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Unit with push mechanic

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2 years ago
Is there any chance to get a unit with old archer push mechanic back ? This unit was really fun. The Jugglenaut is too expensive to built a lot of them. How about about a mobile version of the Newton which can be morph from the newton. In my opinion this would bring new and unique tactics, which you can not find in other RTS.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
You can discuss it with me and we'll see about adding it to my mod.
+0 / -0
the Hover Spear.

This bulky unit will block most of Hover's direct fire weaponry, but aims to ensure that Hover units can keep distance with enemy units. It's a slow moving fixed weapons platform that can only fire it's gravity cannons in a narrow forward arc to repel enemy units. It must turn to face whatever it fires at. In a battle sense, spears are meant to deal with sword welders by keeping them at range with their long spear rods.

The forward arc makes this unit unable to do much of anything against planes or units on hills. It's best on the flat plane or the open water.

Note: the spammy archer thing has legit ingame physics problems, like permalocking a goliath in place.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
can we have a singu bomb (skutte style, licho impulse)?
+0 / -1
60k infinite range meganewton that can even push buildings.

Enough said.
+1 / -0
Note: the spammy archer thing has legit ingame physics problems, like permalocking a goliath in place.

A thing that moves/teleports a target away rather than accelerate it away would probably not have those issues, and you could even do it in waves.
+0 / -0
+1 / -0