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should moderators be more susceptible to raiders?

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3 years ago
I've noticed how moderators kind of shred almost everything, even air. They are seen as skirmishers, but they kite even groups of light units such as glaives very well. Just my personal opinion, I think because of moderators slowing effect from its beam, in return should lower its movement speed a little to even stuff out and bring it out as a bit more of an "anti-heavy support" skirmisher.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
Moderators are riot because everything in JJ is riot, because there is no riot in JJ.

Scalpel though has no excuse now that Claymore is a valid ground riot.
+2 / -0
3 years ago
The moderator is a weak unit due to its attack radius. Moderators ded from fleas. A large group of glaives will kill the moderators. To be honest, I haven't seen moderators being used effectively for a long time. And the jump facroty is not used in 1 on 1.
+5 / -1

3 years ago
i'm in this post and i don't like it.
+2 / -0
I absolutely agree with izirayd here, and at the moment they seem quite balanced, especially in 1v1. From a teams game mode standpoint, though, its a bit different. The reason I am bringing this up is that I see tons of people trying to counter moderators how they would skirmishers. About an hour ago in Teams All Welcome I had a game where I was using moderators against a blue ranking player using cloakbots, He had quite a few slings, but the moderators were just fast enough to not get hit at all. He then brought up that he disliked moderators after the game ended, and this is not an uncommon occurrence. Normally, though, I would see a large group of glaives, or fleas, but the moderators nine out of ten times make it back to safety unharmed.

I just think moderators could use a very slight movement speed nerf to make them just a little less resistant to artillery and raiders, even as just an experiment, if it makes them too weak, then a range buff along with the speed nerf might work.

Here is the game I was speaking of, absolutely not a great example, also being a 6 minute game, but its the most recent. http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1151227. I acknowledge that I could be wrong about this all, but I think its definitely worthy of experimenting with a little.
+1 / -0
I'm not sure how the result of one blue being overwhelmed by two blues in a 6v7 on a 1v1 map can really say anything about moderator as a unit.
+0 / -0
that is why I said it wasn't a great example, if you have a better example, please share it.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
- moderators are quite expensive and made of paper
- cloaky is bad against jump in general, firewalker is also really bad for cloak

i personally think jumps should just not exist and we would avoid tons of bs in the balance, but i seem to share this opinion whit EErankAdminAnarchid almost exclusively.
+0 / -0