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Thicker Lines

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3 years ago
Range lines and lines that connect commands are so thin that they're hard to see if the map has a similar color. Can we make them thicker?
+3 / -0

3 years ago
Maybe this is something cmdcolors.txt can do. Or perhaps this is an engine feature request.

Defenses ranges are drawn by a widget, so that is a PR.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
I think all these lines are widgets. It would be an easy fix to make a settings for line width. I believe some of them have a transparency setting, but that is the opposite direction. The feature I want in this is context aware line width/alpha. If I have a air unit selected, the opponent’s AA lines should be more visible. The orders of my selected units should be more visible then my team’s orders.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
I changed the widgets "Defense Range Zero-K" and "Show selected unit range" to have a thicker linewidth of 3 for defense ranges and selected units. 3 seems to be a good thickness for everything. I hereby publish those changed versions under the terms of GNU GPL v2. The following linewidths are unaffected by this: Constructors' build ranges, range preview when placing buildings, missile ranges, lines that connect commands. The recent antinuke line width increase to 5 is considered.

Should I make PRs for such changes in the future? It just seemed to be faster this way and I wouldn't be sure if the PRs would be accepted.

To use a custom version of a default widget, do the following: [Spoiler]
+1 / -0

2 years ago
I'm working in similar direction and found useful to assign a hotkey to temporarily (while it's pressed) make specific lines thicker, e.g.:

if spGetPressedKeys()[spGetKeyCode("f5")] then
<draw something>
+0 / -0