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Arena Mod


Maintained by USrankPetTurtle
Last updated 18 months ago
Created 4 years ago
download JSON metadata of zkarena

removed terraform for caretakers
turrets require to be built around capped mex
turrets need power to function
hq can build solar/wind

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3 years ago
+0 / -0

3 years ago

removed terraform for caretakers
turrets require to be built around capped mex
turrets need power to function
hq can build solar/wind
+4 / -0

3 years ago
Units can pass through the HQ, which allows someone to safely park their units inside someone else's HQ and deal almost uncounterable damage. See http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1277873
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Well mach that has halways been the case with arena mod, but idk if it's intentional that solars produce no energy grid? Are you meant to make solars just around a mex to power turrets?
+0 / -0

3 years ago
more importantly perhaps: Our economy stopped in that linked game
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Why remove being able to build radar
+1 / -0
3 years ago
USrankPetTurtle dude. dont. you crippled this mod, it was cute, but you made it unplayable constant grind... in militaries theres a rule of 7 entities. no commander has 7 entities on its head, all else is delegated away to sub commanders. because people go apeshit when they have to deal with more than that. you crippled this mod by removing porc that offloaded thinking about stuff to enjoy this game, and made it a grind...
+0 / -1

3 years ago
This mod would be perfect with some unit hotkeys. it kind of sucks having to spawn via clicking the units on the top. Also, is there any way to see what units are available for each level? I feel like I dump way too much money for leveling up the unit selection for a unit that may already be in the pool, or I dump too much money rolling for units that aren't available yet..
+0 / -0

3 years ago
The git repo isn't up-to-date with the version in-game. Repo is 1.0.5, in-game is 1.0.7
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Awesome mod!

+0 / -0

2 years ago
I have a suggestion in order to get rid of the movement inside HQ exploit. We have the black hole generator from the placeholder. We can use that feature in a reverse way where it expells the units which are trying to go inside it or, if they are already inside it.

Jacks/Outlaws and other units if dropped from the air can go inside the HQ and because of that other units can't reach to kill them no matter what. So time to develop a reverse black hole generator that propulsate units away?

I know we have the newton gun, but it works as a single-line gun and can't reach inside hitboxes. In other words a newton reverse wave cannon/ reverse black hole generator that repels units will bring new things to vanilla Zero-K but will also remove the exploit we have right now with the HQs.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
pls remove ravens
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Also as INrankTheWarning mentions, Ravens should be in the most upper-tier present, same goes for the small ship transport.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
+1 on removing Ravens or upping the tier.

Also please consider reverting the energy and defense changes. I think this has removed what was fun about this game mode, and now it is much more tedious to play.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
At the same time, the economy is a bit weird, since a lot of players don't know that you can cluster wind generators which can give 1/3 more metal income if used properly. I would remove Economy with wind generators entirely and add an option where it builds underground fusion for overdrive (non visible on the map but gets destroyed with metal extractor at the same time)
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Any chance an AI could be made to play this mode? I think if it was possible to play against AI a lot more arena rooms would happen.
+1 / -0

14 months ago
Could there be a version where units can't walk inside HQs and mexes?
+0 / -0

11 months ago
There is an exploit to generate infinite metal, by spawning discounted units then reclaiming them. As Jiggles abused thoroughly in that game:

Here's the fix:
https://www.toptal.com/developers/paste-gd/DwhyvSqT at line 252
It will set the reclaim amount relative to how much it cost to the player
Replace file area_hqs.lua with it.

+0 / -0
10 months ago
Units can glitch inside of Arenas.
+0 / -0

10 months ago
Here's the fix I mentioned above on a more permanent link:
+0 / -0