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Ladder reset suggestion re-visited

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3 years ago
Observing the upcoming players and the ladder in my absence, I can't help but noticing that ladder parking is still very much an unsolved problem. What I mean by ladder parking is having a high rating and maintaining your spot on the leaderboard via 1 game a month or so. Currently, I'm (unintentionally) doing it, and there are a few other players on there that I don't want to "accuse" of doing it but, do exist.

One angle to the issue is that it denies lower down players the ability to actually make solid upwards trajectory into areas of rating that have already been expanded into and above. In order to climb, you actually need to be able to face those opponents that will net you a rewarding sum once you're on par with them.

There are more angles I could discuss again like inflated old elo, or how it would be new and exciting to have a reset - but we've covered that ground before.

Just wanted to see whether it was an idea that's on the cards at all.
+4 / -0
3 years ago
While there are some fairly inactive people in the ladder, I don't feel that it's very hard to climb the rankings if you are good. Look at the recent climbs of myself, RiposteR and especially day (randy_fan). Also, there's less than 200 people "active" on ladder, so this may weed that number down even further, which might have problems for people that get their color from MM or make the top 20/50 more meaningless.
+6 / -0
3 years ago
I agree that there are enough active players to climb the ladder. Resets go against the idea of WHR and would only make ratings less accurate. We already have ladder exclusion and rating decay.
+3 / -0
3 years ago
Have to agree with Dave, if I look back at the last few month I feel like I (and Masper who rose pretty much in lookstep with me) had no problems rising through the ranks due to what Dregs described ( I sometimes tripped myelf up by trying new things which caused me to drop a bit until i got the hang of it, but that is like it is supposed to be)

The root of the problem that Dregs describes seems very much alive though, too many people obsessed with ranks/elo.
No use!!!
Focus on having fun and improving your play, elo will follow automatically.

"...for people that get their color from MM... "

Is there any such player?

If anything this is what should be changed/adjusted. It's ridiculous that f.e. DanWarior is still silver when hes one spot ahead of Psaniac who could go purple any time(dont mind cabinboy or Psaniac being purple, but clearly Dan is much stronger then quite a few blues).
I dont think I ever saw an account where color was decided by mm rank.

Finally, perhaps we should rather discuss at what pointintentionally lowering your elo becomes problematic for the community? Because this is most certainly happening.
I dont care that much in 1v1 or FFA but at some point that could influence Lobpot balance quite drastically.
+3 / -0

3 years ago
we need a New Numbers November where all games are tracked additionally on a new ladder for the month of november, and we can immortalize the top players.
+5 / -0

3 years ago
think that even if you reset the ladders the same ppl will end up in roughly the same spots after a few months.i like steel_blue idea and would not mess whr more than it is.WHR is more of a historical elo system and i dont think it will behave very well if you remove that history
+3 / -0

3 years ago
* shakes tin cup *


Elo for the poor!

Have a heart, kind gentlemen!
+6 / -0

3 years ago
being poor is a blessing. you will understand when you get purple.
+2 / -0

3 years ago
being poor is a blessing. you will understand when you get purple.

the rich always say this!
+5 / -0

3 years ago

I would not hesitate to give 66% of my current rating to ZArankAstran. Maybe you can do it with your black-admin-ritual-powa...
+1 / -0

3 years ago
the rich always say this!

Yeah, those rich in MONEY, that can actually make things happen for you. High Rating cannot buy you anything. It`s like additional weight you carry with you, because your pride tells you others should see your achievements.
+1 / -0
Maybe you can do it with your black-admin-ritual-powa...

Your occult freedom from noblesse oblige would last only a few precious minutes until WHR recalculates it from your history.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
A wise Firepluk once told me: low elo is a blessing and then he made some reference to the Matrix. I'm still getting potato teams though grrr
+2 / -0

3 years ago
My mantra about team-rating: statistics, not any measurement.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
A wise Firepluk once told me: low elo is a blessing and then he made some reference to the Matrix.

low elo is bliss
+1 / -0