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issues with drag building grid

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i spoke to googlefrog about this last night, but decided to make a forum post anyway
drag building is very frustrating. i wish there was a way to have automatic spacing, so i can just drag and the game sets the distance to be perfect for the grid to be connected. manually adjusting it is hard, because you cant see what the grid will look like while dragging:

you can also see that the only grid circle weirdly positions towards the cursor rather than being on the solar
sometimes it's extra hard to see depending on the map color:

additionally, you have to change the spacing on uneven terrain, because using the same spacing can result in grid being disconnected:

these winds were built using the exact same spacing.
and of course there are cases where you might want to change the spacing of solars and winds (solar walls, tidal farms), so you'd have to go through all of this again if you ever want to use them to build grid again. or you can do a shorter 'safe' spacing which would guarantee a grid, but then your units may not be able to pass through and it would take longer to reach the mexes
Ive seen this also plague new players, as they fairly often fail to build a connected grid this way
+3 / -0

2 years ago
The fundamental issue is that spacing uses orthogonal distance as that is how the build grid works. This is ripe for a widget that changes build spacing for energy structures on the fly depending on the angle of the line. It's a bit tricky because the line build system is an engine thing and there aren't any handy callins to do with it.

Grid ranges are 2D so terrain isn't an issue.
+2 / -0
Simple fix would be for grid to connect with squares instead circles... But that's heresy! Imho a tool for area grid connect which is being developed is a better solution to this problem.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Who is developing that tool? It is on my list of widgets, but if someone else has started it, maybe I could help.
+1 / -0