of the UT track you sent, it feels a good blend of orchestral with electronica.
+3 / -0
3 years ago
You lack dynamism in music, perhaps you should look at the genre of epic music.

+0 / -0

3 years ago
Thanks for the feedback RUrankizirayd.

I assume you mean dynamics.

Are you referring to the actual volume, instrument variety, emotional tone or something else?
+1 / -0
I think what Izirayd means is "drive", some drums and faster parts. Just a guess.

About that weak feeling when you introduce guitars and take them away, I know that very well, but I think this is a thing of bias. One somehow has to thin out the arrangement at some point and after a while, it won`t sound that bad anymore, especially if the context (game) gives your brain a good explanation why things happen in the music.

If the guitar is overpowering, it might be either a problem in the arrangement or the mix.
If you like I can try to polish the mix after you finished, I mix for about 15 years now, and it`s often beneficial to have a fresh set of ears.
That said, don`t get me wrong. It actually sounds really good already, I am not sure there is anything I can do to make it better, but I could give it a try.

+2 / -0
DErankkatastrophe, fresh ears are always a good thing!

Ears with some music/mixing background are even better!

Collaborating is honestly the most fun part of this process, so let me know what you need.

Hell, even for composition, if you're interested, I'd love to collaborate.

I agree with you on the energy/drive front and I've been trying to figure out how to do it better.

My latest attempt is on the newest track (peace 2) on the thread from yesterday, I tried to address the energy issue you pointed out by using irregular time (13/8) or (3+3+3+4 if you count along), alternated accent patterns, and staggering the introduction of different drums (taiko then toms). My hope is that it stays rhythmically interesting even on repeated listen while being accessible enough to not need music theory to bop your head along.

At the end of the new title track last commander, I brought in the lone taiko drum rhythm used in peace 1 to help bridge that menu song to peace 1 or even any combat theme.

Ideally, I'd like to complete at least:

1 title
3 peace
3 combat
1 victory
1 defeat

If people like it and want more, then yeah more to come. I would love to write leitmotifs for every factory type and let them weave in and out of a game session dynamically. That would be so awesome.
+4 / -0

3 years ago
for every factory type

That would be really cool!
And awesome work so far!
+2 / -0
3 years ago
I like some of these especially the 2nd one however I have a few problems,

they sound kind of anti climactic/not dramatic compared to the original zero k music
and the title screen one sounds kinda basic like a game i would play on an app store instead of capturing the melodic futurism and soft space music that we hear in zero k
+1 / -0
USrankSentinelComanche, thanks for the feedback and great points.

This more recent post with updated tracks might address some of your points.

You did bring up some good discussion topics though.

I think Denny Schneidemesser or Grégoire Lourme themselves would change their writing style if hired to write specifically for ZK.

Their music became synonymous/reified with ZK because of repetition, and not necessarily because it told the story of ZK or anything inherently Sci-Fi.

Put a slightly different way, if you never heard their music with ZK and had to guess the genre, I think you'd be hard pressed to answer. Hence their work is epic, but not necessarily futuristic or sometimes even appropriate for ZK.

The most egregious example of a nice composition horribly shoehorned in for the sake of variety is "A Whole World on Paper", which seems more like a Chinese opera's backstage circa early industrial era vice robots duking it out.

For the title track, I wanted to be reserved. If everything is epic - nothing is. Menu music that screams epic from the get go tend to fall more in the cheap app camp you're talking about since they feel insecure about their content and need to artificially pump.

The realistic scenario for our main menu is you're either waiting in the lobby for the next game to start or jumping in to spectate within the first 2 minutes. You don't want horns blaring at you every single time you open the game, it gets old and annoying. The lobby is not epic, in fact, it's downright boring before the fight. That being said, the epic part of the song kicks in 2 minutes after a while, which feels more fitting. Subsequence tracks could be variations of combat themes that uses the taiko drums in tribal patterns (ie like Halo).

Games I took main menu music philosophy from: Spec Ops: The Line, Halo: CE, Starcraft: BW, Far Cry.
+4 / -0
(merged with above)
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Accidentally found music track that fits well... 😀 Oh fine old Tyrian.

+2 / -0