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Firepluk Cultists Recruitment: All Noobs Welcome

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2 years ago
My team entering the 3v3 tourney tomorrow (link), the Firepluk Cultists, is open for recruitment.

I need 2 more members. All noobs welcome! And anyone else for that matter.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
I (KIBO) am up for this. Hopefully I'm good enough.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Now youll have to nux rush or you wont be worthy of that name.
+1 / -0
Hot dang, @Lightzerve, welcome aboard!


Now youll have to nux rush or you wont be worthy of that name.

As cultists, we can not dream of equaling Firepluk's dramatics. That won't stop us from trying though.
+2 / -0
Thank you, USrankSkrid. Add me on discord: Lightzerve#6926
+1 / -0
2 years ago
count me in. long live the nuke rush
+2 / -0

2 years ago

count me in.

Excellent, now we have a full team. Glad to have you PLrankrookstoo.


long live the nuke rush

glory to Firepluk.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Is sfireman not around anymore?
+1 / -0

2 years ago

Is sfireman not around anymore?

Sadly, no. Firepluk got banned multiple times and eventually he requested to have his account redacted.

Here was his clan http://zero-k.info/Clans/Detail/2196

Also related events

Though Firepluk is gone we as cultists strive to carry on his legacy.
+4 / -0
2 years ago
Interesting that when you click on the RUFL clan history, you can still sorta view Firepluk's old account info - his awards, level, and rank. Whereas in other parts of the forum it is completely redacted.
+2 / -0
He essentially left after receiving the following permanent warning.
Due to your years-long history of incessantly belittling teammates and complaining about other players, the moderators have decided to revoke the benefit of the doubt when reviewing your communications. There is now a zero tolerance policy, applied to you specifically, for negative and unhelpful comments. Do not, for example, mark "wtf" on a choice made by a teammate, put "gg" on a teammate in trouble, call people names, or complain about how you think your team has failed. Attempts to find the line by 'being ambiguous' or 'joking' will be met with similar penalties. So will complaints about the restrictions or attempts to stir up drama - you had your chance to uphold the basic standards of communication that are maintained by most other players.
The tone of team games has improved since. Re-read old threads if you have to know more, rather than reopen the topic to people spouting whatever rumor or misinterpretation they heard about it. Accurate recollection fades with time.
+9 / -1

Due to your years-long history of incessantly belittling teammates and complaining about other players, the moderators have decided to revoke the benefit of the doubt when reviewing your communications. There is now a zero tolerance policy, applied to you specifically, for negative and unhelpful comments. Do not, for example, mark "wtf" on a choice made by a teammate, put "gg" on a teammate in trouble, call people names, or complain about how you think your team has failed. Attempts to find the line by 'being ambiguous' or 'joking' will be met with similar penalties. So will complaints about the restrictions or attempts to stir up drama - you had your chance to uphold the basic standards of communication that are maintained by most other players.

Jesus Christ,

dear admins, due to following, since effective immediately in official manner i herby inform you that all my communications henceforth shall happen only through my lawyer. in perpetuity all communications without my lawyer being present in spectator lobby are to be considered legally nonbinding work of fiction and/or for entertainment and educational purposes only. so help me god and/or knock on wood.

this shit happens all the time you singled him out on personal reasons citing these technicalities.
reality cannot be hidden behind words.

+2 / -2
this shit happens all the time you singled him out on personal reasons citing these technicalities.
reality cannot be hidden behind words.

For all the words in that warning, the message is indeed very simple: "Stop being disrespectful to other players". The words do not and should not hide that reality.

As far as I remember, the only reason why the warning is any longer than that is so that Firepluk and other members of the community would hopefully be more likely to understand what the word "disrespectful" was referring to.

keep up the good work gentlemen, and youll be left with only "pros" and no new guys, or fork will happen becasue of this...

In the year and a half since Firepluk chose to leave, as best I can tell from the charts there has not been a meaningful decrease in the retention of new players.

As measured by the number and seriousness of reports, the Teams All Welcome room has become a more pleasant and less toxic place to be.

To quote the Code of Conduct:
The goal of the Zero-K moderation team is to do the right thing by the Zero-K project. This goal includes but is not necessarily limited to:
  • Generally making the Zero-K community a fun place for people to hang out and play the game.

According to our best judgement at the time, and according to what we can see now, giving that warning to Firepluk was a net positive for this goal. I don't think there is much to discuss beyond that.
+5 / -2


In the year and a half since Firepluk chose to leave, as best I can tell from the charts there has not been a meaningful decrease in the retention of new players.

As measured by the number and seriousness of reports, the Teams All Welcome room has become a more pleasant and less toxic place to be.

yeah. bc all who were alive already left and only yesmen stayed who are complacent to this. kinda like in california people going to texas..

you have game users, you chased off contributors who, rightfully, dont want to put effort in this. we already spoke about this when i offered you chance to get zk attached to major linux distros by cooking yall a proper one click installer based on gtk toolkit alone and a simple movie with preview on what zk is about instead of installation procedure and hogging 300mb of mono libs for it that no distro will attach in the right mind for this single zk thing alone to their iso. this thing is not the contributer friendly rich atmosphere of tauniverse...

i seen some cool projects die off like that because of this.. kinda sucks to see it go, and im not the only one seeing this. other people notice it too.

for same reason im seting up a pitch for aviation corpo, or if it will fail i might dust off some prev design of dune buggy to haul my ass to texas to setup shop whith them... as backup i can also do pro cooking for any vegan restaurant, and do proish blender 3d for 1st world while anchored on sailboat in mexico/bahamas/indonesia tho an aviation corpo would be cooler i think than that...


because of this approach to policing you have people who have no other choice, and not the ones who chose you as a first thing. this crumbles away quickly.
+2 / -0
2 years ago
where do i sign up?
+1 / -0

2 years ago

where do i sign up?

ATrankNanoPirate, unfortunately the signup for the Firepluk Cultists is expired since the tourney is over. However, if you'd like to join the Wurmpl clan, I welcome you to start going through the recruitment process.
I screen all applicants.
+1 / -0